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  1. let's be serius about IDENTITY project

    its suspicious that the taskbar would progress like every day but now its stopped
  2. Anyone that carries anything having to do with Nazi symbols will be shot or beaten on site by me (in game of course im a pussy lol)
  3. Firearms: Concealment

    I agree and I think many will agree that they should at least make handguns concealed cuz it really will ruin the RP aspect if the gun is in plain sight.
  4. Can you marry. (or homosexual)

    damn what if i want a stable of hoes
  5. Can you marry. (or homosexual)

  6. Who wants to be my sugar daddy in game

    Im looking for a man to pay my in game bills and spoil me. PM me if interested
  7. knock people out and drag

    ummm maybe try something else
  8. MAFIA

    Theres so many you dont really need to make one just join one. Try the Lupranos they got a good set up
  9. The Traffickers (Accepting applicants today)

    Job you would like (first choice):Hitwoman Job you would like (second choice):Thievery/robbery Job you would like (third choice): Drug Trafficking Age: Turning 16 in Feb. How many hours a week will you be able to contribute to The Traffickers? All weekends and week days for about 5-6 Are you an avid "life" server player? I love RP Games. Especially ones that mimic "real life" Will you take this group seriously? Yes. Do you agree to take ANY orders from a General ranking or the Leader? Yes, I agree to be loyal to my leaders. (In game of course) What do you bring to The Traffickers? I can offer my charisma and looks. Sometimes instead of having your men go in guns blazing, all you need is someone with a silver tongue and a Beretta. I can offer one of a kind service to our clients.
  10. The Peoples Socialist Reformist Party (PSRP)

    meh seems rather generic at the moment but has great potential
  11. Merc for hire (Character Idea)

    bruh its so hard to tell haha
  12. Merc for hire (Character Idea)

    lol thanks (idk if you were being sarcastic lol)
  13. Merc for hire (Character Idea)

    This is just another possible character I might play in Identity. If I get enough people wanting my services then this will be the character I will play. Name: Desiree Almanzar Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Afro Latina (Father is Dominican, Mother is Haitian) born in the Dominican Republic. Appearance: Extremely Beautiful, 5'11, Dark Skin, Big Plump Lips, Dark Brown Eyes, hair styled in a big fro, slim thick Talents: Seduction, Charisma Favored Weapon of Choice: Can be very flexible depending on the situation but for the most part she will use a pistol to dispatch her targets. Employment: Will work for any person or organization if sufficient pay is given. Pm me or comment down below if you would hire me or are looking for a Mercenary for the future
  14. Anarchist

    That would be really cool.