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Everything posted by Thiago

  1. Character

    Neste jogo o cabelo ea barba dos jogadores tiveram de crescer em tempo real e você poderia envelhecer no jogo como se fosse na vida real o jogador poderia ficar doente seria capaz de usar o banheiro colocar animação dos jogadores fazendo o que As pessoas fazem na vida real
  2. Detectives

    If you have a murder in the game the player who is dead does not disappear from the area for the detectives to investigate the place
  3. Npcs

    In my opinion the NPCs are in the MMORPG games to make the game more alive, understand
  4. Family

    Ser capaz de ter a sua família no jogo seria legal, por exemplo, ser capaz de casar na igreja com outros jogadores no jogo, mas não o mesmo sexo ser igual na vida real ser capaz de fazer as crianças no jogo como se fosse real vida
  5. Gym

    Eu quero poder colocar uma gym no jogo para que os jogadores possa fazer exercícios e mudar o físico
  6. Gym

    Mano vai se fuder
  7. Gym

    Tomara que eles possa colocar isso no jogo
  8. Gym

    Ser dono de uma empresa da gym
  9. Thank you very much for answering my questions. I hope to see this game in the future on Xbox.
  10. Detectives

  11. Detectives

  12. It would be cool if you could have several methods of breaking into a bank, for example by cutting off the electric light from the bank so the cameras would not identify the player
  13. Animal

    Putting marine animals in the game would be cool, deep in the ocean be well designed with beautiful graphics too
  14. Players

    When a player is shot in the head or any other part of the body, show the bullet mark on the player's body
  15. Players

    I know few words in English so I use Google tanslator
  16. Players

    I mean that when a player takes a bullet right in the middle of the face, show the bullet mark on his face, understood
  17. Family

    You said you can incentives them to do things but violence can also
  18. Family

    For them to add things that I hope do not need to take years and years they can be updating the game always putting these things over time and in my opinion these things are necessary for a game that simulates real life and that can amuse the players
  19. Family

    To make matches equal identity needs to be the same in real life not the realism of the game can not be only in the graphics or in the careers has to be complete to be able to grow old to have a family and to be able to intergir with everything in the game
  20. Family

    They can restrict sex scenes in this game but this game is back in real life in my opinion should have everything you have in real life if fikar sacrificing all this game will not be so complete and worthy to play
  21. Family

    So this is not a full mmorpg game
  22. Family

    It would be cool to be able to make babies in this game and take care of them and be able to see them growing the same in real life
  23. Escape From Tarkov. . .

    I want to play identity on Xbox
  24. Npcs

    O mapa será grande assim eu espero que eles colocaram npcs todo o mapa colocar npcs para interagir com os jogadores e ser capaz de contratar npcs para ser vendedores de drogas ou comércios e ser capaz de recrutar npcs para gangues e proteger o território se não tiver muitos Npcs, o mapa ficará morto
  25. Policy

    Neste jogo a política teve que ser igual na vida real, por exemplo para os jogadores para escolher quem será o prefeito da cidade o prefeito precisa mostrar boas propostas para a cidade o prefeito para ser capaz de manter as cidades em ordem e ser Capaz de ter o poder de adiministra a cidade como ele Quer