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About Jax

  • Birthday August 9

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  1. Unified Party

    @slovaceck We were never joking, and we wont give up that easily. Thank you!
  2. Unified Party

    The other lovely candidates complained about it. So we can't do that. @gabzo
  3. Updated Polls

    I demand to see the unified party in here!
  4. Unified Party

  5. Name the World

    oof thats a good one. I was gonna say they should add a reference to the game about arma.
  6. Name the World

    I like Aydee, maybe Aydee Island?
  7. Alberico Gentili Law Firm

    Good lawyer! Helped me take the kids away from the filthy ex wife!
  8. Poll of the average age.

    and what is the problem with me making my own poll. its peoples choice to answer this one. i don't even see the poll asking about the age and i'm not going to keep searching for something i can't find when i can simply ask. i went 8 pages back and still couldn't find the poll.
  9. Poll of the average age.

    oh shit thanks for telling me! i didn't even notice. ???
  10. Poll of the average age.

    i don't think that's how age works bro
  11. Poll of the average age.

    But you think that is going to stop younger people from playing?
  12. What's the average age of people on these forums that will play identity.
  13. Midnight Chasers - Under new management

    lol. Under age drinking and Dui. Doesn't matter how many beers you had buddy if the officer has a reasonable cause to see you have been drinking then good luck.
  14. Midnight Chasers - Under new management

    That is not my point at all. lol
  15. Midnight Chasers - Under new management

    Yeah a couple of teens in the hills getting drunk and racing doesn't sound to bad at all! lol. Who cares how many lives are lost by some hooligans am i right?