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Everything posted by LemonMeringoo

  1. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver nods agreeable to his take on the situation. "Don't get me wrong today has been hectic to say the least, but I've slept it off and I suppose I did offer to show you my vinyls" she pauses briefly for comedic affect, before pointing to her record collection. She assembles her coffee intricately, choosing the smallest sugar cube to hand and adding enough milk to make it questionable that there was even coffee in the cup. "It looks to be clearing outside, shall I put the fire pit on, on the terrace and we can watch the stars?"
  2. Roleplay Thread

    "yeah..it's a nice little place...I only rent, the neighbours aren't too much of a..." She continues rambling hastily about nothing all that important, intermittently looking at Gene, when he wasn't looking at her as she made the coffee in the little nook of a kitchen. She wraps up her monologue by asking, "So.. twice in one day? to what do I owe the pleasure?" She brings over the coffee on a tray, with sugar lumps and milk and sets it down on the coffee table. Wrapping her cardigan around her like a kimono and perching close enough to Gene, the open window carrying the scent on her perfume in his direction.
  3. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver stands on the other side of the door and lefts out a breath through pursed lips (when her lips look their best) as she composes herself, she opens the door and beams cheekbone to cheekbone. She looks him up and down, realising the scaling difference in their attire. She bears it no further attention as she extends a dainty hand to sweep a stray hair back from his face. Bashfully glimpsing at his eyes. "Come on in, I don't want you catching your cold out there!" As Gene enters and questions his footwear, Ryver jokes "As long as you don't have 6 toes" but just incase he had she quickly continued "Uh..Coffee?"
  4. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver frantically gets dressed, her bedroom resembling a jumble sale; dress down casual, pyjama's, cocktail dress, a whole multitude of outfits were tried and discounted til the buzzer sounds and she is wearing what can only be described as one step away from gym clothes. She shrugs to herself in the mirror and jets to the door, tripping on the corner of her rug as she did every day but refused to remove it. Clutching at the phone for the intercom she breathlessly gasps "Come on up!" as she buzzes the door. She looks in the mirror at her reflection, attempting to fix her hair.
  5. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver almost didn't hear her phone vibrate over the rumbling and crackling of the evening sky- all she could think about was being able to see the star that night. She was very lucky to have the top floor apartment with roof top terrace, where she had placed a fire pit and canopy for summer parties. Her ear almost hitched at hearing her phone vibrate. Casting it off as 'probably work' for a moment, she threw what was left of her cigarette out the window, but left it open. She took a cup from the cupboard and placed it in the coffee machine installed in her kitchen, tapping at the buttons for her selection, her phone gave a second reminder vibration. As the machine spurted and gargled into her cup, she pondered over to her phone, hardly taking notice of the name on the screen, but as the text sank in like an icicle melting on a spring morning, she sprang into action, vainly putting items away in the apartment. She replies [Sure come on over]
  6. Any females gonna be on Identity?

    I'll be there!
  7. Roleplay Thread

    The apartment is silent, but outside a storm is stirring, the walls a wash with grey as the window pains chill under the dropping temperature. Ryver loved evenings like this. Stirring from her nap after a more than eventful day, she unstuck her eyes with a few defiant blinks, stretched out her arms til a few creeks ricocheted down her spine. Turning over on her side, she clicked the button on her phone and as to be expected 0 messages/notifications. She huffed and laid on her back, twiddling a loose thread on her sleeve. Thunder rolled through the clouds outside, bringing Ryver to the window pane to watch and wait. She pushed it open just enough to feel the fresh cool breeze brush against her face. Patting at her pocket for her cigarettes, she lit one and imagined herself in a noir film. Waiting for a detectives silhouette to appear at her apartment door and deliver some tantalising news. But life just isn't like that. CRASH! the lighting struck just a few streets away-the refraction bouncing off Ryvers iris; pupils widening at the excitement the untameable weather brings with it.
  8. Bums for hire - Desperate times

    Ryver hands a screwed up piece of paper to Jake, in childlike hand writing in a vain attempt to hide her own. On Jake's second request Ryver seems slightly indifferent. abruptly agreeing with "Fine, give it a few days though, don't want to draw unwanted attention. I'll get the press to report on me carrying out a charitable deed for your associates, I might aswel get something out of it" she scoffed, in a sarcastic tone. Having grown up surrounded with the 'free love' mentality, she often seemed ignorant to fleeting affections, but she wasn't dumb and was not above admitting she sometimes used it to her advantage. "Anyway.." she threw her cigarette into the fire "I really must get going, I don't want to arise suspicions--You have my number, text me when it's done" Ryver stood to her feet, smoothed out her dress and catwalked back to her car, not giving a second glance.
  9. [TEXT]

    Hi Sugar,

    Just feeding the fishes then heading for a nap. Drop me a text sometime if you fancy another spontaneous day out.

    ttyl Ryver xoxo

    1. GeneSmith


      Will do Ryver. I'll let ya know

  10. Roleplay Thread

    "thank you for a wonderful day Gene, I wish you the best of luck in the upcoming election" She leans in and places an ever so delicate kiss on Gene cheek before leaving the car and climbing the steps to her apartment block. She briefly glances back before heading through the lobby door.
  11. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver thanks Gene for his kindness. "Please, i'd very much like to go home now"
  12. Roleplay Thread

    "Ok, well i'm going for a smoke, are you happy to settle up here?" Ryver takes one more bite at her slice, finishes her drink a sure sign of her upbringing being more or less impoverish. Collecting her things she heads outside, lights up and is instantaneously approached by a strange man enquiring as to whether she was Ryver Lemonelle, and had been at the courthouse today. He was steaming drunk and becoming very intimidating, he had clearly been on the prosecution side who failed to put her client away today. "I'm sorry sir, I was just doing my job" Ryver stuttered
  13. Roleplay Thread

