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Posts posted by LemonMeringoo

  1. Ryver tenses up in turn at his brash, direct question. Throwing her cigarette out the window.

    "You can drop me off on the corner up here, I can walk from there"

    She fluffs her fringe and collects her things back in her purse.

  2. Being old school. Ryver lights her cigarette with matches, that she delicately lights. tossing the splint out the window and allowing the smoke to flume down the side of the car.

    "You'll have to tell me more about your plans sometime" she places a hand on his leg "We may be working together...very..closely, one day" her eyes run over him as if he was the most desirable thing on earth. She slowly slides her hand away and continues with her cigarette taking in the shops, landmarks and local attractions.

  3. As he says "Alright, lets turn this on" Ryver turns to look out the window hiding a cheeky smile under her hand as she plays through a multitude of possible responses 'you can turn me on anytime' being her most childish of thoughts.

    She clears her throat, tapping her hands to her knees, coyly asking "Whats in your briefcase then, you've been cradling that thing since this morning"

    To be honest, at this point, Ryver had given up being surprised at her own level of confidence.

    "Do you mind if I smoke it here?"

  4. Ryver, finds her phone and smiles at the wise words.

    "I'm new in town, sorry to ask I know you are a very busy Gentlemen, but you couldn't possibly run me home could you?"

    Ryver looks him up and down unintentionally, resisting any urge she has for him rather poorly.

  5. Pleasantly surprised to see Gene again, she thought he would have left by now.

    "Gosh, that's awfully nice of you to say" She takes the cigarette from his lips and places it in hers, inhaling a small draw before giving it back to him.

    "However, i'm often not happy with my defence cases.. That man was guilty, but we had nothing-and I don't want to be the one to fail him"

    Walking away for a moment, she remembers about her car and begins to fumble in her purse for her phone to call a mechanic

  6. Ryver enters the court room and although she doesn't see it, her pale skin, deep green eyes and whisky coloured hair gained her a fair amount of admirers. But something was different, her posture was strong, carrying confidence in each stride, chin raised, a completely different person from the coffee shop. The stain had all but gone on her dress as she stood in front of the judge.

    The hearing went on for some time, but the judge was known for wanting to wrap up before lunch. With her closing statement

    "And that, your Honour is why the evidence is purely circumstantial and cannot sentence this man" The hammer fell and the verdict in Ryvers favour. Although her client was overjoyed, Ryver remained composed and almost remorseful. For a brief moment she looked to Gene and gave a breaking smirk, before readjusting her skirt, shaking the hand of her client and escorting him out of the court room.

  7. Ryver noted that although a request to watch, Gene isn't a man to be declined, so sheepishly nodded although she was shaking inside.

    Arriving at the court house..

    "I'll be ok, I'll hide it with my file, I'm not sure turning up in a man jackets would look very respectable either."

    She gestures towards the public gallery "Please, I need to find my client-I'll see you on the field I guess"

    Quickly turning tail and ascending up the steps, stumbling but managing to correct herself in Ryvers standard baby deer stance.

  8. As Gene agrees, Ryver lets out a little 'yip' of unforeseen enjoyment, but sharply realised that made her look like a crazy lady. But she did always like to see the bright side of situations.

    "You don't have to turn Van Halen off on my account" she remarks as she sets into the car.

    "Do you need me to direct you?" she weakly suggests as she buckles in, as in reality she is still getting used to the city herself.

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  9. Ryver eventually gets into her car after a few moments of ferociously pulling at the handle. Once in, the car refuses to turn over, after several attempts she see's Gene leave. She quickly gets out of her car and skirts over to his window tapping delicately on the window and giving a beaming smile, mouthing 'sorry'. Opening the door slightly

    "I'm really sorry, you couldn't possible drop me at the court house could you?"


  10. 5 minutes ago, GeneSmith said:

    "Well.." Gene sits down and looks at Ryver. 

    "Originally I'm from Myrtle Beach, Carolina. But my father moved me away and by time I was 18 I was already in London getting my education."

    Gene smiles at Ryver, noticing her small quirk. "You know, you don't have to be nervous for doing research. That's what your job consists of doesn't it?" Gene let's off a small smirk before ordering Ryver another coffee.

    As he sits, Ryver slumps back into the booth as if her legs have given out at the mere sound of his voice.

    "East coast, beautiful part of the world, I've not been there myself, but I hear good things. And London educated, my mother was English, born in Southampton."

    Twiddling her hair, she manages to break her gaze to admire the mess she had made of her dress.

    "I'm actually only a lawyer at the moment, my interest in you is personal" she stammered again, the words seemingly falling out without consideration "What I mean is, I have hopes of becoming DA in the future and it's my business to know your business..I mean potential future political figures" exhaling softly she looks at her phone as a text comes through from her client "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

    Jumping to her feet, narrowly avoiding the waitress with her second cup of coffee.

