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I look forward to seeing you guys on the road aswell
You can count on the BloodHound MC to be there
Personally i am not a big fan of the idea mostly because you are giving yourself this title, i think that the Lead MC should come in play when the game is out to see who has the most power. This is just my opinion
So many?, as far as i know there are 3 MC groups. And many people are in to roleplaying as a member of an MC group
JonathanTaylor started following Fesos
I am starting a Motorclub called Blood Hound MC. I am looking for loyal people that are not afraid to get dirt on their hands, that sad dont snitch you have to obey the code of silence this means that you dont talk about bussiness to anyone outside of the gang. Rules, nr 1, dont snitch dont talk about bussiness to anyone outside of the gang. nr 2, Always have your brothers back. nr 3, All rats will be caught dont think you are an exception nr 4, All the money that are made during diffrent jobs will be split 60% to the people that did the job 25% goes to the gang so we have something to fall back on and 15% goes to the members of the gang that did not help during this specific "performance" nr 5, You have to have the permission of a higher rank before you can do a crime nr 6, If you are caught during a job or just picked of the streets remember dont snitch just do the time, our gang pays handsomely for people that are loyal. Follow these rules and you will walk out a rich man but break these rules and then im not sure you will be able to walk. Ranks President AKA Prez, The president has the most power he is the leader of the chapter. He is usually the spokesman when dealing with the police or media. The president is the chairman at club meetings and represent the chapter at national meetings. Vice President AKA Vice Prez, The Vice president is the second in charge and takes charge when the Prez is away. It is also his job to make sure that matters passed at the club meetings are carried out satisfacorily. Treasurer AKA Money-Man, The Treasurers job is to collect club fees, runs and funds etc and paying the bills and he usually gets the job to check out diffrent oppertunites that will help the club. Sergeant AKA Policeman, The Policemans job is to make sure that every ruled is followed and makes sure that there is order during the meetings but he also controls the gangs firearms. Road Captain, The road captain plans the diffrent runs he picks the route and destination for our runs but he also has to make sure that everybody has enough fuel and usually drives next to the Prez or the Vice Prez Patchmembers, Patchmembers are members of the club that has deserved the right to wear the gans colours after a suitable period spent "prospecting" they take part in the running of the club and attend the gans weekly meetings aka Church. Prospects, A prospect is a prospective member of the club who have yet earned their patch. Prospects are expected to do what a Patchmember says. they must be prepared to do illegal activites to prove their worth to the club. Hangarounds, The hangaround is a stage before you become a prospect the purpose of this stage is to get known by all members before being accpected into become a prospect. Do our club good and you will climb the ranks fast and make some money on the way. How do i join? well all you gotta do is either message me or write on this page