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  1. Create Your Identity

    Name: James HenryAge: 29From (City, Country): Seattle, WashingtonAppearance (Body, Face): Pale, dark hair, brown eyes.Attire: Nothing specific.Job: LawyerDetail of House: Nothing too big, pretty small apartment.Detail of Car/ Vehicle: I ride a bike.Personality: Intelligent and reserved.Background: Got into law once he had to defend his brother, Daren when no other lawyer would accept him. When he won the case, he gained a scholarship to one of the greatest law schools in the Western U.S. Later, he moved to North Carolina before finally settling down on the island Identity takes place.
  2. Question

  3. Question

    Will I still be able to buy the Founder's pack and have beta access later even if I buy it after the first module is released? This is a game I've wanted for so long, but I'd like to see some more gameplay before I spend my money.