    "Speaking of which i'm late for court"

    Ferreting through her purse she places $20 dollars down and makes her way for the door

  11. I think you could probably be a dog walkers/pet carer by forming friendships with people but I don't think they'd be able to do it as a job or career. Interesting idea tho. I know you can Farm and they are looking at having your pet follow you. So you could have kennels on a farm or something.

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  12. She stammers for a moment

    "I really couldn't ask you to pay, it's just me being clumsy again"

    She throws her hands up in the air, try to stall for a moment over knowing his name.. She gingerly offers to help tidy the coffee up, upon his mention of the file, she casually closes it and clutches it to her breast.

    "I'm from Arizona" the idea of giving very much more information than that to such an influential figure seemed redundant. Toying with her ear lobe, she continues "I never knew that about you, where are you from...originally. You can tell me" her eyes widened slightly at her courage, but now she had asked she had to hold her might.

  13. As Gene approaches Ryver, her gaze raising as he steps closer, a million thoughts rush through her head, she feels she has been staring at him giddy for hours, although it had only been a brief moment. Snapping out of her hypnotism she gracefully accepts the napkins with a feminine airy chuckle. She turns to the coffee shop waitress, dust and pan in hand.

    "I'm terribly sorry, I'll pay you for the cup, it's entirely my fault darlin'" her Southern belle accent glimmering in the afternoon.

    Bashfully she turns back to Gene

    "Thank you very much Gene, I mean sir, I mean.." reddening appears in her pale cheeks.

  14. Ryver often people watches, she's formed a bit of a habit, out of not being a creature of habit. She likes to frequent all the coffee shops in town, not only for clever networking, being a known face on the island, but to indulge her people watching.

    Today was no exception to that, but this time she was fixated.. Gene Smith, her palms began to get clammy and not from the coffee cup she cradled as a poor attempt to look 'normal' she watched him take off his jacket, her eyes fleeting all over his form, before he took his seat. Of coarse she knew who he was, no prospective DA worth their salt didn't know who Gene Smith was.

    Her fringe fell in front of her gaze, but in her distraction neglected to place her coffee cup down before attempting to resit it, pouring hot coffee all down herself, leaping to her feet and the cup cascading with an enormous smash to the ground.



  15. 6 minutes ago, SmashUp said:

    I think new year, that was close to Christmas)) 


    Planes travelling or trains?)

    Cute! I dig Halloween myself!

    Trains! I love to watch the world flash by.


    Sunshine or Snow

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  16. On her way to the court house Ryver drove past the bridge known to house a settlement of vagrants. Having had a somewhat unconventional upbringing herself she always felt somewhat a-kin to those living outside society. Normally she would have this passing feeling, sip her $8 coffee and drive on.. but today...rather selfishly she was concentrating on her dreams of becoming DA, and the case she had, was hanging by a thread. She needed evidence and she needed someone with a disdain for society to help.

    Driving down the dirty road to the settlement, the small rocks whipping at the side of her car like hail, she contemplated if she was doing the right thing and silenced her mind with conviction that one wrong can sometimes make it right.

    Parking up just shy of the entrance, she stepped out with her black sling back heels crushing the dry earth, she walked with poise toward the gate, her grey designer dress clenched to her hourglass figure. She calls for attention at the gate.

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  17. Hello!

    Just as a foreword, this is a roleplaying thread. I would hope most would be familiar with how role play works but; I will start with a brief description of my character and placement in the identity world, but lets see where it goes! Purely set this board up for character development, networking and hashing out relationships before we get into the game itself. Enjoy x

    Setting: Coffee Shop

    Ryver; an auburn haired mid thirty,  pondered over the contents of a criminal file. Delicately stirring her morning coffee, the room filed with busy people, with busy lives all individually not taking a blind bit of notice of each other. She sighed and glanced away for a moment, catching a reflection of herself in her smartphone she thought, if anyone could even deduce at this point that she came from 'a cult' upbringing in Arizona. Wearing her grey designer dress and sling back stilettos, she was a shadow of herself. She retained her free spirit and tenacity to right the injustice's in the world but she knew she had to conform, her one small token to her past was a woven bracelet in muted tones in the colours of her family. Red for love, green for peace and yellow for happiness, the pillars of their belief system.. Although she hadn't spoken to her family for some time.

    Snapping back to the problem at hand, the file. It was missing most of any hard evidence, she knew this would be a tough one to swing...

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  18. Hello Ladies!

    You may have seen a adjacent club on the forum boards aptly titled the Gentlemen's Club where the proprietor has weakly offered any woman to query her place in his world a slim stake in his establishment.


    Well I don't know about you girls! But I want something of our own, so please feel at home here, sprawl out on a chaise lounge, order a cocktail or two and embrace what it means to be a woman in this modern world.


    All I ask is that you keep it strictly role-play.

    My Name is Ryver Lemonelle; auburn of hair, green of eye and soft of features. But call me Lemonz for short, naturally I am the proprietor of this establishment but you are all more than welcome here anytime.


    Speak soon Sugars. Toodle pip


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