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Posts posted by LuckyDuck

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dazerbake said:

    I take it they will be included in the career choice for us to do

    Not a Career, in the game, a Job yes. You must either work for a transportation company or own it yourself to be able to get them.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Ceothryth said:

    if will taxi be in the game its will be awsome for not walking all the way to your home its might be a good idea

    Taxi's are confirmed! Bus' are confirmed too!

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  3. 26 minutes ago, Rianpla said:


    Oficial Portugal Server

    Hello to all Portuguese present in this Wonderful Game that will be released soon of MMORPG and counting on this I am preparing a server with Team Asylum Entertainment | Ofialmente Portugues | and I hope all support of the Portuguese population in this Game and in this Server!

    Discord : (LINK PERMANENTE)



    Nice to see you are making a private server for your selected language. However there are no Official "servers with other languages than English being the main language. Good luck with your private server and please know that you cannot rent a server until the full game release and not when the Modules or beta is released.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Rianpla said:


    Private Identity Servers

    Frequently Asked Questions about Private Identity Servers

    1-  Can we make our own servers?


    2-  Will you be VIP on Identity?


    3-  Who will create the servers will be able to make money with them?


    4-  Will you have tutorials to create a server or just who knows how to program is who will do it?


    5Will you be able to have servers to speak only one language or will everything be the same?


    6Will you need to buy Hosts to create private servers?



    If you have any questions, please let me know.


    1. 1. You will be able to get a private server at full game release.
    2. 2. What do you mean by this? 
    3. 3. Anyone can have a private server, as you will have to rent them from Asylum.
    4. 4. It will be very easy to do, there will be a control panel once you have rented a server that you can go on and customise the server with the settings/ options available on that CPanel.
    5. 5. If you rent your own private server, you can control the language what players are expected to use. e.g. a rule for it. 
    6. 6. You will have to rent a server from Asylum Entertainment.

    Hope this helps.




    • Like 3

  5. 1 hour ago, Rianpla said:


    People from another country playing Identity!


    Hello my name is Rian and I am here today asking some questions that will probably be a problem in the future or not.


    I follow the development since game since Thu, 21 Dec 2017 As Quoted in my Original Account.


    I've been wondering the following, countries that do not speak English will have their own servers?


    I live in Portugal but I'm Brazilian and I like to speak English, it's going to be the same rules for these servers (S.W.A.T and ETC).


    I am willing to help in any way this game to grow, if you need my help just send an email, as moderator who speaks Portuguese I have seen many people who speak Portuguese and have to go to Google Translate to translate in English.



    Image taken from google

    Signed by


    Hey there,

    Official servers will all be in English, however at full game release, players will be able to rent a private server and have that in a specific language. 

    • Like 1

  6. 8 hours ago, Genesai said:

    It still won't be available on the release of TS. That's common knowledge by now. As I said before, they'll patch that basement shooting range in AFTER they've released the SWAT module

    Beach ball said on stream that they will add the shooting range in before the s.w.a.t. module releases. (will double check later on that)

  7. 1 hour ago, Ceothryth said:

    i buyyed founder pack 2 days ago for 30 dollar now motorist pack is 30 dollar im gonnaa cryyyy :(


    Yes, that is how the upgrade works, if you pledge $30 it removes $30 from the other pledges to show the difference. You will not pay more than what the packages stated before pledging. So overall $60 for Motorist but now you have only got to pay $30 more to get the upgrade!

  8. 47 minutes ago, Ceothryth said:

    updated 18 hours ago but 4 task remaining not changed anything

    The tracker gets updated every weekday but even if there is no visual change, progress gets made. It is just there was not enough progress that was made which warranted a visual change. There last tasks are quite big.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Worldraider said:

    This is what I have just said that they have the payment to sort out before the TS gets released yet in your first reply you said it had nothing to do with it. Whether they have control of it wasnt my point, it was the fact that they wont release the TS before the payment side is ready.

    Let me rephrase it. Not necessarily, but we really only know that they want to have the payment options done first. Yeah I mis wroded my reply, my mistake on my part. However, the plan could change.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Worldraider said:

    I thought they wanted the website and payment system sorted out before the release TS?

