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- Birthday 03/28/1978
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Yea it's not like they are making a game on a scale that's never been done before...I am so sick of these posts...PC gamer's are some of the most spoiled, act like their shit don't stink, impatient children! Why has no one rode Rockstar for taking 8 YEARS making RDR2 and it won't even be released for PC!??!?!? But let's give these guys a hard time...8 years to make a game that's only for consoles, and a fraction of the size and scale that Identity plans to encompass. This is what's wrong with PC gaming, in my opinion, it's the biggest issue with the types of games we have. 8 years for a game to be made by a well established company with infinite resources and man power...You guys really expect Identity to be made by a much smaller team, with much less at their disposal...Are you guys for real?! I mean are you really that thick? If a master builder can build a nice home in around 3 weeks time and has everything he needs...Let's make you whiners build a mansion in 1 week with no resources...let's see how you guys fare...chuckleheads...SMH...face palm. This is how you guys sound to me. Can't Understand Normal Thinking...
Who the hell do you people think you are? Personally I have an issue with pompous arrogant know it all's. I really cannot believe how much audacity some people have...How do you have the nerve to tell them how much they should be working...it's seriously time to grow up and stop tellin people how do their jobs...especially in an industry that you have NO CLUE about. Buying & playing games, and reading Game Informer doesn't make you a foremost authority on how to make games...Especially if you comparing them to other people...EVERYONE ISN'T THE SAME! Who are you people to tell them how they should be getting things done? I don't get it. Who died and left you Lord Of The Apes? Now your comparing them to doctors and bankers...? SMH...FACE PALM. I got the speed demon package, and I'm not here telling them how to do their job and make their game. The only schedule that they are behind on...is their own, they set deadlines for themselves, no one else set them. Honestly, calling them lazy and not willing to make sacrifices is about as arrogant as you can get, short of saying you can do it faster...LMAO you're lucky I'm not a developer on this game, with your massively faulted way of thinking and logic, I would give you ur pledge back out of my own pocket and tell you to F off. Your comparing the making of video game work ethics, with those of doctors and bankers...yea you have no clue what the hell you are talking about. What is generally expected is...that when you are doing a project, that entails making a game like no one has ever made before...you don't compare them to SHIT THAT's ALREADY BEEN DONE. You knob! It's not even my game and I'm getting pissed off. lol But I have invested a pretty penny to play this game. People like you aren't going to make this process any faster or easier if you keep spreading seeds of doubt. Honestly if it were to fail...I would blame the "supporter's" not the developer's. I might not agree with how they've done certain things, but it isn't my project, so I let them do them. When I'm doing my thing I don't like to be told how and when it should be finished...Especially by someone who has no clue or experience in what is being done. If you support them then you don't have to agree with their process, you just have to support what they are trying to accomplish. If we can give developer's like UbiSoft Rockstar etc...our undying support even after they screw up...with all their resources and experience then it should go without saying that these guys deserve the same. Considering that Asylum is attempting to make a game that not one veteran company has decided to take on. So please get off your high horse and either support the game or don't, but dont step from one side of that line to the other depending on if they are moving fast enough to not get your panties all bunched up.
