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  1. Continue The Story

    Shoot the turkey...
  2. Do you understand how much 10,000 is ? How many people it is ? Do you ? Do you really ? The map size would have to be the size of the entire East Coast to hold that many people. Besides, there is too many features in the game for it to run smoothly with 10,000 people without it being Lag Feast Central. Your argument is invalid to the conversation.
  3. First off, let me introduce myself, my name is SpeedisHere (obviously). I live in the United States of ughhhhh Texas . I have been playing games most of my life. I started with Call of Duty Black Ops and then found out how much Xbox sucked (PC Master Race). I then got a computer and bought Farming simulator.... don't ask why. I collect games to play with my friends now and stumbled upon this beautiful beast, IDENTITY!!!! and now i am getting glasses because I have been stalking the forums 24/7 for the release date of the First Module. That's about it about me. Ohhhhhh, wait, wait, Which one should I buy ? the $60 or $90 one I have been debating on which one to buy, some wisdom would be pretty sexy.
  4. Can people not get this through their thick ass skulls ? 10,000 players on a MMORPG like Identity would be Hiroshima in the server room. Do you people not look at how much work is put into the damn game ? All the features would lag that 'female dog' 24/7. I don't want to hear bs about 'Ohhhhhhh WoW is running 1 billion people servers' do the developers look like they care about WoW servers ? It is two completely different games. 300 is enough I believe but that's my personal belief.
  5. Hosting price

    @HairyGrenade , is this pin worthy ? It's probably going to be one of the most asked questions. I don't know, just a thought that went through my head.
  6. Hosting price

    Does anybody have a idea to the cost to host a server ? Thanks in advance ! ~Xtreme Services CEO
  7. Thanks for the info !
  8. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    This legit sounds like your trying to start your own corrupt democracy. I mean your basically going against the government. Your providing a safehouse to a mafia and probably other illegal operations. You're to big I would assume, your plan would be shot down by law enforcement as soon as they find out about your illegal counterparts. Then after they find out about that, yall would probably be charged with association to violent groups. If they get proof that your associated with the groups your personally fu**ed in the court of law even with lawyers. Well good luck with the corrupt democracy. With kind regards - SpeedisHere
  9. Alright, so I want to start my own PMC (Private Military Company). So I want to have a actual company with a chain of command. I want a three department company to deal with financial, security, and products. I am already informed about 'No security companies' but I want to classify my security department as a body guard service for my corporation. Is it possible to pay them as I would a normal employee with some kind of payroll even though they're working for me but in the private sector with there actions being payed to the company and then the company paying them a base salary ? Thanks in advance ! Insert other media
  10. Looking for names for a PMC

    I am looking for good names for a PMC (Private Military Company). Please list names you think would be cool. Thank you in advance !