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Debeezep started following Bus system ideas, What happens when called 911?, Engine sounds? and and 4 others
I thought of an interesting question and if anyone knows please let me know, it'd be a huge help! If for example a player sees a person in an alley with a gun at another innocent player, how does the process work to have police (possibly EMT/first responders) arrive and help? Most likely a player would have to call 911, but then what? Does a player in game work as a 911 operator and picks up the call? I've heard (could be not true, not confirmed) that there will be no dispatcher for emergency services, aka the person who receives the info from the operator to dispatch emergency services to the incident. I think this is true because on the first game play video, Motown (the sheriff) dispatches himself to the incident and marks it in the computer. That led me to believe that dispatch will not be a playable job. As of now, if I connect all the dots and from what I know then this is how I think the process will go like: 1. Bystander/Victim player calls 911 operator 2. 911 operator takes information down on a "computer" or form to make the incident visible on a police/ambulance/firetruck laptop a. on the laptop, the player could click on a case which shows all the information the operator has recorded 3. When an unit wants to respond, they click on the computer that they're responding and announce that on the radio 4. All communications are via radios Can anyone tell me the correct process if they know? Thank you!
Sounds amazing! Thanks for the answer. Can’t wait!
I know that the Racing module is very far away, out of questions at the moment, but I consider the sounds of vehicles (especially their engine) are extremely important in terms of gameplay. Will vehicles features different sounds and/or feature recording from actually vehicles? One of the things I want to look forward too is being a police vehicle (hopefully crown Vic) and speed up forcefully going to an emergency call. I’m looking for that amazing sounds of the deep trembling noise of the engine! I’m not a car guy but the engine sounds in GTA sound mosty disappointing and meh.
Can a car be un-rusted?
Debeezep posted a question in Tourism <span style='font-size:0.7em'>(Q&A)</span>
For one of the upgrades in the Identity store, the $50-$60 option receive a rusted car. Could I un-rust it in the final game with a cost? -
Right turn at Red Light?
Debeezep posted a question in Tourism <span style='font-size:0.7em'>(Q&A)</span>
Does anyone know if you will be able to exercise a right turn on a red light? I do not know if this rule is a local law in the state of California or a federal law in the US. But will this law be in effect in Identity? -
Glock 17 Pistol?
Debeezep replied to Debeezep's question in Tourism <span style='font-size:0.7em'>(Q&A)</span>
Cool. I'll check it out. Thanks! -
Glock 17 Pistol?
Debeezep replied to Debeezep's question in Tourism <span style='font-size:0.7em'>(Q&A)</span>
Oh awesome! Thank you so much for that quick response. Where did you find the photo from? -
I was wondering if any devs or involved community answers know if the Glock 17 will be in the game? It is one of my favorite weapons of all time and is a very widely used weapon in the US, especially by Law Enforcement! It seems like since this weapon is so common, won't it be in the game? Thank you!
Hey James. I think you'll remember me because I posted all those questions about the buses hahaha. But I would love to join your bus company! I don't want to start my own because I doubt I'll get the money to start one. So if you have a position open for bus, I would love to have it. Thanks! P.S. - just one thing, I think that the bus fare for one way should be a bit cheaper than $2.00 because it can really add up if you use it a lot. Maybe $1.00 or $1.25? Also, what do the #1 #2 and #3 mean?
Bear with me because this long reading will be worth it! Now I just posed a topic around if buses are going to be in the game. The answer is yes, city buses and buses that go between cities. I just wanted to add a couple suggestions or ideas for a bus system because I LOVE BUSES! Although I don't want that as my career in real life (I want to become a pilot in real life), I always loved RP-ing them. Unfortunately there are no online games that have buses to RP with until this game! Just a little information, I live in Santa Monica so we have a fairly advance system of buses. So I have some ideas to make the bus system better for passengers and bus drivers (me) to enjoy! I will only be talking about city bus ideas, not between city buses. 1. Different bus routes - this is an obvious one but this depends on the size of the cities. If the cities are fairly large, it would be great to have 2-3+ routes on the buses. 2. Bus functions - I would love to see some functions including: Putting money into the dispenser to buy a ticket, walking around in the bus, controlling lighting inside the bus, controlling doors, choosing what seat to sit in or standing around. 3. Bus time estimator - Now this one is a fun one. In my city, we have a board showing a route number and its route as well as a screen above it showing the times that the next bus will arrive in. If you guys have the app Transit on your phone, it shows the real-time next bus. So I think there should be a system where it calculates when the next bus will arrive by using some formulas which I don't know what they are. Something to do with how far away the bus is and how long it would take to get the station by using the average speed the bus will drive (here's something to start off with ) But I have an example of what type of "Bus Time estimation" I'm thinking in the file (picture) I have attached. 4. Bus Times - Now I want to leave this open for you guys. How often should the bus go? If it is often, then the majority of buses will most likely be AI. But if it is rare, or enough time for a player bus driver to complete his route and start again, it will be basically player based. I want to have people ride my buses! It will be boring just driving around with no passengers. I think the buses also should go more common around the peak of travel (start of work or end of work hour) and should be pretty rare like maybe once per hour around 2am. Can some one tell me how time will work in game, is it real time or like every minute is 3 seconds long? 5. The famous "Stop Requested" - I don't know if this happens in your city, but whenever someone pulls a cord along the top of the windows there is a "Stop Requested" voice (computer generated voice). This should also illuminate a light on the car panel to let the bus drivers know to stop. 6. Same with #5 but... - But there should be a voice saying where the next stop is to let passengers know instead of having them look at the route and figuring it out. 7. Different bus passes - There should be different bus passes for a greater price. Example: $1.00 one way pass. $7 for an unlimited one day pass. $14 for an unlimited one week pass. $75 for an unlimited month pass. I would like the passenger to tell the bus driver what pass she/he wants so that the bus driver would have to select it manually, more fun! 8. Farebox - use an example of the picture I have attached as an idea for #7 9. Different buses - Now I'm not crazy about this idea and honestly it'll be tooooo much extra work for the devs, but maybe smaller buses for shorter routes and bigger buses for longer routes? 10. Your Ideas - Please write in the comments for any amazing ideas! And if anyone knows the devs personally could you please, please pass this on. It would mean everything for them just to take 5 minutes to read over this. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this. Have a wonderful day!
So I always loved to roleplay as buses. But when I sent a tweet to Identity's twitter, one of their followers that knows the game really well said most likely not. Why not! I think that buses should be made! For example, you need to get somewhere across the city. You don't have a bicycle (and it's too far for a bike), you can't afford a taxi, and obviously can not buy a car. What would you do then. Walk? I think that this game should have buses that are low fare. I would love to be a bus driver and you can also make AI drive them if there is no one available. Take Bus Simulator 2016 as a baseline for building a bus model and interior. Does anyone else think that having a bus system is a genius thing in the game?