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About Asbo

  • Birthday 11/26/1867

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  1. Kop Killers

    Everyone loves a tough guy, trouble is you going to have to shoot with a gun and not your mouth and getting a gun will be the first challenge, unless you plan on running them over or hitting them with a lump of wood or iron bar. Not sure you get to choose your cell colour or decoration either. Sounds to me you may well be spending a lot of time in a cell...!!!
  2. Npcs

    I do not intend to keep jumping servers to find a population once i select a server i want to play there and build the character up pointless if I need to roam to play...As for your suggestion that I sleep that's stands to reason I will be sleeping as and when needed with the character, however I do not want to be constantly having to relog to find people to interact with so in my opinion this will be the dervs biggest challenge to keep the community interested for the long term to warrant the invest to play the game.
  3. Npcs

    The problem I have with no NPC's and also other issues which spring to mind what if you on a low populated server or in another time zone how will you be able to interact if none is online? This could cause it to be really boring if there are no other players about. This leads me to believe that the playing area would have to be small and limited too which does not sound appealing if you want to adventure out into the wilderness so I can see many issues from a playing perspective here!
  4. Younger players

    When you get to my age everyone seems to be a kid
  5. Hello from Manchester, UK

    There is no way you are called Boothy too and from Manchester I am too ROFL....Though I no longer live in Manchester anymore how bizarre is that and I now live down the road in Warrington haha. This game looks like it could be a blast and have to see how it pans out, would of backed you guys but have had my hands burnt to many times, so will wait and see how you guys do and progress before I drop dosh on the table.