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Everything posted by Knagis

  1. Renting out apartments.

    Hi Identity forum peepz Is it possible to rent out the apartments thats for sale on the shop? For example. i already have the 1 bedroom lux apartment. Would i be able to buy lets say 5x studio, and rent them out?
  2. Renting out apartments.

    I buy em with IRL money, and rent out for ingame money :)=
  3. Investor

    Hello everyone, to start of i would like to apologize for my poor English.. English is not my native language and therefore u might experience a few spelling errors in this text, please bare with me.. With that said i would like to introduce myself, i am a 23 Year old Truck driver from Denmark, i have always wanted a game like Identity, and my dream seems to have come real.. Once Identity, depending on the system, i am expecting to Throw in 1000 USD. into Ingame cash. therefore i am looking for companies to invest in, so in case you are a CEO of a company in need of Investments please let me know, and we might start a partner ship. Knagis Peter Madsen
  4. Poll - When do you think the Module will be out?

    Of course people are starting to give up. The bar has been stuck at 89% for i dont know how many weeks know. And if you dont follow their twitch, u get absolutely no updates what so ever.. The prob just took our money and went on a looooong holiday..
  5. Investor

    This sounds like the best way to keep this game a non "pay2win" game, but still offer the posibility for the players that really wish to start of their cashflow, by getting extra Ingame money at start.
  6. Updated List of Services Provided by DollaBank LLC.

    Sounds interresting, but also very RISKY. What are you gonna do incase people get banned for lets say? use of cheats? Or what if people simple stops playing right after they borrowed 300k?
  7. So is it possible to buy apartments for IRL money, and then rent them out for ingame money?
  8. Morgage? Rent?

    So when this HOPEFULLY awesome game is released. i expect to get my hands on all the money i can possible buy in this game, to buy up a huge ammount of flats etc. to rent out. But what do you guys think the prices are gonna be to buy for example a 2 room flat?
  9. Morgage? Rent?

    Noooo i will not belive it
  10. Morgage? Rent?

    Thats a bummer for me then
  11. Investor

    Are you sure that there is no way you can buy ingame cash? Games like these pretty much always has an "ingame store" thats sells virtuel goods for IRL cash. If not, i bet you other players are willing to sell.