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Everything posted by Orbiit

  1. Housing With Friends

    If you have three friends, you need to have 3 beds in the house/apartment. Not sure about rooms, of course you can always fit in two-three beds in one room, so idk about that.
  2. Which game reminds you of identity the most?

    This really reminds me of GTA the very most, but for others it's probably something else. I think this because Identity would be the perfect place to do all the drugs, violence, gangs, etc. That all basically matches up with GTA.
  3. Buying the game

    Definitely buy the $30 package, because the first module (Town Square) will be released within the next couple weeks or the next month, so somewhere between now and late July. With the $30 package you can beta test all the modules, which will be better because honestly no one really wants to wait another year for the full release of the game, so it would be better off if you just buy the $30 package because you'll be able to play all the modules leading up to the full release. Also buying the $30 package is saving money and getting more out of it (BANG FOR YO BUCK xD) because the full release on Steam will be like $45+ and you have to wait a year just to get it, whilst buying the $30 package you can save $15 or more and get the gane "early" because you'll be playing all the modules in beta access. Long story short, buy the $30 package, save money + beta access to all modules leading up to the full release in 2018.
  4. Will There Be Gambling And Can Players Run it?

    I've thought about this too, gambling on car races, and such, would be a neat little feature, especially for rich people or for people that have a lot of money to lose
  5. Drugs.

    Wondering how drugs are going to be like. - Is there going to be?: Weed, Cocaine, Meth, Xanax, Ecstasy, LSD, Shrooms, Heroin, etc. - Are there going to be animations? - Any other information? Just to clarify, I'm not a newbie, I just want specific details and thorough explanations.
  6. Kids in game

    Kids on public servers are most likely going to be annoying, so no one will talk to them and they will slowly fade away from the game after less than a month. The ratings can stop children from buying this game because their parents might not allow them to buy it. There will be many private, white-listed, community servers which will kick/ban children almost instantly, so no need to worry about that.
  7. Drugs.

    riiiip, i wanna pop a bar and just be off the xan all day haha
  8. PC Specs, will they be alright?

    You can probably run the game over 60 FPS I play GTA and I get 60 FPS most of the time with sometimes drops to 55-59 FPS so I think I'll be fine too. Of course you can always tweak settings and make the performance faster.
  9. Hello guys

    Welcome to the Identity community fam, hope you pledge! I pledged $30 just earlier so hopefully the game is good
  10. Exactly what the title says. What is your goal in Identity? My goal is to start off as a mugger/drug dealer and slowly build my money up until I can find a place to live, and then get a job in the transportation industry. After I make some good money I'll eventually quit the job, get some nice clothes, a decent house, a decent vehicle, etc. After that, I'll either join a Mafia, MC, or a Street Gang. From that point on I'll just try to work my way up to being a somewhat significantly high rank in the organization I'm in. I'll grind my money up and buy the things I've wanted and try to have as much fun as possible no matter how boring the circumstance is.
  11. All of the Screenshots in one place?

    I made a video on my channel that had most of the screenshots and stuff.
  12. How Diverse is our community?

    I speak English only
  13. What job roles will everyone have ?

    I'm probably going to work as a GFX designer, if that doesn't work out then probably something in the crime scene.
  14. Workshop / Custom Servers?

    There will be private/community servers which you can customize and configure.
  15. Hello, any italians?

    Hello! Welcome to the Identity forums and community! When the game releases, it will be available and translated for several languages, and there will probably be Italian server(s) so you can find people that live in your region/speak your language
  16. Identity Intro

    Hello, welcome to the community!
  17. Food and Drink

    Of course you can cook your own food, and you can also of course go to fast-food/normal restaurants, etc.
  18. If we die

    As LuckyDuck said, you can check the FAQs, and also to answer your question, you do obviously respawn, but if you had any guns or any money on your body when you died, then players will be able to loot it from you. To the extent of my knowledge, I know that you won't lose your clothes, money in the bank, home, etc.
  19. How active is everyone on the forums?

    I was usually checking the website probably every 10 minutes two weeks ago, but lately I've been semi-active and not really checkthing the website/forums nearly as much as I used to. I usually check about 2 times a day. At first I was really hyped at this game, like extremely, but for now I've kind of gotten over the hype because I've known the game for a while, but don't think that I'm not hyped for this game at all, because I'm definitely hyped, just not as much as before.
  20. Confirmed New Video Coming

    Just a screenshot for those who don't believe the quote.

    Sounds lit, I'll watch it!
  22. New Town Square Screenshot!

    Sweet! Can't wait for Identity to come out!
  23. Drive-Bys

    First no drug animation and now no drive bys? What the heck Identity?
  24. Tunnels and car Sounds!

    Echos from tunnels would be a neat little feature