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Everything posted by JamesLuck01

  1. In Identity i wanna be a.....

    Bus driver/ bus company owner.
  2. In Identity i wanna be a.....

    Nothing wrong with you being a prostitute lol
  3. Hey my names Mad :)

    Hello and Welcome to the Identity community! This game is definately going to be worth your while of gaming history, well it is for me anyways.
  4. AMD and Identity

    Well I change my mind I say just buy the "GTX 1080" which is 3x the Titan performance and will guaruntee running anything for the next 5 years.
  5. Why would it be good for a console release?

    I have a Headsey with a mic, and its good (Razer Kraken Chroma) also got a turtle beach for the xbox. its fine though for me. Also I guess it will be hard for controllers. I will use a steering wheel for driving though
  6. Why would it be good for a console release?

    1. You mean too many controls to put on console? but it will work for a controller on pc so it will work for console "controls" wise. 2. Headsets have nothing to do with it. 3. Pretty much yes. 4. Could just say everyone sucks
  7. Hi there

    Hello and Welcome to the Identity community! Please use the search function bar before posting questions or ideas as the ideas or questions may have already been asked/ posted on the forum.
  8. Should I pre order?

    Well Paratus did Altis Life for free, and This is what he is getting paid to make, so why would he not do this just the same or just even better than the onehe did for free. So if you have second thoughts about it, don't get it or maybe get the cheapest version which is ONLY the full game at release, get the $30 to test the beta and have access to the modules while waiting for the beta and full game release. Read about it, get knowledge on it and or just at a later stage go and pledge once the first module is out.
  9. Tv reporter

    Yeah that is unfortunate, but I guess maybe after release they could add the option in for community servers to be able to have it? Do you think that would work or not @HairyGrenade
  10. Signed up and ready to go!

    All pledges above the $30 Founder package including the founder package has the beta and modules. Oh damn the VIP package is a lot but if you do get it damn you have free money to spend.
  11. Signed up and ready to go!

    Hello and Welcome to the Identity community! I recommend the same as @MadMcardle but also if you want to own an apartment and a garage in the modules/ in the beginning of the game full release, don't forget the beta is the ($90 package: Home Owner) Please use the search function bar before posting questions or ideas as the ideas or questions may have already been asked/ posted on the forum.
  12. Hello, Kind of upset but excited!

    Hello and Welcome to the Identity community! Please use the search function bar before posting questions or ideas as the ideas or questions may have already been asked/ posted on the forum.
  13. Judges

    yes they wont be
  14. Judges

    well yes private servers won't be available until full release but also the judge will not be in the modules but in beta most likely. So don't expect much in the modules because it won be there?
  15. Judges

    They won't be able just to get the job, on unofficial servers, most likely some will have a whitelist for the job so no trolls can get it.
  16. Open Highway Traveling

    I only say its in the wrong area so a moderator might move it to the correct area. I don't care its here, its just better to ask the mods to move it and well the search function will save them asking a question because its quicker + it stops the same posts cluttering the forum. I also just say it as because people will probably find the answer faster than someone commenting.
  17. Updates and upkeep

    I use it well i don't need to really.
  18. Judges

    As the devs said that you will need to have a qualification (go to a school) which is a tutorial for some different jobs as a requirement, so yes @Edward
  19. Where are YOU gonna live?

    Post 100 in this discussion! Oh and edit to my post above; EDIT: I want a large house it says (on a private road like beverly hills) like the person mentioned sometime ago.
  20. AMD and Identity

    You should sell one and buy the 1080 as its cheaper and better than the ttitan x.
  21. Open Highway Traveling

    I edited it, better, happy? Well the beginning was because I put the caps. but I changed it.
  22. Open Highway Traveling

    To be honest I just capitalised it to make sure you see it the matter what and actually I wasn't rude when saying it, but I was just stating facts and told you to read up on stuff instead of asking with no knowledge of what the game is about. Also this is not in the right area. should be in a Q & A. @Doc_Rogers tbh then that would just be stupid, because when you first join the forum, the first thing is what I said its about. Also why would you go in empty handed when you can see there is a about page to read up on. Also there is a lot of answers on the forum in the Q & A section. Plus I am not how you see my posts, I purely use the facts mainly and use them in a reply. There is only one post I was harsh on and that post I edited to the way I meant to say it (i was tired at time of that post) but when I edited it, I also apologised for how I originally typed it. All my posts have more or less been facts and when I post something saying use the search function before posting stuff, its purely because it will save them asking a question or suggesting something when they could find it already answered instead of having to wait for a reply. If you find a post otherwise then pm the link and I will edit if it really is that bad but I post things a lot when I am tired and when people are tired, they are more grumpy would you not agree?
  23. hello everybody :)

    Hello and Welcome to the Identity community! Please use the search function bar before posting questions or ideas as the ideas or questions may have already been asked/ posted on the forum.
  24. How many people can a offical hold?

    I guess you already know this by now, but here we go anyways. Devs plan on having a 300 player capacity on each of the official servers.