This is THEIR FIRST GAME! LOL you might wanna pay your ticket...the one for riding Rockstar's jock strap with no helmet. This would be the equivalent of Rockstar attempting to make a game more massive than any they've done so far, as their very first game! They wouldn't stand a chance if Rockstar tried to make GTA V as their very first game and relied on us to help get them there. You guys whining can't even give these devs a chance to learn the process...OH MY GOD! THEY"VE MADE MISTAKES?!?!? NO ONE does that anymore, so I can understand your impatience with that...Shaking my head...FACE PALM! It's a tiny module...lol...and It's still doing things that a well established company like Rockstar hasn't even attempted yet. These guys could very well take the Rockstar way, make a bunch of great smaller games till they are a multi-billion dollar company...They could literally make one aspect of this game, and then sell every one after as DLC which seems to be the industry standard these days. Rockstar sets realistic deadlines and meet them a vast majority of the time right? Then I guess you were still living under a rock when GTA V released to a plague of problems. They also kept tellin us that the heists would be out by a certain time, and then stopped working on heists(missing another dealline they set) and released the ports to next gen consoles, at the time, then took even more time for PC port...more missed deadlines. They finally released heists over a year after they said they would. That's only GTA V, and if you think that was the first game they ever missed a deadline, then you're not very informed. Yea you keep thinking Rockstar is the perfect company you want to believe they are. What gives any one you the right to be annoyed? Do they not have a right to learn the process and make some mistakes along the way? They are atleast giving us parts of the game to play while we wait for the release. Rockstar doesn't do that...You are arguing emotion which is something you can't argue about. People will feel how they feel and nothing you can say, no matter how much you say to the contrary, and no matter the amount of fact to contradict their belief. You just won't get thru. For example...Flat Earth, people still believe we live on a flat earth! They didn't hold a gun to anyone's head for your money. They stated their mission and you either believe in it or don't...that does not give you the right to lecture them on how things should be done and how long they should be done in. Simply because it's taking longer than you guys anticipated that it would take. Or maybe your arrogant enough to think you could do it better and faster. Plenty of well established companies that could make this game happen...But Asylum is the first one to try and make it a reality. If it wasn't for impatient people bugging them for more information about when it's gonna come out and what is gonna be in it, I don't think they would have gotten themselves in this situation. But they are learning that sometimes you don't give the people what they want all the time. I don't agree with their decision to bring out the stat tracker, but it's not my game, it's theirs. I think people are gonna see things like it's taking them longer to do two items than it took to do most of the others. But they don't know what is going into different tasks, every task isn't fast and easy. Some are way more complex, and considering they are doing quite a few things that are an industry first! I think they deserve some slack, and shouldn't have to take any time to worry about their supporters being happy. They should focus on making a game, which is kinda hard when you're more worried about giving things for people to look forward to to keep their backers and player base happy. Seriously, comparing how well they get things done to those of a well established company is a moot point. As many well established companies like Ubisoft & Rockstar make plenty of mistakes, even with all their experience and resources. What we should be comparing to those veteran developer's is how this game is leaps and bounds ahead of what any of them are doing, how a small new team is trying to accomplish things that veteran developer's should be doing...but aren't. THAT's what you compare to...In my opinion I hope they put at least 7-10 years of development on this game. Bigger companies have taken that much and longer to release games a fraction size of the massive scale this game hopes to encompass. They make mistakes all along the way as well, only their share holders hear about it, not us. We also don't get anything to give us a taste of what's coming. You guys are drawing more negative attention to their faults, which isn't going to persuade someone else to invest in their vision. But you keep thinking you're fighting for the little guy, defending the rights of those oppressed "supporter's" who are being let down by incompetent developer's.
Impatient kids are still testing my patience...I say kids because most adults tend to understand what would go into making a game of this scale. Rockstar takes years to make a game a fraction of this size and gives people nothing, but what they want to release. They have much more resources and still takes years to make a game from the criminal aspect of life or being a cowboy outlaw...Let's try to remember a much smaller team isn't supposed to accomplish this game faster than the likes of well established developers with much deeper pockets.
