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Everything posted by PlayerOne

  1. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    thank you. that should be enough. depending on the map size. i think it would be smarter to use cloud solutions though. if thats not what they plan to do. because if you cant get good performance with 300 players, video streaming, all the entities, cars, physics... it could ruin the game.
  2. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    did i miss the question or has nobody asked how many players can play on one server / in the city?
  3. We have a Huge problem!

    1. theres plenty of room for more than one game. look at all the survival games out there. they are all similar, but they are different enough so people play more than one or the games attract different players. 2. we dont know enough about "everywhere". we also dont know how many other similar games could be in development. rocketwerkz's "ion" could be similar. cpdr's "cyberpunk 2077" could be similar. even amazon's "new world" could be similar. and that are only some studios with big budgets. 3. if you think that "everywhere" doesnt have major funding because the guy left rockstar, i want to say that thats probably very naive. you dont leave this position at rockstar to take on a really big project without funding. chances are amazon is funding it. 4. to the guy who said that theres room for both games in his steam list. probably, but dont expect a steam release. amazon is the main competitor of valve and they will sell the game on their platform. a new gaming platform, just like prime video, needs exclusive and original content. and thats what they buy and build.