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Everything posted by Thiago

  1. We need NPCs in the game to do the tasks for help players for example police NPCs medical NPCs put NPCs to support players for example if the police have needed police reinforcements call the police NPCs and the gangster guys have the option to recruit NPCs To be safe in The cocaine factory NPCs can be useful in several things in this game
  2. I agree with you they had to put options of choices for you to be a prison guard or the guard to be the NPCs would be cool if you had NPCs police gangsters and doctors and politicians in all careers to be able to help the players for example if a doctor who is Player not being able to arrive in time to rescue will have a NPC next to the player on his way
  3. Criminal

    Eu vou ser um bandido do pesado no jogo Eu quero-me tornar o chefe da maior organização criminosa Eu vou ser mais procurado e temido Vou roubar bancos e comprar carros e carros de luxo uma polícia tem medo de mim Porque eu sou o maior dos chefes Maestro de gangters Eu controlo quase todo o território da cidade.
  4. Criminal

    There will be more gang bosses in front of me because I'm going to play this game only when I leave for Xbox one
  5. Criminal

    Eu quero ser um dos maiores patrões de gangues que eu vou aliar territórios de gangues como outros chefes de gangues e ser o chefe criminoso mais procurado e perigoso na cidade Eu quero abrir negócios e comprar carros de luxo todos com dinheiro de drogas
  6. [POLICE] Organization & Structure

    I'll be a thug of the heavy in the game I want to become the boss of the biggest criminal organization I'll be the most wanted and feared I'll rob banks and buy cars and luxury cars the police will be afraid of me because I'll be the biggest one Of the maoires bosses of gangters I control almost all territory in the city.
  7. Npcs

    The NPCs are not bad just know how they should play in the game if the NPCs were bad it was pro gta be a piece of shit
  8. Npcs

    I hope this game does not disappoint me
  9. Game

    Este jogo precisa ficar muito na realidade não só nos gráficos, mas em tudo em uma vida real
  10. Character

    Espero que você tenha a maneira como os jogadores se casam no jogo e você pode ter filhos
  11. Character

    If they do not put it then it will not be a GOOD MMORPG game done simulating real life
  12. Npcs

    The two sides can do this NPCs and players
  13. Npcs

    It would be cool to put security NPCs if the player has a cocaine factory
  14. Npcs

    It would be cool to put security NPCs if the player has a cocaine factory
  15. Npcs

    Okay this I understand but would be nice if it had NPCs serving the players as prison guard if 1 player had a store npc would be the seller of that store
  16. Npcs

    exemplo, na polícia, quando um jogador policial precisa para ajudar e chamar reforços os NPCs ir para um ele é um gângster quer recrutar mais homens recrutar gangsters NPCs se um jogadores Quer ser um empresário e Colocar vendedores para trabalhar Para ele contratar os NPCs e ser legal ver NPCs andando pelas ruas.
  17. Npcs

  18. Npc

    Colocar npcs em todo o mapa colocar npcs nas carreiras que vamos seguir e poder interagir com os npcs
  19. Character

    Ter mudanças físicas pode se tornar muscular fazendo exercícios, ficando gordo se você comer demais e fikar fina
  20. Console

    Se você lançar este jogo para consoles este jogo vai fazer mais sucesso do que no pc
  21. Npc

    They have to put npcs throughout the city for the most realistic fikar game and we can interact with them for example if it is to recruit gangsters and not have players recruit the npcs, put npcs walking the streets, put npcs to work for the vendors players Or trafficker
  22. Npc

  23. Console

    Pofavor coloque o jogo identity para xbox one