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About OldNo7

  • Birthday 10/17/1968

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  1. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    So you say for the biker community we have to settle for a 1970's model bike & now we can not dev our own biker clothing huh ? Funny because months ago I was given a different impression about the game, ok, so what about the cop cars & the car racing? I guess they should be all up to date models. Sorry but this is turning into a huge ripoff. No disrespect for the artwork and the time they done but come on you can't be serious.
  2. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    I gotta say those images look fantastic, great job !! What is the program you're using to create the leather coats if I may ask? I need to learn that program for the leather shop I would like to open up when the game is released.
  3. 1st Outlaw Motorcycle Club on Identity (Heathens MC)

    I got to ask, how is it ( the Heathens MC was formed in January 2016 when identity was announced making it one of the oldest and 1st Motorcycle clubs in the identity world.) When it also shows your account is new and has only two post for 2017 just over 7 hours ago from your first post ?
  4. Remove Post

    Hello Sico1134, Sounds good when ever you guys are ready just give me a shout and i'll send you an invite to IMC Channel in Discord. The way the channel is setup is each MC has there own text & voice chat channels. This is only setup for MC's
  5. Introduction

    Hello Sis glad to see you aboard welcome to Identity looking forward to many good times here
  6. Hello I am new here

    good to have you aboard brother, welcome to Identity
  7. Feared N Fearless MC

    Aw Sh*t watch it Brother's, FBI watching you guys now. whatcha guy's do now ? lol
  8. Remove Post

    No reason to be here.
  9. MC Affiliations

    Is looking for Affiliations If you are interested in becoming affiliated with the Cherokee MC Contact us here and please leave all information required. You can Contact Us Here. We look forward to hearing from you.
  10. Hello Everyone

    " It's due to their biker background irl "
  11. Hello Everyone

    Glad you could join my love Welcome
  12. Midnight Chasers - Under new management

    Looks interesting brother, No matter what happens you will have the Cherokee support & I hope it works out for you and the crew.
  13. Hello there my fellow RolePlay lovers

    Hello there Thomas & welcome to Identity Forums
  14. Suppp broos - PA

    Hello Explicy welcome to the Identity community, Quite of few from P.A here including my self always good to see another from the same state
  15. Hello,From California

    Hello & Welcome to Identity Community.