Well considering I didn't see anyone say I think it's not my type of game...I seen..."it will be terrible, it's too generic" that's not preference to say a game will be terrible, and then to call it generic...when I'm pretty sure "generic" is the last thing you could call SCUM...so next time you wanna jump to defend someone's feelings of preference...and apparently try and do the same exact thing to me that your telling me I should be respecting of other people, and that my opinion's show my "train of thought" Have a clue what your talking about please. I thought I laid it out pretty well, as to MY reasons for not listening to PC people...Maybe you can explain to me WHY anything I said in my 1st statement is true...cause it is from MY experience on PC for a a tad over a year. More like shows your train of thought to be jumping to defend something you didn't even take the time to read and understand. For future reference when someone says... I think it will be terrible, not my type of game...THAT is their preference. Your immediate jumping on my post to defend the right's of others "preferences" is proving my point exactly...You guys don't know what your talking about most of the time. FYI...My train of thought derailed long ago
Wow...seriously...it will be terrible? I don't think it will...The people who made Pubg can't even make their bullet physics consistent, driving cars is horrible! I feel like there is an invisible 3 year old boy's arm behind the vehicles pushing me along, crashing into the dumbest things...Like the ground because it meets at too sharp an angle and it stops you dead, and possibly even kills you, if you were going fast enough. If Pubg, which actually is terrible, but people still played it made it way more popular than it deserved. People on PC for some reason wont buy a subscription service, they rather deal with cheaters and broken services...But pump out some skins for weapons, or clothes for a player's character...and people will spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars for skins! But won't pay 6.99 for a subscription service to get rid of hackers...lol...I think im gonna start taking anything PC people say with a grain of salt...You guys, for the most part, have not a damn clue what's good or not lol
Require Memory and Graphics card
JohnNYBlaze replied to FireRealm8113's question in Tourism <span style='font-size:0.7em'>(Q&A)</span>
I would also throw in, on top of what's already been said, how you want the game to look is gonna have impact on what kinda specs this game will require. For me, I didn't jump into PC gaming to play games at the same graphical level as a console, though for others the graphics aren't as important. I would say at least 8-16GB of memory, and the Gpu depending on your preference. When they say if you can run GTA V, Arma 3, and Ark...there are quite a few different settings for those games. And the same specs won't work for all settings unless it's high end of course... Take me for example... I bought a PC specifically so I could pledge and play Identity when it comes out. Now if I had done more research and waited a bit longer, I would have found out how different the specs required can vary from preference to preference. Are graphics, 1080p, 1440p, or 2160p more important to you? Or is FPS 60fps, 120fps, or 144fps more important to you? I can tell you from experience, when people say if you can run GTA, Arma, Ark you should be able to run Identity is very confusing, for me at least. I have a really good PC and it's still not good enough to run games I want in 4k @60fps I can run every game in 4k but not at 60fps consistently. If people would have told me PC gaming specs are sort of not very specfifc I would have learned more and I would have waited for the 1080ti to come out, it released 3 weeks after I got my gpu. Now I already need to upgrade my 1 year old gpu because the "master race" isn't very efficient at describing what requirements might be for some games depending on the setting you want to use. Honestly, there should be setting for each resolution... Like minimum, recommended, and optimal specs for 1080p...Minimum, recommended, and optimal for 1440p...Minimum, recommended, and optimal for 2160p. The system I got is only because I relied on other people to tell me what I would need for a PC for 4K, and you should never listen to people whose job it is to sell you the most expensive products they have, and not actually get you what you're looking for, or what you need. I needed to wait for a better gpu, but then he wouldn't make a sale that day. So he told me a 1080SC would play games in 4k no problem...and he made his sale. Had I known or found someone who actually cared about the customer and what I wanted, then I woulda gotten a 1080ti a month later. You could say if you run GTA, Arma, and Ark at you preferred settings Identity probably won't require much more that that. If you can run those games but they don't look as good as you want them, then I'd say it's time to upgrade something. I'm sure the required specs for the modules won't be nearly as high as the specs for the full game, when it releases years down the road. There are so many different specs you can use and settings you can adjust they really need to be more specific with PC games and the types of specs. With what they have now 1080p, 1440p, 2160p there needs to be a better, more specific spec requirements list...I mean this is the PC "Master Race" from all the bragging I hear. Yet instead of easier, things are 10 times as complicated. Gaming on console was always 4+4=8 on PC it seems to me it's more like 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=8. There are so many component configurations yet spec requirements are so limited...minimum and recommended is all I've seen. But that's my personal experience being on PC for the last year. I'm not a fanboy anymore. I play any platform that has great games. I don't hold a torch for any specific platform because they hold no torch for our die hard loyalty. Trust me people can be extremely loyal to their platforms. I've seen people fist fight over platform loyalty...*Facepalm* I want better games, not games I played 10-20 years ago on a console, so for me I will stay on PC till I get a 4k console. Remember...for them it's business for us it's about gaming. -
