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Posts posted by Trustvainer

  1. On 17/03/2017 at 2:53 AM, flowermouth said:


    It's alright until the chorus, then it just gets generic house/dance-pop. The build up is nice though, props for that.





    6/10 - Seems like a nice music to rest and sleep. :)





  2. On 24/03/2017 at 7:17 PM, DrFelixPhD said:

    It opens more doors than simply the number of players on a server, too. With these changes we can now afford to have a more dynamic and interactive world. We've gained some freedom in manipulating the world and we can create features which we never imagined possible in a game of Identity's scale.


    This is all extremely exciting for the team. This technology is a scope-changer and Identity is going to be far better for it. Not only will our world grow, not only will the population be denser, but you'll even be able to leave your mark in many new ways.

    This means that now we can build, right? =)

    • Like 1

  3. On 23/02/2017 at 3:36 AM, KittyDeKarebu said:

    rockstar games sucks.

    I am currently typing with my eyes closed I wonder if I made a mistake somehow hmmm.

    I am currently typing with my eyes closed I am wonder if I make a mistake somewhow hmmm


    The good wife was in my house drinking with me and my cat.

  4. 18 hours ago, TheoGT said:


    I was just thinking about Identity and I had a few thoughts. So, I'm here now posting these ideas as a list to see your thoughts on these. Just give me your honest opinion on things that maybe you would change about it, maybe why you do/don't like it, or even ideas of your own. I just want to have a conversation about ideas of the upcoming possible features for the game :)


    1. Animals, what animals will be in the wild for hunting, preying on you, food chains, pets, etc

    2. Boats, yachts, big cargo ships to transport goods across the island faster, jet skis, kayaks, surfing, etc

    3. Sea, waves, tides, sinking boats, drowning, sea animals such as sharks and fish, coastguard

    4. Houses and real estate, how you think it should work and what should be implemented to keep it fair for all players.

    5. Small car features, rolling down windows, wingmirrors, parking sensors, manual and automatic, electric and gasoline, engine damage, refilling oil for the engine...

    6. Public transport, trains, buses, etc will they be player driven, how will schedules work and how will all of it work..

    7. Snow, skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiles(?), snowballs, anything to do with snow because who doesn't love snow.

    Now these are just random ideas I thought of, maybe they sound stupid, maybe they sound unrealistic, but I'm just saying what comes from my mind to hear your honest opinion on it.



    1. I would like to hunt bears, armadillos and bats. I would like to see cows, horses, bulls, pigs, wolves, alligators, monkeys, rabbits, chickens, bees and birds. For pets, I would like to buy and have dogs, cats, some birds and some fishes.

    2. I would like to see every of this, I even will need some cargo ship or fisher boat for my sea adventures. I would like to make boat trips in some rivers of the island.

    3. I think waves would be great. If you play "The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt"(Free on Steam) you can taste a little of rough waters. This would add up a little bit of challenge in sea. I think coastguard could be a service of the Firefighters or Police. I would love to see a high range of sea life and their formations, sharks don't are so badly in real life like in the movies, so I would like to see them like as they are, docile sea animals.

    4. I think that the team have to effort a bit more to we be able to build houses and buildings in this game, we have some online games out there that can offer this feature to us without damage the network traffic. So would be cool we have masons to build and agencies to sell it for us, or we could buy real estate and hire some masons. To keep it fair for all of us, the governor should apply some taxes to keep the players working to maintain their houses.

    5. I think all of these features would add up very much to the system and I would be glad to see everything of this.

    6. I think public transportation should be made by players, inclusive their time schedule and routes. And I think that the train should be driven by human hands.

    7. All related to snow would be great too and would add up much employment.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, PlayerOne said:

    are apartments in seperate instances? so the same door could be a "portal" to the apartments of many players?

    why would i want to rent a house if there are unlimited cheaper apartments?

    Let's say that you can find houses in places where don't have apartments. You have garages, garden and yard in the house. Houses have more than one floor. Generally scarcity adds more value, so are the houses.

    • Like 1

  6. 16 minutes ago, Asbo said:

    The problem I have with no NPC's and also other issues which spring to mind what if you on a low populated server or in another time zone how will you be able to interact if none is online? This could cause it to be really boring if there are no other players about. This leads me to believe that the playing area would have to be small and limited too which does not sound appealing if you want to adventure out into the wilderness so I can see many issues from a playing perspective here!

    I think that you can sleep to wait the right time when the server will fill up or you can go to another server with more players playing.
    In all cases, I think when you find a server with low population is because the game is not attractive anymore, but this we hope that never will happen.

  7. 5 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    I don't think that is paid/ I am sure it is not a paid job and more of a fun thing/ hobby.

    Yes, is not my desire work in a paid job. I will make a living of this because I will have the stuffs to diving and I will be always under the ocean/lakes/rivers, doing researches, excavation, exploration, searching, finding. Things like these, you even could pay me to find a lost object. ;)

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, DaLegion said:

    Not just with owning more than one, but I feel that it will create a monopoly. I/e if you join early and buy a house for $200,000 (Hypothetical) and after a couple weeks, all houses are sold. Is there anything stopping the monopoly of someone selling their house for $2,000,000 or so? How will the houses stay worth the money you paid, and they are cheap, why would anyone ever sell them?

    If you buy a house for 200k Ideny (I like how it sounds) you can sell for 300k if have some shops around or a great circulation of people. You can sell for 100k if the neighborhood have high index of criminality or robbery.

  9. Yes, we can agree that if we have only one server to accommodate both text-based and voice role players this will be a catastrophe. But if we have a server only for roleplay in text and a server only for voice all will run smooth like the wind. And this is what is gonna be, not one, but many servers like those both.

    I will be in the gestures server of course.

    • Like 1

  10. 33 minutes ago, Herzog said:

    Thing is though in the long run voice chat is just easier. Yes text chat is more immersive due to the extent in detail you can go into but do you really have to give detail when someone is about to shoot you. I doubt the robber will wait 5 minutes for you to write how you died....

    I have however hosted 3 (i think) forum RP threads so you are more than welcome to join in if another pops up. 

    I think when a community is able to do RP the whole community have knowledge of the rules, so yes, a robber will wait 5 minutes to the other guy play your role because he knows that what makes a good roleplay server is the entire community. Think that way, the robber don't mind only for himself, he cares for the actions of the other players, because in a community of roleplay the most important thing is the development of your character in the story and the events that occur in the server. Is like a novel, all is important for the greater good.