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Everything posted by LuckyDuck

  1. To download the modules and the Beta, it won't be synced with steam, they will be downloaded from this site and launched through a client. At full release, steam keys will be given out but nothing before the full release will be synced with steam. If the person has not pledged on the website then they won't be able to claim they have bought it, the devs know who has pledged for the game as the email on the store account is how the steam keys get given out. If they don't have a email with a pledge on here then they cannot gain anything.
  2. Soon...

    Guys, please get along.
  3. PVP Idea

    Hello there, thank you for your ideas and suggestions. I can tell you this game is not a survival or a PVP game. It is unlike GTA V where people kill you left, right and centre!
  4. car stealing

    There will be no NPC cars, this is not going to be a new GTA 5. This game will be mostly player run, with a select few NPC's controlling shops and boring jobs. There won't be roaming NPC's, all people that are driving and walking, are actual real players. I suggest to you that you read up more on the game. There is plenty of information around the site/ forum.
  5. Yes, you will be able to redeem a steam key or you can choose to just launch the game through a external launcher. The best way is redeem the steam key once you have it at full game release.
  6. 1. If you purchase today, you get nothing as of today because the 1st module is not out yet. If you only pledge for the Citizen package then, you will get the game at full game release. 2. The game will release on steam at full game release not before. 3. On official servers, there will be a stress system to stop the mass killing. However, it could still happen. 4. The player slots per server will be about 300 or it could go higher because of the technology they have. 5. They will be creating their own Anti-cheat system, which also if you cheat, you get banned from the whole game.
  7. Anyone need a bodyguard?

    Hey guys, please stop arguing over what you can do or not in the module. If this guy wants to RP in the module as a bodyguard, then he can do it, even if there is no danger. This may be stupid to you but it isn't stupid to others. An example: I may find something fun that you may not and it works both ways. Also you do not need an imagination to be able to RP in such a situation as being a bodyguard in the TS module. That is nonsense!
  8. Map Scale

    It will take about 1hr 30 mins to walk the entire Island which being 200km2. Would you say that is in proportion?
  9. computers

    No, there is no hacking in this game unfortunately.
  10. Police questions

    1. No, you cannot take a right turn at a red light if it is clear because it would be longer to do it that way and it is not needed. You cannot go through any red light otherwise you can be ticketed. Laws will be up to the governor but some will be non-changeable I think. 2. There will be no way of being corrupt, otherwise they will lose their job/ career and could be blacklisted from it for a duration. 3. no, because there will not be 10,000 people on one server. 4. not for cops, there won't be but you probably have to do a tutorial. 5. Likely not. 6. The computer will be where you can check warrants on players and stuff. 7. yes, you can be fined and you must pay the fine. 8. Not sure. 9. No. 10. Not sure.
  11. Polishing...

    They are not moving in the new office until Monday.
  12. What i don't expect in this game

    In official servers, people will Meta-game because there is no such rules like that. However private servers will be more strict and rules being enforced more often. This game is not like the other "MMORPG's" which have quests, they are not within the full genre this game is properly bringing (My opinion). This game will bring a true MMO-RPG genre with no quests. A real life simulator and many more things in one.
  13. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    Official servers, will not be including anything towards those lines of training or a talk system as you may say. Yes, there will be a radio for the police and there will be a tutorial for you as training before being able to register as a cop. You must watch the tutorial before you qualify. The thing about 10 codes, that will be a personal preference and on private servers all these things can be enforced as such or something. Official servers will be more of a Casual experience and not have rules or such enforced except the obvious rules e.g. hacking is a permanent ban.
  14. Hello From San Antonio Texas

    If you would like to apply for a job, go ahead and apply here: This is where you can find the jobs/ careers available. Also Welcome to the community!
  15. Kidnapping system

    You can ziptie people.
  16. Nothing will be translated before the full game release which is not until after the 3 modules and Beta!
  17. mechanics and physics

    No air vehicles.
  18. gunrunning

    Yes, you can manufacture guns and sell them, but they will be expensive and bigger weapons more rare to come by/ parts being more expensive.
  19. Will There Be Metros and/or Trains?

    With trains, it is more about the trains are on a set schedule and so they would always be late if a player was the driver and so it is better kept AI controlled. Think of it as a un-manned train which are in real life, just with no guard or someone there. The main reason for no aircraft is so that players won't miss any interactions on the ground while also so there is not a way for a player to fly past everything and be on the other side of the map as that is too fast. They want the interactions not to be avoided and so no aircraft, player or ai controlled.
  20. Police questions

    1. Pretty much what was said above by @TheNerdyChef 2. There will be a separate keybinding for the radio chat from the normal voice chat for sure. 3. not really state troopers, highway patrol probably but it is likely included with just the regular police force. 4. No. 5. Yeah it is a personal preference and won't be something enforced. 6. There possibly will be a dispatch but I cannot confirm that.
  21. Realistic physics

    They said it quite a while ago about if you get shot in your arm, you would drop things, If you get shot in the leg, you will have to limp.
  22. Multiple RP characters

    Yes you can have 2 characters on the official servers, You must log off the server before you can go to your second character./ to switch between characters.
  23. Realistic physics

    If shot in the arm, you will drop the weapon in that hand!!!!
  24. Systems?

    There is no promise of porting it to consoles in the future but after full release on PC, they only promise to look more into porting to consoles.
  25. Steering wheel support for driving?

    Please research on the forum as the answer is there! It is in the FAQ Extended and so please go read both FAQ's while you are at it and then you will have a lot of knowledge. Searching don't take very long and if everyone just asks instead of looking, this forum would clutter causing it a problem to find anything by searching.