Game being delayed? We shouldn't complain
JohnNYBlaze replied to JackTyme's topic in The Town Square
I think people are forgetting to take some major factors into account...This is their first game...Yes they've made some mistakes, as WE ALL DO. I really can't believe ppl are this critical, especially since Identity plans to be on a scale that's never been attempted before. Imagine, if you will, you start doing a project that you've been dreaming of, you set a deadline for yourself because things are moving along nicely and you would like to keep the people supporting in the loop. Then something unexpected happens and your deadline is missed...Now, you're upset yourself, disappointed that something out of your control happened, that couldn't be foreseen necessarily. But some people start giving you crap...You're already beating yourself up, like they could be any harder than we usually are on ourselves. Why is it that it actually takes Rockstar YEARS to make a game that's only life as a criminal, no one complaining to them... I don't understand how ppl can honestly sit here and criticize a team for trying to make one of the most ambitious games to date, as their very first game! Rockstar has taken 7 or so years to make RDR2, and that's just life in the old west as a outlaw(criminal) cowboy. But somehow some of us expect a less seasoned team, with much less resources and man power to finish a game that's many times the size of games that have taken Rockstar ACTUAL YEARS to make them...RDR2 is gonna be out in the fall, and we've only just started getting videos on it! It might not even be for PC as they never released the first one on PC. But let it take 2 years to make a module of one of the most complicated games I've ever heard of...one that can truly distinguish PC gaming from other platforms...and people are complaining it's take YEARS! lol it's been 2...I honestly see this game going into development hell, simply because so many people have no understanding of what goes into making a game like Identity. I don't get why people call this the "mater race" people don't want to pay for subscription services, so cheater's run rampant, but release a stupid skin for your avatar or weapons, and people will shell out hundreds, and more, for that. I paid so much money for this rig, and yet most of the games I have are all the ones played on consoles anyway, there aren't very many games out there that utilize the potential that comes with all the money we spend on these way over priced components...I don't think people would pay Lamborghini money for their car if it was slightly better than a Honda. Why does my $650 gpu barely outplay, and certainly not by itself, a $500 console? Why do we pay so much for these components and they aren't even optimized...? How is it that a $500 system can play games in 4k with so much less than what a PC needs to run 4k? I don't feel like no "mater race" I feel like I joined the "sucker race". You wanna play games at a slightly better than a $500 console, then spend 2 grand on a PC...When we actually get developer's to try and utilize all that potential PC has to offer a game like Identity, it's actually held back by the very people who supposedly want to see it come to life...I spent $15-30 bucks where is my genre defining game!?!? It's taking too long it's been YEARS! lol Welcome to the "master Race" Seems more like all those that call it the "master race" just do so to try and convince themselves they aren't idiots for spending that kinda of money to game on a PC. This is just my perspective from gaming on PC for barely more than a year so far...90% of my games on PC I've already played on console. Simulators, old ass type games I played on 2d consoles, and a plethora of games, that I can't believe are actually games, that are played in 2018 on the "master race" platform, seem to be what set pc gaming apart from console...Atleast until games like Identity can start to take hold and gain some traction and support from their "master race". lmao "mater race" don't make me laugh. I feel like an idiot spending what I spent on this rig and have been plagued by so many more problems than I EVER had to deal with in 30+ years of console gaming... Ok, let the hate begin... -
Why are people so understanding??? OMG, No you did NOT forget...HOW DARE YOU forget...It's inhuman...I backed a developer on a small team and they NEVER forgot to update their anything, EVER! Btw that was all sarcasm...You guys keep it up, don't mind the cry babies, they need to cry about something to feel important. Most of us understand and are rooting for you guys. Less time wasted fending off attacks on the forum's might make this process easier...People do realize that there isn't a deadline, other than the ones they set for themselves? Why would anyone think that we can be any more hard on them than they are already on themselves when something don't goes right. I know I've been there, and I notice gamer's don't show much empathy these days...in fact unless it's them who are in trouble, and want your understanding for what they are going thru, that concept often doesn't go both ways.
