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Everything posted by LuciousTimes

  1. The Great Monarchy - Police Policies (Royal Guard)

    We would just continue relecting the same person! That way we could be sure all the laws remained the same and pay grades for officers stays the same!
  2. Thomas Hetch for governer

    I advise you all to not follow Mr. Thomas Hetch. There's so much more in my alliance of corporations to support you all. Message me for details!
  3. The Great Nation of PrezLegend

    I, PrezLegend have wisely constructed an alliance of Businesses, Military, and Police Officers all together under the loyalty to PrezLegend as Governor. Royal Guard: Alpha Military Corporation Businesses: Police Officers:
  4. Roseport Pirates

  5. The ICA (Coming Soon)

  6. Kop Killers

  7. Feared N Fearless MC

    A lot of brotherhoods claim to be the top 1%, but I'm looking for the real one!
  8. | Occulta Family |

  9. Drop Off & Robbery

  10. Occulta Family

  11. The Great Monarchy - Royal Family

    1. Taxes: JoelKeys Plan - Under The Peoples Party 2. Prison Sentences 3. Laws 4. Governor Income 5. How We'll Collect Votes For Governor 6. ETC. We should be discussing these topics and others. Let's get a good discussion going.
  12. The Great Monarchy - Royal Family

    Actually, in times of Robin Hood and King James they were. Then after that king was chosen, the lineage remained in power.
  13. The Great Monarchy - Royal Family

    I appreciate you. I have in mind which type of government I'd like (Constitutional Monarchy), I'm just curious on others opinion.
  14. can the mayor legalize weed

    Yes, as governor I will be able to do that! Go to my new topic and give your ideas! Hope to be working with you soon!
  15. Be sure to follow my profile!

  16. Be sure to follow my profile!

  17. The Peoples Party

    Also, don't be shy to send me messages personally to discuss anything. Be sure to follow my profile in order to be aware of things I'm acting on in the game and real life as a politician.
  18. The Peoples Party

    All of the party's tax proposals are great. They make sense with the idea that they will be spent on schools, roads, buildings, insurance, homelessness, paying elected officials and more. I look forward to representing The Peoples Party as Governor. Now let's discuss: Prison Sentences, Income for elected officials, laws, etc. As Governor I want to be sure I'm applying what people truly want!
  19. Yes, if everyone is taxed 10% it's fair across the board!
  20. I don't believe the town needs borders... My tax rates would be simple. We ( the game government) tax 10% of everyone's annual wage. That way if your career makes $60.000 a year you know you owe $6,000 in taxes. It's simple, it's fair and it can even be applied to the businesses. We as the government take 10% of the annual profit collected by all companies.