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Everything posted by dannepro1

  1. will you able to own a gas station.
  2. transport ideas

    will it be taxi in the game. you can have taxi if not you have a car or have taken drugs Or have been drinking. 18/5000 Or have been drinking
  3. Will it be boats in the game If yes, will you be able to own one or work at one
  4. When you own a farm do you need to Plow the fields, Watering the fields As you do in a reality farm.
  5. can the swat team Invade a criminels apartment, like kick in the door.
  6. cars

    when you get in to a car will it be like My summer car the game ore will it be more like Arma 3
  7. will it be so you can shop down trees (if you own a house in the woods) And get money from it by selling it to the furniture store.