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Posts posted by minipie172

  1. 8 minutes ago, DJScias said:

    But yeah, I like the player-delivered and -stocked system.. But not sure if it's viable for all parts of the game as there are probably jobs that are not interesting for players to play online and would rather avoid.. Thus creating an issue in that particular chain.. But I guess that all depends on how it'll go at release, of course.

    Even if its not very interesting. People who like to jump from job to job to try different things, (lots of people get bored doing the same thing everyday), this could be a way to make some money, if a job is needed the pay would be higher, but if to many people are doing this job, the pay would fall and be less. Supply and Demand. :)

  2. 2 hours ago, KevinLangston said:

    That's another interesting fact, what if the economy relied on players very heavily, like the restaurants actually needed the physical meat shot by hunters, and they needed it delivered to actually make their food. 

    I really like the idea of the economy relying on the players and actions of one another. To be able to survive, people would have to spread out in different jobs, if a lot of people were doing one job, that job would not make very much money. Therefore people would be less likely to do this job. If jobs were supply and demand based (which was mentioned I believe in one of the articles/trailers) for each job, the economy would be very different in each place. So the hunters could be a very important job by supplying "restaurants" or grocery stores with food, or even clothing stores with fur.

  3. If person "A" killed someone. And no one witnessed person "A" do the crime, you are still flagged? Sounds like if a person kills someone, they are automatically flagged to be arrested if found by a police officer. Will there be a point in time where that person can make a attempt to kill and not be found out about it? 

  4. It maybe hard to actually try to put fear into a player, but you should act as if you were that character and value your life in a RP game. But if that wasn't enough for people to "value" their life and they still wanted to be heroes, perhaps the police force (for example), any officer who would disobey the commanding officer's orders, or take a risky action such as shooting a bank robber while they have hostages, would result in a "demotion" and set them back from trying to get ahead in life. People are always trying to move forward and be the best, but if something like this could put fear into the character, they maybe more careful and less likely to act as a big shot hero. 

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