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Posts posted by LuckyDuck

  1. Q: Modding Support?
    A: We're exploring this as a possibility, but a decision regarding mods likely won't be reached until several years after the full game is out.

    (Several Meaning 5 or 6 and so that is how many years likely after release).

    Please lets focus on the more important thing first and that is to get the full game. Modding won't be needed at the start because there will be plenty things to do. I am not against modding but I think the devs content should be at least used well and a lot before ever modding the game being possible.

    IMO I agree with "Bodhi" about it is not needed yet and well shouldn't be added straight away anyways.

    • ver.1.22474487139 2

  2. No,  there will be no unmarked police cars or uniforms for cops. Modding won’t come for several years after the full game.


    On 6/7/2018 at 6:36 PM, Jordan824 said:

    Will you guys create addons for custom servers, where unmarked vehicles plain clothes can be used ?


    Q: Modding Support?
    A: We're exploring this as a possibility, but a decision regarding mods likely won't be reached until several years after the full game is out.

    (Several = ~3 or more) So don't expect it for at least a few years after full game release.

  3. Guys, the new website is pretty much finished but until the Credit Card Company sort out their end of things, that is out of the devs hands. They waited around 3 weeks or more for anything and "John/ Paratus" is still trying to sort it out with them as yes it is only their part in which needs to be done to have the website ready to launch.

    You might ask why does it matter about that CC company? Well it matters because the new website promised that their would be more payment options, for those who cannot pay using Paypal or a card. This is why it is important and well it is the company who are being slow on doing their part for the devs.

    I hope this helps answer the concerns/ questions.



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  4. 4 hours ago, Jordan824 said:

    About how much will private servers be monthly ? Also will private server support mods in the full release ?

    Q: Modding Support?
    A: We're exploring this as a possibility, but a decision regarding mods likely won't be reached until several years after the full game is out.

    Private servers will be affordable, but we have no price estimate yet because it is way too early for that.

  5. 1 minute ago, Identitatem said:

    Just so I don't get this wrong; there can not be more than a single instance of John, as an example, on a server?  The first name must be unique and singular?  So, first come, first serve?

    So far yes Only 1 John

  6. 17 minutes ago, Pasat98 said:

    Isnt the beta access released yet?


    No. Click the tracker link which Olio provided above.

    it goes as follows:

    1. 1. Town Square (Module 1),
    2. 2. S.W.A.T. (Module 2).
    3. 3. Racing (module 3),
    4. 4. Beta,
    5. 5. Full Game.

    We are at Stage one (In Development)

  7. 1 hour ago, ActorNickSchu said:

    Hey there team! My name's Nick Schu! I'm really excited for this Town Square module. I just had a couple quick questions. I purchased the speed demon package and was wondering if that will be redeemable in the module? And if I can apply to be a cop in the module or have to wait for the full release of the game?

    Thanks again for all you are doing.

    -Nick Schu 

    2. 1. No vehicles until Module 3
    3. 2. You will be able to use the apartment with that package.
    4. 3. Police won't be really coming until the Beta and full release which are after the modules.
    5. 4. The second module is the s.w.a.t. module and is where it will be competitive play between cops and criminals (Team game-mode sort of scenarios)
    • ver.1.22474487139 1
    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  8. 20 minutes ago, Bushido0 said:

    I wonder why this would be the case. Like I understand if the developers think it is a minor thing and don't want to include it in the original release of the full game. But it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibilities, they have done and said they're doing much more ambitious things. I can think of a few games that have the feature already. Sims 3 and 4 have the ability to lose weight, gain muscle and muscular definition. GTA 5 seems to have the ability to get more in-shape. I think the ability to do it is there, but they just need to decide whether it's worth the work and setback time or not I suppose.

    I wonder, though, if they are not going to include the ability to change the body of your character through work at the gym and their diets, will they instead make it that either:
    A. You get buffs/special abilities from using the gym. I.e. More endurence so you can run longer or faster. Stronger so you can hit harder in a fight? Something like that?
    B. If they will have a relatively in-depth body customization in the 'create-a-character' phase?

    A lot of the planned features will come shortly after the full release. They do want that sort of thing but it is currently out of the scope. A update adding the feature is just as good (IMO).

  9. If you have got the Founder package then you will be getting a steam key when Town Square launches. Citizen's will get a key at full game release.

    You will see the steam store page on the Modules release but you cannot purchase the game on steam before the full game release. The only way you can purchase the game is via the store page on this website.

  10. 1 minute ago, DeathcLock said:

    yeah the main part of my suggestion is the dorm part, cause i mean its a thing i'd like my private community to have, basically students getting dorms if accepted

    Could be something, but I know it won't be a thing at release.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Jellyjiggler12 said:

    So I just have to pledge the citizen package again? And after that then how do I know I’ll be able to play?

    Or what do I get for just paying the $15?


    1. 1. $15 = full game on release
    2. 2. $30 = Modules, Beta and full game. You will get a email when the first module is ready.
    3. 3. Anything above $30 USD has extras

  12. 1 hour ago, DeathcLock said:

    I'd basically like to suggest a map area that will be an Academy like with spaces for lectures, etc and also have dorms to live in that area, that way the students attending to the academy could optionally live in the academy

    1 hour ago, ShiEksdee said:

    As someone who is eternally interested in university type life, I have to agree with this suggestion. Player-run campuses and classes would be one of the sweetest features ever. Could turn this game into a mini-school for some! ; u;

    There are universities already, they are mainly for RP purposes also.

