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Everything posted by LuciousTimes

  1. Marriage?

    I will definitely enjoy the marriage aspects of the game, something else special to look forward to!
  2. No matter how long we wait for the game, or new ideas come matter anything, I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE FOR GOVERNOR!
  3. Full Support to LuciousTimes.

    True, but doesn't hurt to be too prompt!
  4. @IDEN 's unknown client must be truly desiring to be successful in the race without putting in the effort!
  5. Running for Governor automatically puts a target on your head! These are the threats to look forward to! Started conversation: 8 hours ago ยท Report "I see you are on quite a roll on becoming governor. But, sadly I'm going to have to ask you to slow it down and stop this journey. I have a client that is interested in becoming the governor and I'm making sure he gets his wish. You can always go in when he resigns or when there is another election. This will be your only warning before I have to take action. Have a good day. ~Sal Cornado" aka @IDEN
  6. Everything that has been stated is true!
  7. Yes it's fair! 10% is 10%! If you make $600,000 a year you pay $60,000 in taxes! If you make $60,000 a year you pay $6,000 in taxes! It's fair, whether you're rich or poor you're still paying the same percentage of your money!
  8. Yes, it'll be illegal to kill/assassinate anyone! Plus, I'm sure it'll be more difficult to assassinate an official!
  9. So...not absolutely false! That's I agree with you, I bet you're right!
  10. 34 Votes Total: Proud to see the positive out weighingt the negative!
  11. The Royal Family

