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Everything posted by LuciousTimes

  1. We'll continue this conversation!
  2. The Peacekeepers and I went after Gustavo AFTER he captured my wife, if law enforcement had been more intuitive she would have never been taken nor killed! You speak of how wrong it is taking the law into my own hands by doing undercover work against the crime families, going after the man that killed my wife etc, and yet I still have yet to see you make any statements of proof that I'm a criminal! I've worked with DEA, FBI, and Local Law Enforcement agencies and none have been as direct in allegations as you! Only you are blinded! OUT OF CHARACTER: I truly have enjoyed my conversation with you, you roleplay your role very well! But, a few guys are starting to feel that you genuinely hate me for no reason and have chosen to attack me out of every candidate just for attention due to me being the surface candidate! I really want to clean my campaign up, because there are some things I don't like so I'll be doing that soon! I hate to put our "legal battle" to rest, but your killing me! ?, you're pretty cool!
  3. I'VE EXPERIENCE HOMELESSNESS, THE DEATH OF MY WIFE, THE CORRUPTION AND TAKE OVER OF MY CITY AND STILL STAND TODAY AS A GOOD MAN!!! I don't like to get riled up, but you've lit the fire! People like you have been manipulated countless times by politicians that you assume when a good politician comes around that they must be corrupt. Your like the girl that was cheated on and now thinks all guys are the same! I'm not corrupt, I don't bend over like a dog for other citizens, I don't try tricking people into false agendas, etc! It's people like you that are to be blamed when good candidates get pushed to the side! I keep changing/updating my policies, because citizens like Kaitlyn have good advice and I consider it in my campaign. I don't just accept any idea that people present, I believe in what I've laid down and only change when I see something better. IS THAT NOT GOOD? As far as my criminal background, yes I presented myself in the desire of having a gang affiliated organization conspire to con the other candidates into leaving the race. Bobby Cruz blew my cover when he exposed it on my campaign. I came clean to him publicly and yet I still continued to communicate with illegal organizations. I had reason for this! I was secretly working with a few families in order for them to find the man Gustavo Fring and frighten him enough to remove himself from the public after what he did to me and my people. I then was encouraged to run for Governor by my "father" after my experiences in LA. After I made the decision to go ahead and run I decided that the crime life wasn't going to exist while I was Governor. So I conspired with families I had already been in relationship with. I put hits on every candidate except Thomas Hetch and Joel Keys. I told them that before they carried out their hit I wanted them to shut down every minimum level criminal organization. Nearly 17 organizations were taken down. I then told them I no longer wanted the hits to be carried out! My primary mission was a success! I shut down a major motorcycle gang, disbanded several minimal gangs, and centered the crime into a few organization I was well aware of. THAT WAY ONCE PROOF OF THEIR CRIMES CAME TO SURFACE I COULD INCARCERATE THEM AND NEARLY BE RID OF CRIME ON THE ISLAND! So yes, I am Mr. Con-Artist! However, I con the right people! So instead of harassing a candidate who obviously plans to crack down on crime, maybe you should be taking some advice, partnering, and rid the crime that is obviously evident among-st the citizens...Agent Anderson! Aside from me explaining myself against your allegations, don't speak of my father in such a manner. He's been good to me ever since I left LA and I don't intend on allowing people to speak to him in such a tone. My father knows me better than anyone and that's a personal relationship I wouldn't tarnish by fooling him into "false agendas"! Zoey I commend you on positioning yourself to fight against the criminal activities of this island, but this case your building is foolish and it'd be wise to look into far greater threats to this island. In private, I'd be willing to grant you intel that I have on a few organizations. As I said, you riled me up, but I'm not angry. I just don't appreciate the allegations that you bestowed upon me, but I'm not angry. My campaign is transparent and widely open for discussion of anything, including my recent feelings for Kaitlyn. I feel we'd make a better team rather than enemies for absolutely no reason. Especially when we're on the same team, what do you say Agent Anderson?
  4. One way up, two ways down.

    That is quite humorous! You have favor with us of The Royal Family!
  5. @Kaitlyn , I want you to feel comfortable asking me personal questions. I'm an open book ready to be read, all you have to do is ask.
  6. One way up, two ways down.

    I don't understand why you feel the need to label me with such negative things. I've done nothing to you, to the people of Identity or outside that. I'm not even mad, you have the right to talk about me and call me as you wish, but I just don't see why you would when I've done nothing... I've told you before that I'm willing to work on policies with you, discuss laws, I mean I'm practically accepting your criticism to make the campaign better. I don't understand why as I keep saying, can you at least explain why you choose to be this way?
  7. Well, there's different kinds of tax! Corporation tax, purchase tax, annual taxes, etc! Not every tax would be the same...
  8. For me to work with you on this I need a few more specifics! See I'm not like other candidates, I'm willing to change my policies if you give me good reason! Where you're from there is a 7.5% tax on what? Store purchases?
  9. vote me and live better

    However, private and public servers are different!
  10. vote me and live better

    We have been told 4 days, but we're not certain that's true! I don't believe it at all to be honest! A candidate and I can't recall which gave us that information!
  11. I understand, know that I have no intention of doing so! I see relationships as not only love between two people, but also a partnership! You should always depend on the other to make good choices for themselves and the both of you if it ever comes to that!
  12. That's great to know! To be so independent you must have a history to have caused it?
  13. That's quite commendable, I couldn't ever be with a woman that wasn't independent! After my last wife was killed due to me always trying to protect her and not letting her be independent I realized people need to be independent in order to survive!
  14. @Kaitlyn looking in the long run of your life, would you ever see marriage as a part of it?
  15. I like your middle name, my full name is Lucious Lee Times and I'm from Los Angeles, California. But, I was born and raised the majority of my childhood in Hawaii. My grandfather is from Clovis, New Mexico. Big time boxer and track star he was!
  16. That's amazing, when I ask questions I'm asking about your RP, not necessarily you in RL. I wouldn't want you to express things publicly about yourself. So to start...what's your full name and where are you from?
  17. Thomas Hetch for governer

    That's odd, my party is so far from communist, but I mean it's alright I'm glad Thomas has the continous support from you. It's kind of you and it does good for him!
  18. You're very wise, very aware of what needs to be done! You understand how to approach people...and all around I just love your personality! I'd like to get to know you more, on more of a personal RP level. I'd like to get to know the real Kaitlyn and I'd like for you to get to know the real Lucious Times. If you'll allow me the honor, I'd be more than happy to RP dating you right over this here topic in front of everyone. You'll of course be free to ask anything about me (Lucious) and I hope you'll allow me to do the same vise versa. It's rare in America to see a political leader without a strong wise partner at their side and I'd like to follow that. If I am being too forward please be direct in telling me so, but if you are okay with what I ask you would make me very happy!
  19. In my eyes, @FatherOfLoyalty is my RP father! I'd never cross him, and as he said...if you want ask, we'll discuss and you'll receive!
  20. @Kaitlyn I have another proposal if you'd be interested...
  21. New candidates are on the block everyday, let's keep eyes open!
  22. vote me and live better

    We have been told 4 days, but we're not certain that's true!