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@Pixie you are not excluded from any public server, and im sure there will be private servers with RP (as speciality), but I have been talking about a private server, that I (some day) will set up for my private money, then I will also get the option to choose who to invite, and/or who to kick. Based on the rules and the setup I do (as anyone that set up a private server does). I did made a website, where I did write about it, that I will run a private server with a mature playerbase, and yes that does, that not all are welcome on my private server, but guess what... if you want a private server for an age Group ex. 14-17 years then you are free to pay for a private server, and make that count as a rule (a server for people youre age). And then I will not join, and if anyone my age join that server, then you can kick them out. Should I feel excluded for that ? No not in any way at all.
Try read the full sentence... but there will be private servers where you (if you are a kid) are not welcome. You say that you have 10 years of expeience for RP. I will prefer to call it gaming experience (of what you talk about), RP are for me something else (Role Playing, and there are many diffrent types of that). I had my first computer when I turned 10, and had computer in diffrent types since that... that gives me 30+ years of gaming experience. I Think I have a completly diffrent view on gaming than most on youre age (not talking about you in person, but in general since I dont know you that well). But dont try to tell me that you know better about RP, then me or people at my age, with simular gaming experience that I have. For me personal, im not into hardcore RP, (not anymore, I was from before you even was born) but I do like to talk and play with mature people., Some kids (again not you personal, just to be sure you dont missunderstand me), really do make me to take distance from them. I can see it in alot of other games, I find those people (kids or kids behavier), and then kick out those that behave like kids and its not 100% an age thing, and that why I sayd that I will kick people that behave like a kid. If they want to RP with a kiddo behavier, and even that, they are older, thats fine, on public servers, but I will not allow it on my private server. I hope that made some sense for you (and others)
And I dident call you a kid either...
If I choose to pay for a private server, then there are nothing that the devs can do to stop me from kicking kids from my private server. - And I know that it is really not an age thing.. but its far more common between kids (as I call it), to behave as a small kid, than it is for a real mature player. So if you choose to behave like a kid, then you will be warned, and if you dont understand it, you will be kicked. I have my fully right, as the person that buy/rent a server to choose to have a mature playerbase, if you dont like it, then dont join. I know plenty of mature players that will love to join a server for mature players. And trust me, I will kick you if you behave as a kid, if I do choose to get a private server (at some point when it will be possible). If you want hardcore RP gameplay then find servers that will offer hardcore RP, but thats not what I sayd I will offer on my private server. Kids can play on public servers, and you (as a kid) will not be kicked from a public server just because of age, but there will be private servers where you (if you are a kid) are not welcome.
vehicles Vehicle Permissions
Turaxis replied to Cap-Coop's question in Tourism <span style='font-size:0.7em'>(Q&A)</span>
its not Immigration (Introductions) -
vehicles Vehicle Permissions
Turaxis replied to Cap-Coop's question in Tourism <span style='font-size:0.7em'>(Q&A)</span>
Think you posted this in the wrong place @LuckyDuck please move this to the right place... -
@LuckyDuck I was writing about that on Ideas, and then this thread came and talked about this (back in april month i think). I know it will not be a part of the 3 first modules, but was put out as an idea for a career mode in the future for the devs. - I did not say that it will be possible before the final release, how it can be possible are not my problem. - But it should ofc be possible to solve (as it is solved in other games, with a drone filming the ingame caracter, its made in Star Citizen). Problem with the youtuber are that you have a RL commercial aspect to think of, and I was talking about to film the ingame events, with the ingame caracters, use the ingame TV for a local news station for the specific server. - Youtube will again not be the right channel for that. But as I sayd I dont expect this to happen in the 3 modules, so no rush, just as an Idea for later.
@Soppingchipmunk If you are talking about the police on public servers, then there will not be a person that hire police officers, it will be done automatic through the game mechanics. On private servers, it can be set up manually. This have been confirmed before..
It was Motown that sayd so, and the 4 Days are what it is set for right now, it can be changed (even on public servers before the game will be released), and it will be possible to change for the "owner" of a private server.
