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Everything posted by LuckyDuck

  1. How will servers work?

    Most people say own but mean rent.
  2. Motives

    With hunger and thirst it will do those things but not with showering or going a toilet. Also not taking a shower in real life don't reduce anything other than your hygiene not other things as that wouldn't be realistic. You can poo and pee but it is not necessary, maybe in the future it will be an option.

    There is no FBI in the game.
  4. Regretful

    Hey, sorry to hear about your problem, and I hope it gets resolved quickly!
  5. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    Most if not all packages will be gone and Citizen package will be raised in price while I believe the Founder package will also stay but will be considerably higher. The Citizen package will cost $45 at steam full game release and so the Citizen package could be raised to that price once the first module releases. There is nothing official to say it will rise to the $45 full retail price.
  6. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    It is Mid 2017 not Late 2017, Also the module was delayed and it does state it in a dev blog that the module was delayed. They have no ETA on it as they don't want to make any more mistakes by giving a false promise. The percentage bar only gets updated when the devs feel they have hit a milestone in which the next time it is updated will be when it says 100% and so the next is the last one. However on a live stream a few weeks back, the devs said that the progress is within the early 90's of completion and I hope to think the completion will be by September.
  7. To answer the last one which @Genesai couldn't, There will be no abandoned base etc. but there will be abandoned buildings/ areas.
  8. Accessibility

    PM @HairyGrenade the other Forum account name and he can delete that one.
  9. Beach

    Yes you can!!
  10. Steering Wheel Support

    Hey there, thank you for joining us here. Please search as because this and a lot of questions have been answered already. The answer and many more can be found here on the FAQ Extended. Enjoy reading and have a nice day!
  11. Car parking

    I don't think this will be in the game. I am not sure on either but breaking the windows is more likely.
  12. Hello

    Hello there, welcome to the community! A post with lots of screenshots Info page on the game. About the 3 Modules. A Q&A on the game FAQ Extended Official FAQ and the rest, can be found by searching the forum. Enjoy your time here and if you need help, please don't hesitate to ask! Kind regards, - LuckyDuck.
  13. Screenshots from the Gaming Streams

    All the screenshots from the stream are on the forum mainly in this post.
  14. Makeshift weapons?

    You are not able to make those types of weapons, but you can make a knife in prison, not sure with what though.
  15. Fitness levels won't be in the game until after full release but not drinking or eating will have affects on you similar to such (slower running/ movement).
  16. Ingame money

    There won't be any "Fake cash" in the game. It will be all the same currency with illegal or legal items being bought or sold.
  17. Avatar detail and player interaction

    There will be a few emotes you can do and if both parties agree, you can kiss I believe (can't remember), Hug, wave etc. I can't answer for the clothing question but maybe @Radack or @HairyGrenade can help!!
  18. The Francophone community

    Just to point it out, on your community facebook page, it says This is wrong, the modules are not Beta, they are an Alpha. Beta is after all 3 modules have been released.
  19. 1. There will be many, but it depends on how much the player base is. 2. The player slots will be 300 but if the devs wanted, they could go higher because of the technology they have, however it don't mean they will go higher.
  20. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    There is no ETA but the module is close. The full game is far from completion.

    The devs won't be updating it until the release and so it will go straight to 100%
  22. Blinkers

    It is unfortunate we can't have everything in the game that we would like but it just happens to be that it is a sacrifice we have to make. They won't implement the choice for private servers to change it.
  23. Accessibility

    Yes, well I have to say that it is against the rules to have 2 accounts mate.
  24. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    indeed the first motorcycle will be available on the shop after the new website launch. People was complaining that they didn't see anything and you might not be one of them but it is the majority who wanted to see the pledge reward vehicles and that is the concept art they got.
  25. Blinkers

    I have no clue but expect it too go through all the basics.