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  1. WE MADE IT 345k+ VIEWS

    Make sure you buy it soon! The prices for the game will shoot up to standard prices once the website is redone very soon.

    MODREN AN IDENTITY CLOTHING LINE _________________________________ *THIS POST WILL BE UPDATED CONSTANTLY. THIS IS NOT THE FINAL VERSION.* MODREN is a clothing line that will open as soon as Identity releases. We plan to be an aggressive yet smart clothing store. Our style is packed with inspiration from all over the world. Our designs span from abstract art to simple and soothing vibes. Our business has one location near the water where you can shop the finest clothing and walk less than 100 feet and be at the edge of the ocean. To accomplish the things we are planning we are going to need your help! Applications will be announced soon. Make sure to mark this post because you'll want to be apart of this team and the next generation of clothing. (The exact location is to be announced.)
  3. Hacker?

    The devs said there will be no hacking at all. Its in almost every interview with them that people ask that question. They said no.
  4. Supreme - Coming Soon.

    What is this exactly, and what does Identity RPG have to do wit it?
  5. Silly question

    Most likely since the final game will be a steam release. The only thing is that you'll have to wait for the full game to be released (whenever that is) to use it on the Steam Machine. If I were you, I would just stick to getting it on PC (on for now.
  6. Identity MENU SCREEN | Concept

    YES! A sandbox would be amazing. But I think it would ruin the game at least for me because if they gave us the power to customize everything, the game would game would get stale very quick.
  7. Identity MENU SCREEN | Concept

    I just made this for fun. Nothing serious. Haha. Thanks for the response though!
  8. What do you guys think?
  9. So they want us to pay 90 DOLLARS to try one of the basic functions of the game. No thanks. I've already purchased the $30 version, but I ain't puttin' down another 60 dollars just to try that. I really hope that isn't true and we get to have an apartment because that's one of the main reasons I'm getting the game.
  10. So you're saying Iwill be able to customize my own house even if I didn't buy one of the packages that included one?
  11. Will we be able to customize a house in the Town Square Module if we've payed the $30 to play? Or do we have to buy one of the packages that includes a house?