You will not see their names, before you greeted them, and there are some options on private server to mess around with that option. I can not say how it will be to 100% yet, still under devellopment
The devs have confirmed that there will not be any military in the game, and no military weapons either. Rocket launcher or explosives will be seen as military weapons and therefore not be in the game. If the devs at some point decide to add it, then it will be after the final release, but as it is for now it will not be in the game.
There will most likely be some kind of ingame radio in the car, but it will not play youre music, from youre computer due to copyright issues, but the music you choose to listen to through the radio in the car.
Ask the devs! Exclusive Q&A with the Identity developers
Turaxis replied to Woritmor's topic in The Town Square
Question: Can you rent a car (or cars, van or trucks etc., like for a rental company) to people, like with a contract. simular to rent an appartment out to another player. If yes, then how will the game mechanics works when the rent time are over ? Its pretty simple on a house or appartment, but on a car that can be moved around there might need other types of game mechancs for that). -
@Dboy800 I think there would be some copyright issues with that.
To work as mechanic are an option in the game, how close it will be to a real mechanicĀ“s work are on the other hand, not confirmed. But most likely it will be possible for anyone to try out, and learn in game on using diffrent types of tools and use them on diffrent jobs. I do not think it will be as requiring as a real mechanic have it, but its ccnfirmed that it will be an option in the game.
If there is a transparacy on all the financials the goverment handle, (should be that through the game mechanics I think). Then the people can see where the money actually was spent, and hold it up on what the politician have sayd. - That will effect on the next ellection, it will and can not prevent corruption, but at very least it will do that its not going to continue to do that. It is a matter on to be realistic, what are the tax funds going to be used for, and compare it to real life cost, on any goverment type. And there are alot of things that Identity game, dont have to spend money on, such as military, polution, healthcare system (maby people can get sick of something, most likely drugs), but we are not talking about permanet health issues. Maintenance of roads, Maintenance of railroads etc. A Govenor also does not have to think and pay for infrastructure changes.. (road planning, building of new houses etc.) So as far as we know, its just the police, fire department and meds that will need the tax funding. (and then there can be things that are optional to spend funds on). It really comes up to a test on the Governor to make it fair for all, and there are many ways of doing that (both fair and unfair). And the way I see it, are as much free choice on the invidual (low tax rate) as possible, and I think that those that choose a criminal path should pay for their crimes, for the criminal system, police, prison etc. Some politician sayd that they wanted free buss transport for all that work, that will bennefit those players that do that type of business, but will be harder for people that ex. want to run a taxi Company. Is that a fair way to do it ? (I doubt it). If people have a work, then they also will get funds to pay for the transport, and then they can choose what type of transport they want. Free transportation are good in real life if its for kids (and I would even say students), and people on a pension. (There will not be any of that in the game, so I dont see the point of it in Identity). Have a general low tax as possible for all that live a legit life in Identity. (Let those that are living a criminal life, they will most likely not pay much or anywhere near the tax they should compared to their income, so let them pay when they get cought). At least thats my point of view. (And that will reduce the options and temptation of corruption from the politicians, if they handle less funds in general).
Turaxis replied to tekima's question in Tourism <span style='font-size:0.7em'>(Q&A)</span>
for 30 dollars (and/or more) you will get beta access, (and alpha test on each of the first 3 modules). We still dont have any official ETA from the devs, but a good guess would be in the end of this month, or maby in the beginning of june, if they gets delayed. -
I do Think it is very much up to what game mechanics there will be for this as well, and there have been very little official info out on that issue. What options there are on public servers vs. private servers. If its just up to RP then you have no idea what direction it will take, regardless what the politician say or wants. There have to be some game mechanics involved in order to make it work right. And also how much influence the politics can and will have on the server, again I Think it can look diffrent from public servers compared to private servers. People have their diffrent interest level regarding the RP of the game, what they want to to, and how they want to play the game. So to rely on RP alone well I dont think that will work regarding this.
