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  1. This is not important!

    They will be able to, its in the settings for the owner to allow other people to enter and customize the apartment so that is how real estate will work.
  2. This is not important!

    Yeah he said that there will be settings that allow for people to have permissions in your apartment , such as entry and customization , so i assume the real estate will use these settings.
  3. Shop options?

    I think they said there will be shops you can rent and customize to fit you business need.
  4. Auctioning Website / Auction House

    You're missing the point, im talking about people competing for an item , not just selling it at a set price. You can start bids at $300 and it end up at like $3500 for example. And people can create there own furniture so they could maybe use rare wood or if it was owned by a singer of a athlete its worth more etc.
  5. I had an idea for the developers to implement and auctioning website, so people can post and item such as a custom piece of furniture , art etc. People can bid and auction for the item on a website, or maybe have an auction house in town square or something ?
  6. This is not important!

    Well this is only if a person is purchasing a apartment, if renting the player doesn't technically own the property , he just has permission to enter the house and treat it as his own using the settings available to allow the player to enter and customize the apartment.
  7. This is not important!

    You can still own many Appartments and then rent them out, so what he said doesn't effect your business to much.
  8. Tesla Advanced Military Solutions

    We aren't infringing on you guys, we are predominantly focusing on Arm's and Vehicle deals, as well as armed convoy and cargo deliveries while all our protection services will be outsourced through companies such as your own and aegis
  9. The Neighborhood - Recruiting!

    1) Age? 16 2) Location? AU 3) How long have you been gaming? 8 or so Years 4) Which role do you currently prefer? (Undecided is fine) Business Tycoon / Owner 5) PvE, PvP, or Hybrid? PvE 6) How many hours per week do you plan on playing? Probably around 10 6) What is the reason why you want to join? To help and receive help with other members and to control a part of the island as part of a group I own a Military Solutions Company , with services including Private Army, Weapons Dealing and Manufacturing, Armed Cargo transport. I have a 30% Stake in Turtle Beach Real Estate as well.
  10. Rebus - The Global Elite

    Mainly just because being a secret thing will mostly be of RP I want people to know of the org. But not people in it.
  11. Tesla Advanced Military Solutions

    I work with a lot of the other companies in the field in partnerships etc.
  12. Police Scanner

    they could do this and have police only be able to access it though ?
  13. Tesla Advanced Military Solutions

    Tesla Advanced Military Solutions is a privately owned and operated business dealing in Weapons, Transport, Protection and vehicles. You will be able to purchase a wide range of weaponry, transporting services , protection services and vehicles through TAMS These services include but are not limited too : Body Guards Cargo Transport Weapons Vehicles Private Army's Area Protection We are currently hiring in the following positions : Body Guards Soliders Truck Drivers Chief Of Operations Receptionists. Application to Fill out : Name : Age: Position Desired : Your Personal Skill set : Time Available to Play ( On Average ) : Thank you for reading and remember to think TESLA when you think of Military Solutions. - Anxiety , CEO and Founder of Tesla Military Solutions Tesla.jpf
  14. Hello Everyone

    Welcome FurnXC , interested to see what your IDENTITY will be!