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About Mike8789

  • Birthday 05/21/1995

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  1. Character customisation made simple

    ^THIS I was in agony during the entire customization process for these reasons. I really wish they would have just had the model sit still, and actually light them from a decent perspective instead of what appears to be a desk lamp on the other side of the room pointed at a wall.
  2. Name the World

  3. The New Town Square

    Sure it is, that's the name of this section of the forum Sorry everyone, I tried to make a sarcastic joke but it doesn't translate well over text. Guess I'll just go back to the Board Room and be a lawyer
  4. The New Town Square

    I'm so glad the new Town Square is here, I just saw the developer update and rushed over here to see what it's like! Pretty underwhelming so far, it's just a forum.
  5. I can't wait for the Town Square!! I wonder if we'll be able to work or have jobs, to get a head start on our careers.

  6. Love's Guns

  7. The Red Spade

    $8 a bottle? Sign me up! Every good law office needs leather upholstery, floor-to-ceiling bookcases, and tasteful liquor.
  8. Alberico Gentili Law Firm

    Definitely! Us lawyers have to stick together, everyone else hates us haha
  9. Clout PLLC - Law Firm and Lobbying Services

    Updated the headers because photo bucket is horrendously expensive for hosting images.
  10. Alberico Gentili Law Firm

    Yay! More law firms!! Welcome to the neighborhood friend.
  11. Bob Ross INC: Promoter of Fine Art

    As a (self-proclaiming) attorney, I want to warn you that using the name Bob Ross in your company title could be dangerous, since Bob Ross Inc. is an actual registered corporation owned by PBS.
  12. What else are we supposed to do while we wait?
  13. Hawk law firm

    Good luck with your new firm!
  14. Hawk law firm

    Aww nooo why the change in plans if I may ask?
  15. Alpha Wolf Enterprises™

    This font is really hard to look at Nevertheless, Clout PLLC law firm (my company) would be happy to partner up with Alpha Wolf Enterprises for law services! Contracting out law work would be much cheaper in the long run compared to hiring an in house attorney.