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  1. Ducks are meen and loud. 

    You can't be a real duck because you're non of the things aboth...

  2. crime affects property prices

    I think you have a good point but if you think about it: Let's say you want a house and it's to expansive. You could go out and pay a few hooligans to create trouble in that area and completely dominate a marked witch would be an extremely deep roleplay. I hope this gets implemented. BTW yes it is shit for the people that live there but that's how live goes. If you give the players nothing to worry about it will get boring. Think about a player with 2000 hours playtime. He has so much money he has nothing more to do. This would create a way to get money out of peoples pockets back into the economy. -NOE
  3. Get away

    The devs are aiming to have a realistic small town feeling in the game. I'm pretty sure you don't see alot of Bullet/Spikeproof tiers in a small town. -NOE
  4. server relations

    Servers are separated as they sad before. This is do to the needs of an economy on the Servers. If people use a Server that is empty most of the times to Farm and then sell it on a much denser server with a higher risk of getting robbed or killed it would create a separation between the people meaning less roleplay for everybody. -NOE
  5. Age for the Game

    The game will be 18+ This may change to what Country you life in. (Some countries allow games with Violence at the age of 21) For next time please post any Questions in The Town Square (General) forum. This forum is for Suggestions and Ideas. -NOE
  6. Naming a character.

    This is how it works... (First and Last Name) -Noe Rock
  7. our own music in cars

    I think this wouldn't be a good idea simply because I know people will start driving around with Hitler music and other trolls like that. -Noe Rock
  8. Españoles y latinos

    Wow! 6 Years of spanish and I still don't don't understand any of this... Welcome to the community and I wish you a nice stay! -Noe Rock
  9. Maybe just follow them on Twitter so you don't need to Check everyday: Follow Identity!
  10. External Plate Carrier

    Mi enlisch nod god sorrie for this. -No Ock
  11. [POLICE] Organization & Structure

    Don't apologize. We're happy to have such aExperienced Community that can give the devs alot of Suggestions & Ideas. I myself just learned alot through this post so I hope to see more like this by you and others in the future. -Noe Rock
  12. External Plate Carrier My Idea for the Perfect Plate Carrier What is this about? So this is a basic suggestion for the Police Force. Since im a little boy I wanted to be a Police Officer. Recently I started looking up Police Gear ( I was really board) and started to get the Opinion that a External Plate Carrier would be the Best functioning and Looking thing to do. So this would be my wish for a Vest to add into the game. Picture: -Noe Rock
  13. Amusement Park or Fair

    Well if you look at the map a Amusement park would be to big just look at it: -The cities are far to small -Amusement park is would be to big for a small island. -County side is mostly farming and forest. -Noe Rock
  14. Amusement Park or Fair

    I think @Narc is right with this. People will just hype it for once and then do something else. Also I don't think a big amusement park would be fitting into the setting of the Map. -Noe Rock
  15. gameshows

    Hm looks fun but im not sure if this really fits into the game. And I guess it would be alot of development to do. -Noe Rock