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3 Opportunist

    Yea man, next level gameplay. I once spent 3 full hours throwing coins into the fountain!
  2. So Stoked For IdentiyRPG

    I also am hyped for this totally real game, that I paid to play about 5 years ago. I definitely believe that my money is going towards production costs and that I definitely was not robbed of my money. There is no way this was all just a scam to make a quick million from gullible gamers.

    Realistically, I'll spend 5 hours, at most, on this module. It is karaoke, chess, and old movies. What are people going to be doing for more than just a few hours?
  4. Nominate Identity for Steam Awards!!

    For what we are getting at this moment, VR chat would win in that genre.
  5. It's up and we have a date !

    30 November, seems like we will get a big patch day 1.
  6. Size.

    Seems about average with today's games.
  7. So what's wrong with the UI?

    Transparency would really settle people down and help the community in regards to trusting.
  8. "founder hat" instead of a kickstarter hat

    Any way to check which one is unlocked on an account?
  9. PC Specs, will they be alright?

    No, your video card is going to bottleneck you. If you are happy with 20-30 frames then you will be fine, if you are looking for smooth game play you are not going to get it with that video card. Rest of specs look alright.
  10. Can I be a serial killer?

    Not enough murder for me.
  11. Can I be a serial killer?

    I fully intend to kill a massive amount of people. I am going to RP as a psychopath.
  12. This is just a plea. I know VR will be supported in the future and it 'might' get squeezed into Town square if John can find time. I picked up a Vive and after experiencing its awesomeness I want to play Identity with it so badly.
  13. A Book Club

    I would help your book club be lively with a good ol' shooting massacre.
  14. Probably not own a store but maybe you can sell your items through a store an NPC owns? Like if there is a clothing store maybe you can sell clothes you make and the store gets a %, but I think I read somewhere that we won't be able to own whole stores.