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About who_am_i

  • Birthday June 24

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  1. Questions and Stuff about the game

    Thanks for the reply, Sounds great.
  2. Questions and Stuff about the game

    This sounds like a great game. I searched the forums and couldn't find any answers to some questions i have: 1) Will there be cell phones to purchase to contact other players rather than hear them across the map like in other games? I just think you shouldn't be able to hear someone unless in close range, and police and organized crime will need their privacy. And will the phone be traced (registered) to a player? If so, will there be burner phones? 2) If yes to #1, will the police force be able to tap phones and if so, will they need a court order? 3) Will response time for police be as fast as they can get there, or will they teleport if accepting the call? 4) What will the jail sentence time be (min to max)? And are visitors allowed? 5) What will the game start you with (money, apartment etc)? 6) Will there be patents on items created or can i mass produce someones design? 7) Will there be criminal records kept on people for the police and or public? 8) If i die in battle whether I'm police or criminal, what will be the repercussion? Found answer in FAQ 9) Will you be able to hide your identity (name tag) if you wear a mask?--- Found answer in FAQ