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4 Opportunist

About Krebork

  • Birthday 12/06/1998

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  1. Some development would be great <3
  2. Global Trust Inc.

    Please note that Global Trust Inc. is still actively seeking those interested in employment. Since the company will dabble in several industries, there is a career opportunity for just about everyone, with plenty of room to climb the corporate ladder.
  3. Can you own a real estate company ?

    Essentially, yes. It may be like there are unlimited floors or something, or however they'll have it work. And you'd want to rent/own a house because they're badass.
  4. Can you own a real estate company ?

    The way it works is that you can own houses, fix them up yourself, and then rent them out. As for apartments, no, you will most likely not being able to rent them out. While there is a limited number of houses, apartments are unlimited, meaning that everyone can technically own an apartment if they have the money for it. Since there will be an unlimited number of apartments, a set price will most likely be set, rather than having people be able to buy apartments and then rent them out.
  5. What games are you currently playing while waiting?

    Arma 3 Orgobyte community. Hardcore RP all the way
  6. Looking for a trucking job *Ignore this post*

    Global Trust Inc. would be happy to assist your employment requests. Please contact me for further details.
  7. Who is Interested in written ( text based) role play ?

    Totally opposed to written RP. It changes the dynamics entirely and ruins just about everything that this game has to offer. I cannot imagine being pulled over by an LEO and having them type to me why they may be pulling me over. No no and more no.
  8. Purchasing with prepaid cards

    Same. I hate seeing this game compared to GTA because it's not even remotely similar. This game should be a community, and I think that's one of the most important concepts for its success. And right now I feel that the community part of it may be compromised.
  9. Purchasing with prepaid cards

    I'd say at least that much. But I'd bet under 5% of the funding actually comes from them. Not trying to be salty or anything.
  10. Purchasing with prepaid cards

    I almost have a feeling that they have intentionally restricted the betas to PayPal only to prevent the entrance of minors. Good thing if you ask me.
  11. Mr. Skinner

    Hello everyone! My name is Jeff Skinner, and I plan to be a prominent member of the business entity of the community. I'm currently majoring in general business management and I'm looking forward to bringing whatever experience I can into the gameplay.
  12. Global Trust Inc.

    Global Trust Incorporated Global Trust is a multi-industry corporation focused on the manufacturing and finance sectors. The corporation will begin its focus on a supply and demand basis, balancing out the need for certain items and attempting to produce all merchandise from scratch. We're looking to maximize profit for our shareholders and ensure our employees have a stable career path to take off on. (More information to be included)
  13. Global Trust Incorporated Global Trust Inc. is a multi-industry corporation focused on manufacturing and finance. GT specializes in balancing the supply and demand market, and taking advantage of extremely efficient manufacturing techniques to maximize the profit margins. The goal is to begin in manufacturing as soon as possible, and then use the capital to tap into the finance sector as well. Why Global Trust? Many of you may be wondering what Global Trust has to offer, or whether or not you're capable of joining the team. Well, I assure you that we have a position for everyone. Global Trust provided its employees with an extensive list of benefits and bonuses to ensure a positive workplace. What makes Global Trust excel over the other corporations? Global Trust Inc. offers its employees the safest and most stable career path in the community, while allowing plenty of room for growth. We still believe in the concept that if you work hard, it will pay off and you will eventually make it to the top, or in Global Trust's case, the Board of Executives. Employment Application Please answer these questions honestly, thoroughly, and to the best of your ability (and in character). All applications will be considered and voted on by the Board of Executives. Please note that Global Trust Incorporated is an equal opportunity business. We are currently in demand for these positions: Lawyers, general employees (workers), transportation specialists --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Name: Last Name: Date of Birth (MM-DD-YYYY): Gender (M/F): What do you believe you are most qualified to do here at Global Trust (Position)? What do you believe you have to offer that would be beneficial to the team? Why are you interested in employment at Global Trust? Do you understand that you may be required to take part in an interview to receive a position? Do you understand that violating your contract of employment or the company's policies may result in your removal? Lastly, if you agree to pledge your loyalty to the corporation and its entities, please sign your name here: ___________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you -Jeff Skinner, residing CEO