    Yes, however they have no control over it. They want the new website either released before or along side ts launch. I think they would like it to be done before preferably.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Ceothryth said:

    Hello Guys i founded this game 1 day ago and i was soooo hyped :x :x any one know relase date ?

    Thanks for answers xD


    Hey there, welcome to the community!

    There is unfortunately no release dates, however the 1st Module is nearly done and can be tracked here Tracker

    Once all the tasks have gone green and everything says Completed; the module will be done. However you need to have pledged $30 (Founder) or above to gain access to the Modules(3) and Beta when they release. After those and the full game releases, you will get access to the full game. 

    There will be a announcement for when the 1st Module releases, as well as a steam key will be sent out via Email. The steam key will also be available in your "Account details" page on your store account when the module releases.

    Please keep your eyes peeled for any announcements and note that it takes between 1 to 5 days for the steam verification process before the module is ready on steam.

    While also you can click the links in my signature to find out more answers to questions which have been asked and answered in the past!




  12. 35 minutes ago, johannes67890 said:


    I was just thinking about if there would be a Lottery in-game? :)


    Yes there likely will be a lottery in the game!  Here are the twitch clips:

    Mechanics (Lottery Tickets, Altis Life Implementation) Mechanics (Will the winning chances for a lottery ticket be dynamic?) Mechanics (How does the lottery work?)

  13. 2 hours ago, Killerbotawsome said:

    I feel we're not going to get the game in 1-2 weeks which is 7-14 days. I feel we're going to get the game in 3-5 weeks due to the 10-day steam process and also I would much rather the game to be tested many times to make sure all bugs are gone.

    I was corrected above with the new length on the steam process:

    1. "Before your store page or game build can go live, there is a brief review process where we run your game, look at your store page, and check that it is configured correctly and running as expected and not doing anything harmful. This takes between 1-5 days."



  14. 1 hour ago, Mordacar said:

    Thank you for your thoughtful response,  however I need to clarify my post as we are comparing apples and oranges at this point. My concept is to expand Identity (already the most ground breaking concept for an individual game in history in my opinion) into the home base for every other great game ever made. The Vertiport (Not Airport) in my suggestion is the jump off point to entirely new games not developed by Asylum, those third party games could end up in time being over 1000+ so you would have the menu system I suggested to search and choose what you are looking for. Want to do a 3 hour mini game developed by an expert in deep sea treasure hunting, it's here! Compete in an EA Sports type basketball tournament where all five players on your team are true friends from Identity? It's here! Some games could attempt the ground breaking direction Identity is introducing to the world, but most however would likely be either single player vs environment or other typical game set ups. Some games would be free, some would have a buy now button sharing income with Asylum. I'm thinking of a replacement of the STEAM game distribution system that allows creators to develop entire games to explore with your Identity character, rather than mods within the Identity world.


    I like the idea, and get it more now that you explained a bit more. However, this is way out of scope for the current game and I think the best thing is to work on the full game, get everything else that they already have stated which they will add but after full release and then think about something like this, but I do however like the idea and I will get Beachy to look at it tomorrow when he is on and free.

    Love the idea though, but I still think it is far beyond the scope.

  15. 4 hours ago, Drd27 said:

    In my opinion they should make the SWAT truck driveable just for the rp because no one is going to try to rob a SWAT truck full of SWAT members that are trained and that carry high-caliber rifles and vests, etc.. And that should be a rp rule because in real life you wouldn't do that and as for the SWAT gear and the truck, after the mission SWAT members should go at the Police Station to return the SWAT truck and the SWAT gear as fast as possible or they should prioritize it.

    We this is the way that the devs are doing it. They don't want the people to drive the s.w.a.t. truck probably because they don't want people having it all the time. Also on Official servers, there are no "RP" rules..... 

    Not to mention, the vests that the police/ s.w.a.t. wear are for show, they don't add armour.....

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  16. On 6/23/2018 at 12:04 PM, Augerau said:


    I was wondering if it would be possible to have a big casino in Town Square. Or somewhere else. Where we could play poker with other players.

    Thanks for reading.

    Have a good day


    Casino's are confirmed, if my memory serves me well. 

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  17. 12 hours ago, Mordacar said:

    Identity should release a developers kit around their game engine/mechanics and release it to the public. 

    Q: Modding Support?
    A: We're exploring this as a possibility, but a decision regarding mods likely won't be reached until after the full game is out.

