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Everything posted by BuckGup

  1. VR Support

    I know as a dev this is probably the last thing you are thinking about but it would completely change the feel of the game. Most would probably view it as a more glorified DarkRP. Adding in VR then you get to a different level. People who battle social problems or lack self confidence will retreat to Identity to live out who they actually want to be not bound by what others think of them. Sounds epic and is a lot of work but would defiantly make history and news headlines. Keep up the good work!
  2. VR Support

    As far as I can tell that's your problem not the devs
  3. VR Support

    I guess it's almost or already done. They aren't really that expensive once you think about it. Sure not everyone has $699 to throw at a VR headset but then they have something to save their money for