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Everything posted by MeesterPlusser

  1. Anything For Backing

    Would be nice to see a picture of what we get. I would love to buy some other packages, but I don't really know what I'm getting. Also I don't know how much 4k is in game
  2. Coming from upstate NY

    Welcome! Enjoy the game my friend
  3. Hello From Kansas!!

    Hi and welcome to identity! Hope you will have a lovely time <3
  4. Shop options?

    Hi guys, I just got a quick question and maybe someone can help me. In identity I bet there would be some shops around the city, but as a clothing designer, could you buy a shop? To sell your clothes in there?
  5. Auctioning Website / Auction House

    I know what you mean and I know what an auction is. I meant like maybe they already added it so people can bid on your paintings.
  6. Model Agency

    BUMP, Will edit the post in the weekend. If you are interested PM me!
  7. Auctioning Website / Auction House

    What do you mean with custom piece of furniture exactly? Art is already sellable in the game so that's not needed.
  8. Billboards

    I think it's better if we can just put images on it. that we can download a template or something. Since most people can't really use the graffiti option on the computer, I guess most of us aren't that creative or pro enough to use that option. But it would also be cool and a great job, because a lot of people won't be able to make BEAUTIFUL things.
  9. Hi there

    Hi there! I would like to introduce myself to who ever is reading this. My name is uhhhh, call me dean. I'm not actually dean, hell I don't even look like a dean. But just call me dean since this is a role-play game I'm 15 years old and I'm from the netherlands. Now that we've got that out of the way, lets talk about some things I like. * I've always liked roleplaying games, it's fun and you can be who ever you are. * I like to watch series/movies, so if you know any talk to me about it! * I love to talk and start a convo about anything with my friends or just someone random. * I love to write. * I like to work in a team and achieve tons of things. Lets not make this too long so I will stop here. Q & A What are you going to do on "Identity"? I got a view things I would like to do. 1) Meet people 2) Design clothes 3) Write a book? 4) Start a company 5) Have a great time You are just a kid, can you even play mature? I think you got a good reason to think 15 year olds are childish. I don't place myself in that category, because I think I didn't grew up like the most 15 year olds. Most of the things I needed to do alone and I needed to learn how to be mature faster then most kids would. Also I've been gaming a lot with people other then me and that's why I act older... (I guess) What do you do for school? Lets say I don't really do anything for school right now ... When I'm done with secondary modern school I will probably go to a business school. Where I will learn how to setup my own company. What is your favorite tv show? I've watched a ton of series so I can talk about a lot, but my favorite is The Walking Dead. I hope you know a little bit about me right now and have fun on this game guys! thanks for reading
  10. Pets

    Would like a tiger in my room! lmao
  11. Hello from Florida, US

    Welcome to identity you rich bastard Hope you will make some good money on here too
  12. I think this will ruin the game

    It might be so for now. People think being a criminal will get you fast money, but I hope it won't be like that. I bet more people will change what they become when they really see the game.
  13. Clothing Design (Question)

    Hi, I don't know about clothing but I saw you could paint your own things on it. Is it also possible to add images to your clothing? And would it be allowed to use real clothing brands? Or will this be seen as copyright on twitch or youtube? I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. One more question. Does anyone know how this clothing design system will work. Can we just paint everywhere we want and maybe even edit the clothing?
  14. Clothing Design (Question)

    Okay thanks! So how about the brands that are already in the real world? Can we use their names? And is there anything like texts on clothing?
  15. Private Detectives?

    Oh no I didn't mean it like that. I just ment that it's not connect with the police.
  16. Private Detectives?

    I think this would be seen in the criminal category won't it? I'm not sure how this would work though. I think it also depends on the president? What kinda rules he makes. EDIT : I know private detectives aren't criminals!
  17. Carpe Pecuniam for Governor.

    I know I know, and yeah you are right. Could still add some plans what you are thinking off. When you would add your ideas maybe people can discuss about it and that would help you out.
  18. Hello from germany

    Welcome! Could u show any of your work? would love to see it!
  19. Hello!

    Hey there! Welcome to the community!
  20. Hello from Belgium

    Hi welcome to identity. ik wens je een leuke tijd! greetzzz
  21. Invertus | Fashion Just Turned

    Hi, I already love how this looks! I started a model agency and if you don't mind you could take a look at my post. Maybe we could work together.
  22. Carpe Pecuniam for Governor.

    Well you are talking about the economics not going well because Mr.Smith dropped out. But I don't see anything about you saving it
  23. Homesteading, Pets and Horse Riding

    I would like this, I think its important for food too. I also like the betting thing you said.
  24. Hi and welcome to identity. love to see a player that is really dedicated. Would like to see your business grow!