    12 hours ago, Mordacar said:

    On the Identity map there would be a small airport called a Vertiport. A player drives his car into a container that will be airlifted to a new destination.

    There is an airport at one of the cities already, it likely will be something for DLC content if the devlopers do such a thing to a new type of Island so people can travel between the 2 Islands.

    12 hours ago, Mordacar said:

    Once in the container a menu pops up on the desired location (eventually hundreds or even thousands of options that can be searched by popularity, topic, game time, rating etc.)  Each of these new locations is a privately developed game or mini game either free, to promote the game designers work, or for a price with a percentage going to Asylum.

    In my personal Opinion, this defeats the objective of this game. There won't be a loading screen / menu to travel etc. Also the same with the answer above. 

    12 hours ago, Mordacar said:

    Why create a new Identity for every game you play? Your Identity character becomes a permanent fixture and friends you make that join you playing various modules will already be there on your friends list.

    The 3 Modules are 3 small standalone pieces of the full game. They are tasters for those players who backed early on for Founder/ earlier access.

    When you add someone on your in game phone (Friends list), it will carry over to the full game.

  18. 1 hour ago, Villasenor said:

    Will private servers have the ability to allow different ranks to have different power? is it the same for businesses and other organizations?

    For business' it is up to the players nothing to do with the admins etc. the Government careers like PD, FD and EMS yes.

  19. 5 hours ago, johannes67890 said:

    Hello was just thinking about how police ranks are going to work (if there even will be ranks). Will there be like Internal affairs as an higher rank then just an normal police officer?

    Just a quick question :P


    No IA,.

    Yes to Normal Police Officer, S.w.a.t, Detective, DEA, Dispatch. Maybe more but I can't remember. On Official servers, you will unlock the different routes as you do more tasks like arresting players, giving tickets etc. 

    Note that S.w.a.t. will not be available all the time when you choose that branch. You will be notified to get your s.w.a.t. gear when a bank robbery is in progress and when other major crimes take place. The S.w.a.t. truck is not drivable and will spawn at the scene for you to get the gear. You will also will not keep your s.w.a.t gear after the robbery/ event is over.

    • Like 1

  20. On 6/12/2018 at 3:25 AM, xfinityprime said:

    I feel that it should be stated on the shop that the 15$ is only for the final game only.

    As the others already said, it states it is the full game only at the $15 pledge package (Citizen).

    $30 or more gets you into the earlier parts of the game, which includes the 3 Modules and the Beta release; as well as the full game at release. Anything stating Beta will get you early releases and also the full game. 

    Passport = Full Game.

    Beta = 3 Modules and Beta.

    17 minutes ago, T_Holloway1990 said:

    so i understand that the Dev team is small but why is it taking forever for 4 tasks to complete testing phase? if i recall correctly they said that it was suppose to be EARLY 2017 for first Module, not mid or late 2018. You would think with all the "Donations" or pre-orders they would hire a few more people to help with testing.

    The devs don't work on Week ends and it only has been 4 tasks for 2 days in testing because it got updated on Thursday with the last visual change. They don't update the tracker on weekends and so it got updated Friday but with no visual change, except these tasks are the biggest tasks and take a little longer. 

    That is old and has not been updated. They estimated that yes but they had to redo the 1st Module, 3 times over which set them back a year. We are so close now and so best to keep an eye over the next week.

  21. On 6/23/2018 at 5:05 AM, Genesai said:

    Taken from Steam:

    1. "Before your store page or game build can go live, there is a brief review process where we run your game, look at your store page, and check that it is configured correctly and running as expected and not doing anything harmful. This takes between 1-5 days."



    I know, I just said 10 days because I didn't want to say 5 and be wrong etc. due to the community throwing it back at me or at the devs.

    • Like 1

  22. 17 minutes ago, stripedalucard said:

    what do we do if admin gets to full of him self? will the admin record there game play? if not I think they should be made to. but that's just me.

    By this, what do you mean? The Administrators of the Official servers won't have powers like in Gmod or Arma, they will be there to assist players and they can ban those people who bypass the anti-cheat, those who glitch to get an advantage . keeping the peace. Private servers, they have control of powers, but there is no spawning money for anyone and They won't need to record the game play really, that is down to them likely.