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Everything posted by Zeliox

  1. Death Timer, Paramedics

    I'm pretty sure only paramedics will be able to revive, I don't think just anyone will be able to, at least that's how it sounded to me. They also mentioned cops having specific gear, so I would assume they're harder to kill as well.
  2. Death Timer, Paramedics

    I know the devs have said there will be a death timer, something along the lines of: The character is in the process of dying, and if someone gets their in time to save them then they will be revived on the spot, but while they're in that state people can loot their body of things they may have, excluding their clothes and smart phone. And if you die your corpse just stays there for a while for people to loot if they want. I think having a 24 hour death timer is much too extreme, especially considering they're the victim in this situation. I don't think it's very fair for someone just going about their day who gets mugged by a trigger-happy thief should have to wait so long to be able to play again. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if something along those lines is done on servers that aren't run directly by Asylum. If you're wondering I found out about what I know of this in the following video, which is a Q&A with the devs:
  3. Dev Blog

    Before I start, as the title may suggest, this is more of a suggestion towards the devs communication and not about the game itself so much. I feel like it would really help if the devs would release a monthly, or even weekly progress report. Just to say what it is they're working on and how things are going, even if it's simply saying "We're still working on the town square module and things are going well". It can be kind of disconcerting to come to a game that you just heard about through word of mouth, and see that the devs haven't said anything about it in months, it makes it look like progress has stopped and that the project is dead. Or that the devs have lost interest and the project is progressing slowly, while in reality the project may be going on as strong as ever. It just seems, as a newcomer, that the devs aren't really communicating with the community very well, or at the very least not very often.
  4. Dev Blog

    That's great, I'm glad they're doing that kind of stuff, and I have seen some of it myself. All I'm saying is, that as someone who hadn't ever heard of this until recently, just taking a glance at the site makes it look like the project is hardly progressing, with only a handful of updates posted on the home page over the course of over a year. Especially with the large gaps in them, don't really instill confidence in the potential consumer. I would imagine there's plenty of people, like myself, who came across this game by chance and take a look at it and say "Huh, I guess the game is dead" or "Looks like the project isn't really progressing" and move on. Now in my case I actually decided to do some digging because this is a genre that really interests me, however I think many people wouldn't. Perhaps they could add some of those Q&A's to the updates section on the home page?