So this game you're backing must be close to the same size and scale as Identity, otherwise to compare it to Identity would be silly. Thank you so much for making my point...To me that's a few weeks NOT working on the game, to make video's, just so you can feel more secure about investing in Identity...Please...tell me what game your working on...I really need to see what you are comparing this game too. I backed a game too that had a nice size of it's game ready for the kickstarter...Does that mean that Identity shoulda had something playable for their kickstarter...Although I'm sure they would have LOVED to be able to do that. But this is a very ambitious game even for a developer like Rockstar to undertake... How long do you think it would take Rockstar to make a game of this scale? I'd say atleast 10+ years, and we wouldn't hear SQUAT about it for quite a few of those years, to say the least. I feel it's completely unreasonable to push this team...Either give them the space they need and they help to make a game that can truly set apart PC gaming from anything else. Or...don't back it. But you guys need to stop planting your seeds of doubt! It isn't helping anything... For someone who develops games, I'm not sure I buy that honestly, You don't seem very empathetic. Like the other gentleman that @ShiEksdee who seemed to know exactly what he was talking about, and didn't judge them based on what other teams have done.
I must admit being a "PC Gamer" is kind of a let down from all the hype I've heard from ppl over the years...I seen so many games, playing on consoles and now PC for a year, go for $60 and not even come close to the scale this game aims to be. I've seen people say $45 is too much!?!?!? WHAT?! How many games have sold for $60 years after they were released. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to understand how massive Identity actually plans to be, with enough support from us, and how early in the process we are...I see some of the moderator's tell others that they are shooting for 2020-2021 release...GOD I hope NOT! No game has ever been made on a scale like this and it takes years to make games a fraction of this size, from more established, fully funded, veteran developers. With many MANY years of experience making games just LIKE it, though they get better and better with every iteration. Asylum making Identity would be like Rockstar making GTA 7 or 8 as it's first game...Red Dead Redemption 2 has already taken 7+ years, and that's from a well established developer, that didn't have to wait for more developer's or funding. If we expect Identity to be the game it can be...Then this team, in it's current size, will need more time than that 20-21 release date, and so much more funding. I can't understand how people actually expect a smaller, newer, less seasoned company to make a game in scale like Identity, and do it in less time, with lot less money. Than an experienced developer with a solid foothold in the industry, and with how many games under it's belt?...come on people let's be realistic...If we can't start acting like gaming enthusiasts, I don't really see many games becoming the games that can really set PC gaming apart from any other platform...unless of course they already have everything they need. Asylum is basically skipping years and years of development making smaller games to jump to their piece de resistance. The ONLY way this happens, is if we believe in their vision, and give them the support they need thru us banding together as gamer's and telling the industry the games WE want to play! We aren't gonna get better games, than the games going for $60, if we keep hearing games shouldn't cost X amount on a platform that's supposed to be for gaming enthusiasts.
So, the TV's can play real Twitch streamers...I thought I heard something about all major Twitch streamers will be able to be found on the TV's in Identity. Will you also support You Tube streamers, and I really hope it's not just "major" streamers, that will be shown. Anyone who streams this game should be able to be seen. It shouldn't be reserved for only those with lots of viewers...
That's is probably the most ignorant statement I've heard so far on these forum's. And I can see exactly why PC games suffer...because of "gamer's" like you, that seem to think your entitled to tell other people how to do their job. Well let's examine that...cause yea releasing imperfect alpha's and beta's, guarantee's your game will get made...Go back to school and learn how business actually works. With as many impatient, self entitled, and arrogant kids these days who game on PC, but should be on console with your lint pockets and feelings of entitlement. Yea good idea! Let them release something just so you cry babies can shut up about it...then all the geniuses, that judge a game and tell others it's not worth what they charge, and don't recommend to others... blah blah blah and any other ignorant crap that comes out of your guys mouths for no reason...Dude seriously...take your pocket lint and invest in something like NO Man's Sky, I heard that games screwed so many ppl over, that's all I heard about for 6 months, when I got on PC and pledged this game. "This gonna be another No Man's Sky"...I seen somewhere that No Man's Sky is now being made for Xbox, and the PC version is starting to get to where they hoped it would., and its still mostly negative reviews, ROFLMAOPMP. You can't make massive PC