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Everything posted by LuciousTimes


    The solidifying of parties is soon to come, stay alert for it!
  2. The Civic National Party

    Welcome to the political's not very active, I'd say I'm am the most active, but no matter good luck with the party!
  3. Perfect, I feel as though you'll be FAIR...a keyword in my campaign! I see it best that you provide me the EXACT laws, policies, etc that you stand for! I'll overlook them, amend what I must, and present them in my campaign!
  4. This is the GREATEST RESPONSE I have seen in my entire campaign! I asked for your input and you gave it directly, it's also nice to know you enjoy politics just as much as I do! I am (with others) adjusting my campaign and I wish to be informed and couseled by wise people such as yourself! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MY CAMPAIGN MANAGER? Together we could come up with foundations for The Royal Family and present a campaign education people such as yourself would be comfortable with!

    SupremeLeader is no longer in the race! You is a very legitimate statement!
  6. A Challenge

    I love seeing the people strongly desire to understand a hidden message in their leader's announces!
  7. The Liberal Progress Union

    What EXACTLY are the taxes, and how will you provide all you offer?
  8. Thomas Hetch for governer

    Players will be able to form custom organizations that are separate from gangs/guilds and corporations, and are viewable to other via the players profile on social media sites in the in-game intranet (should they choose to display them). These organizations can represent almost anything, including political, and religious groups! We're really excited to see what people will make of this feature! *Quoted from Motown*
  9. Always the mission, I enjoy making you proud!
  10. New alliances are forming amongst us great politicians, be tuned for more information! And remember, you heard it first from Lucious Times!
  11. Police Department

    Yes, I would believe the devs already have structure for the force and it's not much of a choice like a campaign or business!
  12. Polls are changing everyday! As new people influence I update my policies, let's hear some influence!
  13. Police Department

    You very kind and correct in complementing Ken on his doings, however, he isn't "the only one speaking up and wants to make a great police force"!
  14. Political parties

    This PROVES/EXPLAINS many questions! Thanks @Motown I really appreciate the government factors of the game, I've never seen such an asset to a game before and it really is amazing to see here in Identity!
  15. What job roles will everyone have ?

    2 politician...myself and who???
  16. The Confederate Party

    I wouldn't present a campaign that speaks of law enforcement having the right to kill citizens for not abiding by the law, or not agreeing with it!
  17. More Political Discussion!

    Hi guys, it's me Mr. Lucious Lee Times. I'm here to tell you guys there are about 6 guys running for Governor of the Identity Island including myself. We've given policies and laws, but we don't think of everything. We need you all to be asking questions and truly trying to figure out who you want to vote for! Just like this past American Presidential Election was big, this is too!
  18. More Political Discussion!

    This may not appeal to black voters, or many minority groups! Just a thought!
  19. The Liberty Party

    It's always nice seeing a new candidate come into the light with a new party or policies! Take a look at some more Veteran Candidates such as myself and Thomas Hetch for some aid with your campaign.
  20. Some people are going to understand your campaign without explanation! Some ask for an explanation and then when you give it to them they too understand! Some will never understand your campaign and some ask for an explanation, but still never understand...your campaign! Sadly, that's the way of politics!
  21. Police Department

  22. It is one thing to give your opinion, it is another to try and sway others. You may forget that this is a game and I'm far from role playing when I say this. The game doesn't have 100% real world aspects. Not everything your saying is capable of being done in the game. But I'm not upset, who you vote for is your choice. We may not even be on the same server, but I feel it would have greater for you to explain to me your distaste, I could have made some changes and bettered the campaign. As we discussed and I did so last night. Not verbatim, but you basically accused me trying to use the government to take over the power of the people etc. That's just ridiculous, I could care less about taking the power etc. I want everything to be fair. But you have your view and we can discuss this further where you may council me with your suggestions or we can just leave it as is.