    For everyone joining , Welcome to The Royal Family! You are here because you are a leader or member of an elite business, private military, or police group and would like to be protected by other players, aided by other players and in a brotherhood with other players. Codes the name, The Royal Family. Also, financial benefits are given to leaders of organizations! $$$ I, Mr. Lucious Lee Times aka PrezLegend have wisely constructed an alliance of Businesses, Military, and Police Officers all together under the loyalty to myself as Governor. Royal Guard: Alpha Military Corporation Businesses: The High Society, Identity Broadcasting Police Officers: @CadeStrikemen _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Policies (Simplified) : Gun Control: It's necessary that each player be equipped with some sort of protection. The crime rate is going to be ridiculously high. I'll permit each household to have either one shotgun or pistol for protection. This applies to common citizens, not police officers. However, you must be registered to own a gun. Government: My envisioned government will be a Constitutional Dictatorship. It's the best way for the leader to make decisions quickly and get things implemented! I say constitutional because the leader must still abide by laws. He can't just do as he wishes and have all the say so. Voting will still exist, representatives will as well. Only thing truly different is that the leader gives the final yes or no. Taxes: Taxes will be a very simple flat tax for the game. 10% of whatever your career makes you must give in taxes. 10% tax will also be placed on corporation income. Drugs: Weed, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Over-The-Counter Medicine will be legal drugs on the island. Minimum Wage: $10 an hr is the lowest wage businesses will be allowed to give to employees. Healthcare: We want everyone to be able to have care with all the obvious crime there will be. So, if you make less than $20 an hr you will be granted a fee of $100 per month. If you make $20 - $50 you'll be charge $200 and if you make any higher than $50 an hr you'll be charged $300 towards your health insurance. This monthly bill will provide unlimited health coverage for all your health needs. Laws (Detailed) : Justice: "Eye for an Eye", what one man does to another illegally the government will have done to him. For example, you steal from a man. Whatever the worth of the items you stole the government will take from you and give to the one you stole from. You kill a man with no regard, the government will kill you with no regard. Five Characteristics of a Lucious Times Economy 1. The government creates a central economic plan. The five-year plan sets economic and societal goals for every sector and region of the country. Shorter-term plans convert the goals into actionable objectives. 2. The government allocates all resources according to the central plan. It tries to use the nation's capital, labor and natural resources in the most efficient way possible. It promises to use each person's skills and abilities to their highest capacity. It seeks to eliminate unemployment. 3. The central plan sets the priorities for the production of all goods and services. These include quotas and price controls. Its goal is to supply enough food, housing, and other basics to meet the needs of everyone in the country. It also sets national priorities. These include mobilizing for war or generating robust economic growth. 4. The government owns monopoly businesses. These are in industries deemed essential to the goals of the economy. That usually includes finance, utilities, and automotive. There is no domestic competition in these sectors. 5. The government creates laws, regulations, and directives to enforce the central plan. Businesses follow the plan's production and hiring targets. They can't respond on their own to free market forces. (Source: Bon Kristoffer G. Gabnay, Roberto M Remotin, Jr., Edgar Allan M. Uy, editors. Economics: Its Concepts & Principles. 2007. Rex Book Store: Manila.) Advantages Planned economies can quickly mobilize economic resources on a large scale. They can execute massive projects, create industrial power, and meet social goals. They aren't slowed down by lawsuits from individuals or environmental impact statements. Command economies can wholly transform societies to conform to the government's vision. The new administration nationalizes private companies. Its previous owners attend "re-education" classes. Workers receive new jobs based on the government's assessment of their skills. Disadvantages This rapid mobilization often means my economy will mow down other societal needs. For example, the government tells workers what jobs they must fulfill. It discourages them from moving. The goods it produces arenโ€™t always based on consumer demand. But citizens find a way to fulfill their needs. They often develop a shadow economy, or black market. It buys and sells the things my economy isn't producing. Leaders' attempts to control this market weakens support for them, SO I won't try to control it! The Tale of Lucious Times Lucious Lee Times (myself) is a character that grew up homeless on the streets of Los Angeles. In a city of crime Lucious had to be on the lookout at every turn. In Lucious' young life he grew to be very aware of the crime filled city and knew he had to do something to ensure his safety. At 15, Lucious started an organization with a few neighborhood boys called "The Peacekeepers". These boys were brutal. They cleaned the streets of crime in the most direct ways possible. Showing up to criminal hideouts and wasting away every member present, making fake visits to prisons and jails to poison and eliminate those criminals on the inside, making appointments with the LAPD to let THEM know how things would be done. The Peacekeepers were vigilantes at the finest. The city soon had a crime rate so low new schools were being built and more people migrated to the lovely city of Los Angeles. Through all the harsh deeds The Peacekeepers had done Lucious never was present for the actual action. He was the mastermind, the planner, the brain of the whole operation. Sitting behind a desk as leader of The Peacekeepers. Oh how things looked great! Lucious had made something out of nothing and became a city icon and hero as he grew older. Though soon, things made a turn for the worst. Lucious' closest partner, his beautiful fiance was capture by a man known by the name Gustavo Fring. A now well-known high profile methamphetamine drug lord. He did so becuase by cleaning up the city Lucious' made distribution for Mr. Fring come to a complete stop in the area. Lucious grew furious, so furious he began to walk into a whole new light. The Peacekeepers became a weapon at Lucious' disposal. He thought long and hard and then finally had a plan. After finding where Fring was located Lucious and his team of over 200 men approached the location, guns loaded and ready for anything. However, Fring was already aware of Lucious' presence and decided to retaliate. Fring killed Lucious' fiance, then sent out total war upon Lucious and his men. In the end only two men were left standing; Fring and Lucious. After few words, Lucious caught leverage and killed Fring. Though Lucious was severly injured by gunshot. He called the LAPD. With quickness, Lucious was saved and had chance to speak with the LAPD Chief of Police. He thanked Lucious for his doings and after a long conversation of tears the chief left. Lucious began to realize how much he'd loss. All his men, his fiance, his hold on the city from crime all gone! Three weeks later Lucious walked out of the hospital, grab all $789,211 he'd raised with his people, and began to leave town for a new home. A place called Turtle Beach on Identity Island. However, when he got to the town line he found something waiting for him. Over half the city was standing their with gold-colored gold-scented candles. Some of them stood to give thanks, but many stood ready to follow him wherever he went. A woman by the name of Dorris Jean approached Lucious and told him this: "We give these candles to represent who you are to the city. Forever will you be the gold we all love, the gold we all know has provided, the gold we all know will pay the price. For to us you are a leader and friend. For you have become like royalty in this city. And with you royalty we be your royal family." Lucious was proud. All negative feelings previous washed away. Lucious now felt the obligation to continue to lead. For he knew he was wise and could give great leadership. This time he wouldn't limit himself to the leadership of a groups of boys who run a city, no. That was below him now. Now he needed to lead in higher heights where he could have greater impact and influence. A position of power such as Governor would do the trick! So he then decided to venture into the political field of leadership once he arrived in his new home. A few hours later after a celebratory evening Lucious and the now called Royal Family left. 12 days later they arrived in Turtle Beach on the Identity island and the rest is soon to be foretold...
  12. I will be very happy when my rank changes, it currently has such a negative status. Lol
  13. Yes, and I'm not worried I was simply pointing it out! On a recent topic in these Podium Topics an individual made that point. I wish I was aware who it was so that I could grant him the credit.
  14. A great point has been made...there are too many political parties! Especially when some are very similar!
  15. More Political Discussion!

    True, but it won't be able to have any different value! For example, an American server's $ will be the same as a UK server's $! So, the trade system in that sense won't work!
  16. Ahhh, I see what you're saying!
  17. Two party system is inevitable

    What you're actually makes great sense, but what about when it comes to taxes...that's where the majority of the parties differ! For example, us The Royal Family and The People's Party.
  18. More Political Discussion!

