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Everything posted by LemonMeringoo

  1. Roleplay Thread

    Hello! Just as a foreword, this is a roleplaying thread. I would hope most would be familiar with how role play works but; I will start with a brief description of my character and placement in the identity world, but lets see where it goes! Purely set this board up for character development, networking and hashing out relationships before we get into the game itself. Enjoy x Setting: Coffee Shop Ryver; an auburn haired mid thirty, pondered over the contents of a criminal file. Delicately stirring her morning coffee, the room filed with busy people, with busy lives all individually not taking a blind bit of notice of each other. She sighed and glanced away for a moment, catching a reflection of herself in her smartphone she thought, if anyone could even deduce at this point that she came from 'a cult' upbringing in Arizona. Wearing her grey designer dress and sling back stilettos, she was a shadow of herself. She retained her free spirit and tenacity to right the injustice's in the world but she knew she had to conform, her one small token to her past was a woven bracelet in muted tones in the colours of her family. Red for love, green for peace and yellow for happiness, the pillars of their belief system.. Although she hadn't spoken to her family for some time. Snapping back to the problem at hand, the file. It was missing most of any hard evidence, she knew this would be a tough one to swing...
  2. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver joyfully laughs "you guys aren't exactly Houdini"
  3. Roleplay Thread

    Now dressed Ryver decides to head to the hospital, as she opens her apartment door Pams kitten dart past her. Startled a little her attention is drawn by the sound of someone on the fire escape. She goes to her window and gasps "Jason?" She raises an eyebrow. She grabs an old baseball hat and leaves her apartment, deciding to tag along behind, as the pair enter the liquor store she sighs.
  4. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver declines the offer and suggests cleaning herself up and heading to the hospital later when Jason has picked up a little. "I just found him at the bottom step, he lives in my building that's about all I know i'm afraid" She heads back over to Kevin, gives him the location of her car and the keys. "If you drive it back here later I'll take you back to your car, or vice versa-Sorry about this" Heading back inside the apartment she removes her clothes with finger tips, jumps in the shower and gives thought to Jason and promising to him in her head that when she is DA it won't happen.
  5. ikea

    the linchpin for me here is that even they know IKEA is Swedish but insisted on it being Russian.. and surely it's copyright anyway?
  6. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver hushed Jason. "Save your strength, the ambulance will be here soon" Within moments of that sentence being uttered, the ambulance pulled up and the paramedics charged in, everything happened so quickly, there were needles and airways, oxygen and blood pressure monitors, it was like a scene from a hospital drama but played out right in front of her eyes. In a haze she acknowledged one of the paramedics. "If you hadn't of been here miss, he would have had much less of a chance of surviving this-today you are a hero" he said. Watching Jasons limp body convulse and drain of life-she didn't feel much of a hero, she felt helpless. She saw her fathers lifeless body all over again, her eyes welled up. She had so much love for human life she punished herself to watch this through. Once the paramedics had stabilised Jason then began putting him on the stretcher. Ryver clasped his clammy palm "I'll be right behind you"
  7. ikea

    This whole post confuses me
  8. Roleplay Thread

    As Ryver waited for kevin to set off, she saw a reflection of something odd on the stairs of the apartment building. Squinting her eyes she exclaimed "OMG!" jumping out of the car and as best she could in such a fitted dress hastily make her way back into the apartment building. Crouching on the step next to Jason she hauled him as best she could over the edge to allow any vomit trail away she spoke in a level raised tone "Jason...Jason can you hear me? It's Ryver" She had been in this position many times before with her family, she called for an ambulance and sat close to him to keep him warm, she beared no mind to the vomit on her dress, texting her boss to tell him what was happening and that she would not be in work.. she thought about all the occasions she had text him due to charitable deeds she had gotten herself into.. she couldn't recall ever actually being ill as a reason to 'call in sick' She stroked Jasons head, talking to him all the time: "You'll be alright honey, the ambulance is coming" in her soothing southern accent.
  9. This OR That Game

    Hmmm.. I'm going to say impactful lyrics only for standing the test of time, people put lyrics on their skin, you can't hardly tattoo a lick, I mean you can scribe the sheet music but it doesn't provoke the same feeling as words. Poet or Prophet?
  10. This OR That Game

    Because I'm truly evil hahaha. Backyard Punk obvs by the time anyone is playing an arena they are too commercialised. best singer to have ever lived or best guiatariest " "
  11. Roleplay Thread

    As Kevin pulls up outside Ryver replaces her post in her mail box, her head up high she strides out of the double doors the morning sun hot on her skin. Her curls bounce as she steps down to his car. She gives a small wave of acknowledgement and walks round to the passenger side. She turns to Kevin "thanks for helping out!" buckling herself in her head dipped and close to Kevins her hair smells of cocoa butter. She takes a chopstick from her purse 'toffee Apple and cinnamon' and applies it.
  12. This OR That Game

    FAST-i like to imagine it shredding to the bone. nirvana or CKY
  13. This OR That Game

    Punk ??‍??? Funk or disco?
  14. Dames, Ladies and Femme's..Oh my!