    "Trying to get rid of me?"
  14. Roleplay Thread

    Having embarrassed herself for most of the day she wasn't about to let Gene go unscathed "Is that a euphemism Mr Smith?" Ryver finishes her first slice and take another-he has tapped into her second favourite thing to do in this world... Eat.
  15. Roleplay Thread

    "That's cute, i'd love a dog but it would be unfair on it with the hours I work and I wouldn't be able to come for pizza with strangers if I had one" She gratefully takes the plate, tentatively biting into it after a few cautious blows. Ryver lips always look their most angelic when slightly puckered, as on this occasion. She looks to Gene as if to say [why do I have to pull such stupid faces] After swallowing her first bite and lightly dabbing at her mouth.. "I'm anywhere from Elvis to the Beetles, to White snake and Beartooth. I love music and I have to admit this is probably one of the least music filled days I've had in a long time, but I can't say i'm not happy for the company!" She sips at her drink briefly and confidently continues, Gene has struck a chord she loves to discuss "You should come in for coffee when we go back to mine, look over my vinyl collection"
  16. Roleplay Thread

    The waitress overhearing the line of inquiry, places the lime and soda down on Ryvers side with some force, a tiny droplet escapes onto the table, which Ryver mops up with the provided napkin. Smoothing it on purposefully on the table. "Uh..Fish, well erm i'm no marine biologist, they just look nice that's all I know" To Ryvers relief the waitress returns once more with their pizza, Ryver could have sworn the topping spelt something offensive on her side, but chose to look at Gene instead. "So tell me more about you Gene..Pets? Parents? ...Partners?"
  17. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver smiles and laughs silently at Gene's first comment about the waitress, followed by a unintentional snort at the notion of a boyfriend. She lifts her hand immediately to her mouth with an immediate rush of colour to her pale skin detailing the small speckle of freckles across her nose and cheeks. "ahem..no boyfriend, it's just me and my fish" Ryver furrowed her brow, she had no idea why she had mentioned her fish-they're plastic. "I'm sure you'd be able to handle yourself in any case" She reaches across the table clutching at Gene's upper arm.
  18. Roleplay Thread

    In her head Ryver is beside herself with what she would like to do with that offer but keeps it to herself and responds "I suppose that seems sensible.. I feel bad for having kept you this long" The waitress attends the table, Ryver notices she does not take her eyes of Gene asides a few small glimpses in relevance to Ryver whilst reciting the menu. Ryver orders a lime soda water and suggests sharing a pizza, the waitress' lip curls as she wanted the acknowledgement from Gene. She hovers for a few moments in hope then retreats. Ryver shuffles her shoulder in her seat, although she doesn't blame the girl, she is captivated by Gene also.
  19. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver is thankful for the break in inquiry "I think its had dried, but the rain from before has hidden it...other than meeting you, my day hasn't really gone quite to plan" She didn't dare look Gene having realised what she said. "Anyway i'm starving, shall we?"
  20. Bums for hire - Desperate times

    "I am defending this absolute low life, thankfully he told me where he ditched his car. And I'm betting on there being a good level of DNA evidence in it. I need someone to steal it, and hand it over to the police... well I say hand it over, I mean more...make sure it ends up in their hands. I'm counting on you being my logistics man there. I don't want to know the details for plausible deniability" Ryver rolls her head as if to crack her neck in an attempt of dominance but a blatant display of anxiety. "I can stall the proceeding for so long, but this needs to happen today"
  21. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver is impressed with his solid, reasoned response. However she is all too aware that politicians are good at giving the answer they should without batting an eyelid as to whether they truly believe it themselves. But reserves judgment for now. Casting some facial expressions in way of agreement. "You are determined to know me, aren't you. I suppose I can't avoid answering them for too much longer" She debates as to the level of openness required at this point, after all he is a random stranger in reality. "I suppose I've fought my way to where I am and believe others deserve the opportunity to do so, as often they are victims of this world not criminals of it."
  22. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver admires his morals "that's a nice way to look at the world... but what if they don't agree?" She lights another cigarette nervously at his next question and shakes here head in avoidance of an actual answer "so are the pizzas good where we are going?"
  23. Roleplay Thread

    Ryver smiles and agrees. To be honest he could have suggested taking her to the worst place in the world, because she wasn't listening. She was too busy drinking in ever possible part of him, in constant fear that he was going to suddenly disappear or this was all just a dream. "I'm surprised you have so much time on your hands for me today! If you need to be somewhere please don't feel beholding to me" Her cellphone buzzes with a text from her client [Thanks babe, sure i'll be seeing you again soon] Ryver wrinkles up her face as the last thing she would want would be to defend him again. She stuffs her cellphone back in her bag.
  24. Roleplay Thread

    Something about him causes her to melt from her core, from the tone of his voice to his sharp dress sense, even before 'meeting' him she knew that he would have this power over her. Shyly she smiles and replies "Sure thing hun, what do you feel like eating?"
  25. Roleplay Thread

    As Gene pulls up alongside her, Ryvers fingers even whiter from clinging to her upper arms for heat. Her wet hair lapping at her face, all she could be thankful for was that she often chose not to wear make-up less it be strewn down her face. Her bottom lip quivered with the cold for a moment, before she reluctantly entered the car. She thought about what she should say... "I'm sorry for flirting with you..i shouldn't have done that"