    Due to the game, importing and exporting is nonexistent so a US economy almost isn't possible! That's why it has to be more controlled in order suit the needs of everyone.
  19. They all have their interest, but as we discuss in our Discord...there is no favoritism in our government! Fair is all we care for!
  20. Definitely, but The Royal Family isn't resposible for keeping the needs of any businesses???
  21. Who Are The Candidates?

    * Who Are The Candidates * Mr. TIMES, LUCIOUS LEE (aka @LuciousTimes ) - The Royal Family Party Mr. KEYS, JOEL (aka @JoelKeys ) - The Peoples Party Mr. HETCH, THOMAS (aka @ThomasHetch ) - The Identity Party Mr. ROGER ( aka @RogerTheShrubber ) - The Freedom Party Mr. CRUZ, BOBBY (aka @BobbyCruz ) - Unknown Party Mr. BODHI, PRESTON ( aka @Preston_bodhi_343I ) - Unknown Party *THIS TOPIC WASN'T MADE TO JUST LIST WHO IS RUNNING LIKE @DanDud88 'S TOPIC. THIS TOPIC IS HERE FOR THE CANDIDATES TO TELL WHO THEY ARE IN THE REAL WORLD AND LET THE PEOPLE HAVE A CHANCE TO ASK THE CANDIDATES ANYTHING PERSONAL THEY WISH TO ASK. THIS ALLOWS PLAYERS TO TRULY KNOW WHO THEY'RE VOTING FOR.* *PLEASE, FEEL FREE TO LIKE ALL POST! IT HELPS PLAYERS WITH COMMUNITY REPUTATION & RANK* PLAYERS BE SURE TO REPLY WITH QUESTION AND CANDIDATES BE SURE TO REPLY WITH YOUR INFORMATION SO IT CAN BE LISTED. ALL QUESTIONS ARE ACCEPTABLE AND CAN BE DIRECTED TOWARDS ANY CANDIDATES. MR. LUCIOUS LEE TIMES (MYSELF) Residence: TX, United States of America Occupation: Owner of Dr. Heart's Love Counsel, MHS Empire, and Tarrant County Campaign Advisor High School: Marcus High School College: University of Hawaii at Manoa Major: Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution Siblings: 6 Race: Mixed ( White, Native American, Black) Religion: Christian (Non-denominational) Life Philosophy: "Be proud of all you are!" Marital Status: Single Social Attitude: Extrovert Book: The Unwanteds Series Movie: Spirit Greatest Skill: Public Speaking Holiday: Valentines Day Season: Spring Birthday: June 19th Favorite Place: Hawaii Color: Gold Music: R&B, Country, Classic, Rap, Pop, Hip-Hop Animal: Fox Real Life Political Party: Independent Mr. KEYS, JOEL ??? Mr. HETCH, THOMAS ??? Mr. ROGER Residence: Minnesota Occupation: National Park Service worker School: South Dakota Major: Network Security Race: Caucasian Religion: Christian (Lutheran) Outlook on Life: This is summed up by my favorite Bible verse Matt 16:26 "For what is the profit of man that he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Social Attitude: Introvert Book: Bible, Business of the 21st Century Movie: Anything Star Wars or LOTR Skill: recruiting, strategics Holiday: Christmas Season: Spring/Summer (because of fishing season) Favorite Place: Northwoods and on a boat fishing. Color: Green Music: Christian Rap, Rock, Metal, and Contemporary, as well as the oldies like ACDC and stuff. Animal: Lynx Political Party: Republican Mr. CRUZ, BOBBY ??? Mr. BODHI, PRESTON Residence: United Kingdom Occupation: Unemployed School: Lincolnshire Major: N/A Race: Caucasian Religion: Christian Outlook on Life: Life is brilliant. Beautiful. It enchants us, to the point of obsession. Some are true to their purpose, though they are but shells, flesh and mind. Others chase the charms of love, however elusive. What is it that drives you? Social Attitude: mixture of intro and extrovert Book: Friedrich Nietzsche beyond good and evil Movie: point break ( 2015 ) Skill: charisma, first aid Holiday: Christmas Season: Fall and Winter Favorite Place: St Paul's cathedral Color: aurora colours Music: different music Animal: boar/tusked animals Political Party: Republican/right winged
  22. Who Are The Candidates?

  23. I am backing out...

    All that @SupremeLeader has said is true!
  24. Top 6 Political Parties

    The Royal Family uses this color and is represented by The Lion!
  25. Who Are The Candidates?

    Topic has been updated with the new Supreme Leader gent!