  13. 1 hour ago, Cstove said:

    I know how incredibly busy you guys are right now trying to finish TS and get the new site out asap.  However I feel doing more Identity insiders would be very beneficial to the whole community, and to bringing in new members!  Create more insiders that go into detail on certain features and mechanics of the game, and maybe more game play insiders like the housing one, that show something specific in detail.  The TS live stream last week was awesome, and was just what we needed for re-assurance.  So doing Identity insiders maybe once every couple of months would be great for the community! @Beach_Ball @Motown @Paratus


    They plan to on the new website.

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  14. 1 minute ago, johannes67890 said:


    i'm thinking about if players are going to be able to  report players for harassment in-game. Like if a player was repeatedly harassed all the time by fx saying "I Hope you die in real life" and other mean stuff. Will the player the be able to report him and get him banned?

    just a quick question :)


    You can report players but it is hard to prove someone is doing / saying stuff like that and also it is not a reason for a game ban. However a smaller punishment yes, On Private servers, the rules are up to the ones who run the servers. Something hard to prove will maybe get the person a warning or a kick but there is not really anything that can be done for that sort of stuff on Official servers.

    I could be wrong but this would be decided in the future if anything.

  15. On 6/1/2018 at 7:23 PM, Mikusiodaktyl said:

    Roadblocks huh? Not sure about these, but if you mean spikes and blocking the road with a couple of cars... still no, as the guy will just avoid it or turn around, lmao. Maybe police interceptors will be able to keep on with sports, but I'm not so sure about supers, so for such instances alittle more powerful pursuit car should be an option. But I could be wrong here, as we have very little information about this topic, so we are all just guessing.. but devs will surely balance stuff out I hope.

    To out smart a criminal in his super car.

    1. 1. communication between different officers around to set up a perimeter of road blocks, so that he can turn around but can't get away from the area. 
    2. 2. Even if you chase him constantly and keep on his tail, he will have to refuel his "Super Car" and so you can just get other officers to meet you at different points or take over the pursuit and refuel and then go back etc.
    3. You have many ways to out smart a criminal in his "Super Car" but it is you who have to think of it before he realises you have already sort out help or got more Officers setting up road blocks and check points.
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  16. 2 hours ago, Indigent17 said:

    Just as an idea or a question, regarding there being more activities other than chess, checkers e.t.c. Will there be any other activities like, swimming, table tennis, pool, soccer, football, tennis e.t.c, If not, this would be a good thing to add.

    Football (English) = yes,

    You can go diving, swimming, There is a pool table. Treasure hunting.

    No American Football..... 

    Tennis, not too sure but would be cool.


    These things I have stated, will be in final game and not the modules. 

    Please have a little research as there is a lot of information on this forum.

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  17. 3 hours ago, Flakeleey said:

    Idk i think it would be cool to see the leaves changing, and then snow starts falling (a cool idea would be to have a random number generator in the code... say it got number 4. we would get 4 inchs of snow... if it got like 12... then we get a foot of snow..) it could also be super slippery for cars and stuff that dont have good tred :)

    There will be snow fall in the game, however there won't be snow which settles on the ground around the map... There will be snow on the mountain tops though.

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  18. On 5/30/2018 at 3:35 AM, MemphisMan said:

    I think it looks great! The first thing that struck me as a little odd was that everyone's "apartment" was located in a hotel (or did I misunderstand?). I think if I played what-if-I-was-a-dev for a moment I would have to say I would have made sure to open a door or two and maybe show off a couple of the vehicles. I would NOT show too much to let players experience it first-hand instead  but show enough to give everyone a warm and fuzzy about several pieces of the gameplay they've been hearing so much about. But....we're promised more and soon. Oh, and a question. Was 1000+ viewers a good TWITCH turnout for over 26,000 signed up? Maybe so? What do you think?


    For the Town Square, all the apartments are located in the Hotel but will be in different locations for the Beta and full game release

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  19. 1 hour ago, Flakeleey said:

    Along with this, depending on the time of year it is... there should be deferent seasons... just throwing it out there

    There will not be seasons as in "Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn". But there will be seasons as in Christmas and other different seasonal holidays.

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  20. 4 minutes ago, SunDiego said:

    There should be no ingame date cuz this game is not supposed to make your character get older. It´s a fix state of time we all are playing daily. The time isnt moving forwards inside the game.

    Maybe but it will add a bit more RP to to the game. Also they could just have it state the IRL year. e.g. if it is 2018 then it states it, if changes for us then it will change in the game.

  21. 20 hours ago, MysticNipple said:

    Is there Going to be User Mods like Clothes/Cars/Housing/jobs/Scripts/Maps Allowed in Custom Servers Like Arma 3 Made by users for users 

    Q: Modding Support?
    A: We're exploring this as a possibility, but a decision regarding mods likely won't be reached until several years after the full game is out.

    Several = 4 / 5 and so expect it to be at least 4 or 5 years after full game release before they decide to add modding support. It could be longer or shorter but they are saying several years after, however it will not be at launch, likely minimum 3 years after release being the quickest but IMO I think 4 or 5 years is good. Modding won't be needed at the beginning IMO.