games with console game money... You clowns have no idea how these things actually work. You get games like GTA and Wticher 3 and so many others...How long you think these games take to make with a BLANK CHECK and LOTS of MAN POWER? You must've made a bigger game by yourself, if you are TELLIN THEM how they should be doing things...I pledged $250, I'm not making demands! So are plenty of ppl who are actually trying to help this get made. Cause I actually wanna see a game like this come to life, that can really distinguish PC gaming from console. But not with the support it would get from a bunch of spoiled children. No Man's Sky has mostly negative reviews...Yet it's gotten enough support that it finally got past doubt phase, and looks like it starting to take the shape it was meant to...Which I can almost guarantee, wouldn't have take this long if ppl would treat EA like it should be, and show (here comes a big word) SUPPORT! You don't take the foundation of a game and pick apart what's wrong with it. You make sugestions and find bugs to help game development, not sabotage it...If the idea of the game is bad like some of these hundreds of thousands of the dumbest games I've ever seen on PC that actually become games...then you don't recommend... So what Star Citizen did this and that...good for them. This ain't Star Citizen...You haven't even pledged support, and yet you stand here acting holier than now, and are trying to dictate how something should be made, because of how something else was made??? You know what's a horrible practice...Acting like you have god damn clue one about what your even talking about...Your not a game developer...THANK GOD...I really don't see how you can tell other people how to run their business...Your about as ignorant as PC gamer's come, Please don't pledge, take your ignorance somewhere else and "help" them. I think I hear Star Citizen calling your name...I say thank god games like GTA and Witcher 3 don't have to rely on ppl like you to get made...It's honestly pretty damn sad that PC games suffer BECAUSE OF THE GAMER's. Not the developer's. Somehow you expect a SMALL team with no funding of their own to pull off a game that's literally many games bigger than games like GTA?! GTA took hundred's of millions of dollars and probably hundreds of thousands of man hours. Yea let's make them stop making the god damn game, so they can appease ppl like you, Those things take money too, Einstein. They are also changing things around because the earlier you back them, the better the reward...I personally feel like you cheap #$%&'s getting $1000 game dollars for barely paying what games like GTA are worth, let alone a game like this, are getting more than they deserve. To me how is giving ppl who gave $60 for support(Essentially just a Pre-Order)1000 in game cash fair. When ppl who gave 4 times as much, not to pre-order but actually HELP development. It feels like a slap in the face to me that someone who gives barely what a game like this is worth, gets 1k less than someone who give 4 times as much as the game would sell for at retail...To me I feel under appreciated. I think they should have done things differently with the in game cash rewards for backers...but I'm not making the game am I. I would just kick ppl like you out, give you your money, since your "pledge" doesn't make up for the negative attention you bring to the game, scaring potential supporters away. I backed another game that had a playable game during the Kickstarter. Does that mean everyone should do the same thing that makes a game? If this was being made by a major developer, then we would get the base game and all the rest of the careers/jobs would be sold to us as DLC later on, so get off your high horse. Since when the hell is not giving players access to the earlier version of the game, BETA and ALPHA, and making packages more expensive, after they've taken place...horrible practice? You help fund them early you get a bit more than someone who waited...this is common practice...The modules are something they WANTED to do for us BACKER's, not whiners, and was NOT required. This is for those who help get the foundation of the game past the module portion of development... Go check out the Atlas Life servers on Arma. If I'm not mistaken, they did their thing on there and had enough ppl, so they were like Yo, let's try and make this a actual game and not just a modded server. They could easily get outside fudning and give up certain artistic freedom's because investor's care about money. But we are supposed to be gamer's that want this game to come to life, and still we get ppl like you. This game is unlike any to come before it...yet you're saying that they should do things like other games...because you're simple and want it that way...You guys are really starting to piss me off. Cause honestly the ONLY reason this game doesn't get made is cause of people like you!
People wonder why PC games suffer lol...If they get the funding it will be a reality. If gamer's don't support it, unless they get outside help from a major developer, or investor. This will fail...it's not so much about blind faith as saying this is a game I want to be a reality. If GTA can do as good as it's done, as long as we help it get on it's feet...Why wouldn't Identity be a fantastic game that redefine's what gaming on PC can be like! I can only imagine how bad GTA woulda done if it was dependent on gamer's like that to get made.