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Everything posted by LuciousTimes

  1. I like reaching out to people who aren't involved in politics in order to get a common sense perpective. Would you support me and The Royal Family for Governorship of Identity?

    1. YaLocalOreo
    2. LuciousTimes


      Thanks for considering!


  2. November Poll (Redo)

    Though I am a relevant candidate, I would like to personally congratulate the new Unified Party. They seem to be taking political veterans such as myself by storm. Good Luck @Xilvius
  3. @Intr Since the beginning of your Times on the forums you have supported The Royal Family...I just need you to know I really am grateful.
  4. @NotGummyBear I always wanted to crack down on crime, I've revised the laws before due to how excessive they were. The more I learn about the game the more I revise. I'll speak with the devs, watch some more videos and look through my policies again. Thank you for analyzing.
  5. Unified Party

    That's my impression!
  6. Unified Party

    He believes something along the lines of "free market makes the rich richer and the poor poorer"!
  7. Royal Family Revision

    It's a way of life I choose to live!
  8. Royal Family Revision

    It's become evident that some people see the need for revision with my character...should I remain a lion or be human?
  9. I knew it wasn't possible to be a lion in-game and people felt I should make the change so...I finally made my mind up and did it!
  10. Though I won't be verbally, my voice will be accounted for!
  11. Royal Family Revision

    Looks like by tomorrow I'll be a new "man"!
  12. You want them to see your accusations and posters that's fine, let them see it on your feed! I've been trying to run a steady professional campaign since before anyone of these current candidates and I truly dislike things like this! Just promote yourself and leave others alone! If you support your beliefs then speak on them and try to sway others! Don't shame others for thinking different than you, it's a campaign not war! Some of you guys just foul the idea of campaigning to a place it doesn't need to go! I'm just trying to be myself, present my beliefs and get votes from those that agree with me! Is it that hard to get votes that you guys have to attack your competitors? I just don't understand why y'all must be like this?
  13. I'm not gonna engage in the lies and false accusations anymore! If you guys have shame post or campaign posters PLEASE, post them on your own feed!
  14. Then you haven't read through this topic! I swear...what are y'all trying to start? Do you really think there's someone on these forums that doesn't care about a whole class of people? Politicians start the most unnecessary drama!
  15. It's not a matter of getting harder, I just don't understand why some politicians lie for the drama of it all!
  16. How could you say that about me? You don't know me, and I've given no impression that poor people don't matter! I know what it's like being poor! Where do people like you get these accusations from, it really makes no sense why you guys just pop up and say these things about people!
  17. Police Characters

  18. You saying I only care about the rich isn't bringing up a main point! It's just a lie that starts unneeded drama!
  19. It's politics that distracts from issues that matter, and focus on irrelevant things!
  20. The Debate

    In regards to candidates that would be more than proud to participate, but honestly can only type, what do you say to them?
  21. November Poll (Redo)

    @Xilvius and Jack Lester giving us a run for our money! God bless the rest!
  22. November Poll (Redo)

    Just curious, how do you vote for a party that doesn't have a candidate?
  23. The Royal Family does not bring interest to statements only intended to slander. Candidates that are more concerned about shaming other candidates versus making themselves shine due to who they are just bring shame to their own party. The Royal Family is not class biased, I personally have no interest in people's money, only their character.