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Everything posted by Trustvainer

  1. Option to buy items with real money?

    I don't see problem if the guy have a option like that in a private server, so he can be solo there or among others p2w players living in a world with only rich people.
  2. Gym

    Where the personal trainers will be employed? Google being Google
  3. Typing With Eyes Closed Game

    Onomatopeia is the first world I learned to spell. I'm using a little wrench to force this door to open.
  4. Purchasing with prepaid cards

    Seems a good browser.
  5. Purchasing with prepaid cards

    No, I'm saying that my browser doesn't have that feature that James's browser have, so I have had to enter in the link to search for the reply in the bottom of the page, this taken me 30 seconds to almost 40 seconds just to find the answer.
  6. Purchasing with prepaid cards

    In my browser I have had to enter in that second link to find the answer in the bottom of the page, so it took 30 seconds, not 0.84 seconds.
  7. Purchasing with prepaid cards

    I think that you have the reply you was asking in that page, so you buy or not, simple like that. If you don't have the card yet, so your time is passing, soon the prices will go up.
  8. Hyper realistic VOIP

    I agree, but that channel would be via the computer of the cars and those in the precinct.
  9. Apparently, I'm a Farmer Now

    Here I am too.
  10. Purchasing with prepaid cards

    So do I. Bring me another payment gateway too. We need this.
  11. Who is Interested in written ( text based) role play ?

    I knew what KAIDN was doing... and knew that others would come after. So funny.
  12. Purchasing with prepaid cards

    But Steam have discounted prices too, in holiday seasons or some big dates, we just have to be ready for that.
  13. In cuffs vs. in a hospital gurney

    I propose that the prison time be greater, cause firing at police is unacceptable. But the hospital can be the host for those that got injured by hunting animals or transit accident, or victim of crimes or something else.
  14. Purchasing with prepaid cards

    On Steam you can pay via other methods. You can wait until there.
  15. [POLICE] Organization & Structure

    The game will be released in 2018 or so on. There are many professions that Identity won't coverage, like those regard to building, paving, cleaner, garbage collector, and some related to food industry. I don't know if the mechanic will be implemented right.

    Yes, I think so, there have so many topics of lawyers in this forum.
  17. [POLICE] Organization & Structure

    Probably 2018. And yet the lack of the simulation of basic jobs is too many.
  18. Ownership of houses.

    Each person can buy only one house in the server. And when you enter in the game you can work there normally and earn your cash, would be you working at day or at night. Some players will spend their money in pubs and other things, but you can invest in something to multiply until you buy your house.
  19. Confused about traffic regulations?

    I think, if the cars are expensive the players won't be crushing in someone else. If they have spare money they can do that, but then would have the factor police to avoid such situation, however the attorneys can handle the issue for the accused driver. Omg, that is a such complex game.
  20. Npcs

    You're right. Seems like he puts english to portuguese in google translator.
  21. Running The Game

    If you buy a new pc, it won't be for nothing, you always will have some use to it.
  22. Running The Game

    You can put some ads in facebook/instagram leading to your channel to get some views and future earnings.
  23. Rate the above song

  24. More than one Character?

    I understood, only 1 account per pledge. Well, to drive the motorcycle and the rusted car.
  25. More than one Character?

    I meant, with two accounts.