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Everything posted by LuciousTimes


    @yellowhero12 I pitched a university idea a while back to Motown and it won't really fit into the game!

    Exactly, I'm sure it'll play a really small part. That's why I don't want to waste money on it. I say keep healthcare private.

    Joel Keys in my eyes is an expert in the area of taxes! Better than any candidate including myself! This flat tax is the best so far! Joel, Friday night I'll close the tax portion of this forum. At that time would you approve of others using your tax plan IF they credited you. We'd like to share works in the US and UK!

    Yes, like how in RL we have family doctors. 10% is 10% so they are paying more, but it's fair. Universal healthcare would be nice, but it won't be easy. It'll be very expensive with crime so high. Which will take away from taxes exceptionally.

    In the game taxes will be used to provide salaries mainly, possibly any unique construction like statues, but roads and so forth won't need to be re-done. Healthcare will be privatized and doctors will be paid through through their own work. Mainly only the politicians and policemen will use taxes. We'd hate to waste taxpayers money. The game provides a lot, taxes aren't as needed.

    Appreciated, and of course! Always open to media!

    To begin, in my opinion... TAXES: Taxes will be a very simple flat tax. 10% of your reported yearly income must be given in taxes. 10% tax will also be placed on corporation profit, not income.
  8. I knew you'd come into play sooner than later! I said he had his mind before my response due to other meanwhile post! Weakness shouldn't ever be associated with me! I'm kind, there's a difference! And I don't enjoy pointless argument, which is where I felt our conversation was going until we further spoke and now I can say I actually like and appreciate @yellowhero12 !
  9. Well each server has a different governor so my influence will only apply to my server! Public interest will have high impact, whatever the people envision I'll try to work with! Any monopolies that are going against the interest of the people will be disbanded!
  10. As I said, the quality of life would be great, IF regulated properly! It is impossible to create exact policy when the game is not released! But it is obvious you are more educated in this aspect than myself! Please explain some details and then I may give some of my thoughts!
  11. If regulated properly, it can have the best of quality! Teddy Roosevelt knew how to regulate properly!
  12. Free market determines all, the demand will determine who is in power! Simple...YES! I love politics, that why I have no companies or businesses! I only care about this! As stated in question market will determine! Government will have little oversight!
  13. There is no debate with a man that has a mind set in stone! You we're set on Hetch and deliberately against me before I even gave my initial response! I do not wish to argue and fight! It's just ridiculous, I have my policies the other candidates have theirs! Whichever suits you best go with that candidate! If Hetch is that candidate for you then by all means go with him, but don't bring vex to me!
  14. I know who I am and what I'm trying to do! You misinterpret me! It's alright, I "suck ass" in your opinion!
  15. @yellowhero12 Do you not find it disrespectful to come out of no where after only recently joining, slander my name, and show hatred for someone you only have assumptions about?
  16. Motown informed me that all party details won't play part in the game! Taxes are only ideology until we actually have the game to base ideas off of! I don't know how long you've been around, but I turned myself in whiles ago and served time as example that crime would not be tolerated! I'm aware I made the statement, if I may ask... who was it directed towards? Your opinion... is your opinion! It does not upset me! But my policies are what I believe, that's why I place them! Not because their popular, that would be Idiotic!
  17. Henry Garner

    Welcome to the political arena!
  18. The Forums have been quite dry!
  19. How politics will work

    Also, I would think there would be a short time slot for voting. Allowing only the people in the server at that time to vote.
  20. Blake Gillman for Mayor!

    There are very few Mayor candidates... so you have a chance to stand out!
  21. I'll make ammendments tomorrow!
  22. Offline hours do count, but when you make me think about it 45 days is long! But... as Governor I want people to fear the punishment of their crimes! What sentence lengths do you recommend?
  23. Jail in the game isn't like what you may think! You can break out, start riots, etc! It's really not as bad! That would be the sentence, but don't forget the one for one on good behavior! The people placed in jail won't be there longer than 7 days top! If you're willing to murder someone then I'm sure you're willing to break out of prison!
  24. Yes, jail time is the only real punishment!
  25. Yes, "days" refers to Real Life Time!