Hopefully this month, but its not written in stone. They will release a module in alpha stage, when they are ready for that, there are no official ETA.
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@Kenblackout the game mechanics will not allow it, that have been sayd before, then closest you can do as police officer, to help criminals, are to let them go, but it will have a negative effect on youre own police career. They sayd that they want to be sure that the police are doing police work, not just helping the criminals, so a police officer can not rob a bank, or do other criminal things, they made that through the game mechanics. Also one of the reasons they dont have undercover police, becuase that will open up to exploit the role as police, to use them do to criminal buisness (in the name that it is undercover), they want a clear line between police and criminals.
Its first time (what I know of) that we get info about the options on the private server regarding police. Thats why I sayd that on public server it will be with automatic promotions. - (based on what Paratus writed before). On the private server (as Motown was writing today), it will be a setting that the owner can set people in diffrent pos. If you guys then want to do as a ellection, and then the owner set that person as a police chief on youre private server then thats something you should write about on a private site. And not put it out here on public, as for public servers. A person that will run for guvonor on a private server, should not post about it here either. I made a website that I will use for a private server, that I plan to set up, with my settings. - But I dont do a post here on the forum about those settings. And when I know what there will be for options, and how I will set them, then I will write about it on my own site, not here in public. If people want to know about those settings, then they can read on my site. I had no intention to get anyone mad, just to correct what there will be options for on public servers, I still cant say much about the private servers, due to very little information on what there will be options for, and what there will be possible to change in the future on the private servers, and I dont want to speculate in it. But I will document it on my site when I know for sure. (Before and after settings). Best regards Turaxis
well then read here:
on 6 jan. (that was Before you started this post) Paratus (Project Lead) writed: "When you first start out as a rookie cop, you'll begin patrolling and responding to dispatch calls. If there's a dispatcher online you can speak to them directly with your radio and if not it's handled by an automated system. As you progress you can unlock additional perks in the policing career and eventually you can experience new specialty roles like detective, SWAT, and so on. A police officer can only ticket or arrest another player for something they are known to have committed. If a cop sees you speeding down the road, he then has the opportunity to ticket you. If he turns on his emergency lights and you refuse to pull over for him, the system will now allow him to charge you with resistance. That is, at the base level, how the system functions. Private servers have the option to remove all restrictions and leave it up to the discretion of the officer, although this system keeps the police in-line. A lot more information on policing will be available on the website very shortly" In other Words its automatic promotion system, not manually here is the link to the thread. Regarding my gramma, well im not from the US, or any English native country so yes I know there will be some gramma errors,(that will be that way for anyone that dont have it as native language) I can live with that, I do think its more important to stay to faq than it is correct gramma errors.
The only way of doing it, are to run a private server, and then set up rules of mature players, and if some kid anyway join, then, kick them from the server, its might a bit hard but its fully possible. On public servers they will be there regardless what the game devs do to stop it.
It have been known for quite some time that the police force, are made as career mode, and its with automatic promotions, it have been in FAQ for long time.. So if you are talking about private servers then you should have writed that to begin with, I did quote youre full post, and youre not mention it by one word. (so that is just a bad excuse) Kenblackout, writed that he was running to police chief, thats simply not possible, (at least not on a public server, and most likely not on a private server either due to the career system). Its not based on peopels vote as it is for those that run for Govenor. Simply because of the career system with automatic promotion system within the police. - I wanted to correct you @lil_fish and Kenblackout wheather you guys like it or not to remove any missunderstandings. I really dont care about the ideas you and him have about the police force, (since I dont plan to be a part of it) IF it really was some good ideas for changing the game mechanics, you should post it the category Ideas. But as far as I could read I was more of a mix of wish thinking, and RP. I just wanted to say that it will not be possible, and there is really not much you can do about it. Why should I choose not to correct you, when you are saying something that are not possible, and you get other people to start to think that this is the way it works, instead of staying to FAQ. - And no I will not ignore that you when you come up with false statement.