    Hello Ladies! You may have seen a adjacent club on the forum boards aptly titled the Gentlemen's Club where the proprietor has weakly offered any woman to query her place in his world a slim stake in his establishment. Well I don't know about you girls! But I want something of our own, so please feel at home here, sprawl out on a chaise lounge, order a cocktail or two and embrace what it means to be a woman in this modern world. All I ask is that you keep it strictly role-play. My Name is Ryver Lemonelle; auburn of hair, green of eye and soft of features. But call me Lemonz for short, naturally I am the proprietor of this establishment but you are all more than welcome here anytime. Speak soon Sugars. Toodle pip
  15. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver lifted a brow-she wasn't convinced. But got the impression the girl had a lot more on her plate than addiction, and for now at least, had a roof over her head, so didn't wish to pry much further than that. As the girl walked past her Ryver followed her with her eyes. Taking a piece of junk mail from her own pile, and being the queen of stationery, took a pen from her handbag, scrawling "Catch up with you later" and shoving it into Pam's mailbox.
  16. This OR That Game

    Acoustic Blues or Metal
  17. Dames, Ladies and Femme's..Oh my!

    Ladies night... seriously, do I look 40!
  18. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver briefly glances at her mail, mostly subscriptions and adverts, with one or 2 bills-Ryver had a good job, with good prospects and very little money worries-she isn't even sure how she got here. Dancing from foot to foot as even now, high heels aren't comfortable. She acknowledges the other tenants in the building. And pays the trash hitting her foot no mind. Pricking her ears at the conversation about cars.. "Kevin!.. right? I wonder if you could help me out, I have a heap of crap...that let me down yesterday, and If it hasn't been towed is still down at the coffee shop in town!" Ryver wasn't one to avoid capitalising on helpful coincidence. Hearing the conversation between Pam and Jason she chimed with a semi-serious smile "I hope you two aren't soliciting drugs on my porch, I am your future DA" Her attention turned back to Kevin
  19. Roleplay Thread

    *7:00am the next morning* Ryver stirs into life with the aid of her alarm, grimacing at the sounds like some kind of aversion therapy. completing her morning tasks in quick succession; shower, coffee, brush teeth, dry hair, put on adult clothes. Sometimes she felt the list of activities on a morning was endless especially for some just creeping out of slumber. Ryver was wearing a summery off dress today, more flaired and loose fitting than her usual workwear-she wasn't due in court today and if her childhood taught her anything it's that storms mean clear skies. She casually headed downstairs to the lobby to check her post that she chose to peruse over at that point as she never saw much sense in dragging junk mail up to her apartment only too dispose of it.
  20. Roleplay Thread

  21. Roleplay Thread

    Not being the greatest at reading signals, Ryver decides to back off a little. "It's late, you'll probably want to head off soon, right?" she asked it, but hoped her would stay forever.
  22. Roleplay Thread

    "I'd rather show you what I wished for..." She sits up to face Gene, kneeled like a Geisha, hands clasped in her lap, she edges in close, eye's half closed lips just ever so slightly puckered but not so much to be embarrassing if she was to be rejected at this point. Gene would be able to feel her breath on his lips, her lip balm smelt like toffee apple and cinnamon.
  23. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver looked up at Gene, her green eyes dance with oranges from the fire, mimicking the scene of a dawn sun breaking through the forest. Glossed over with dreamy euphoria, she purposefully blinks, screwing her nose up slightly, with a slow nod. "There, all done... what did you wish for?" Ryvers child like curiosity never did quite leave her.
  24. Roleplay Thread

    She smiles at his choice as the vinyl clicks into place for a few seconds 'Love me Tender' begins to play, that see's goosebumps race all over Ryver's body, notably on her arms. She is charmed by Gene's donation of his jacket. "Shall we make a move outside?" She grabs the tray with the coffee, as Gene's jacket slips away tugged lightly at her cardigan, revealing a bird wing like collar bone, delicate and prominent. Ryver oozed grace and her physical attributes mirrored her perfectly. She escorts Gene outside onto the terrace where the fire's light laps at the sofa and soft furnishings. You'd be forgiven for believing it was the middle of the day the embers illuminated the area so well. But the fire soon died down and gently crackled, spitting occasionally, but giving enough heat to be comfortable. Ryver spoke to Gene for what felt like hours, til her eyes felt heavy, she'd began to rest her head on his chest whilst discussing the stars. "Did you see that! a shooting star, quick Gene make a wish!"
  25. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver leaves briefly to set up the terrace, accessed through sliding doors in her bedroom, not only to set the fire pit up but to lay out an array of fur, sheepskin and woollen blankets. With the intentions of making it cosy. Coming back in, shivering slightly, she sits down with Gene following suit shortly after, she turns into him, her knee touching his. "I suppose you could call them family heirlooms, we didn't have a lot growing up, but we always enjoyed music. We would spend out last few dollars on flea market vinyls. Chose anything you like, I've got the sound system rigged up to play on the terrace, so maybe something easy listening as to not disturb the neighbours" Her nostrils filled with the smell of his cologne, inside it was driving her wild..to be truthful, she wasn't hiding it very well on the outside either.