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KenBlackout last won the day on March 14 2017

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61 Entrepreneur


About KenBlackout

  • Birthday 05/18/1985

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  1. I currently have an alliance of cops, businesses, and military working together. However, we haven't built the police section. Would you be interested in leading the police group?

    1. KenBlackout


      How is you're member base going thus far? Also what made you reach out to me for this position? I am just wondering the last part lol.

    2. LuciousTimes


      So far we have around 60 guys collectively in the entire Royal Family. The business section (Royal Businesses) has arounf 15 guys, our military (Royal Guards) has around 40, and theres a few straggalers, We need to build our police section (Royal Officers). I'd seen some of your post in the precinct and you seem pretty fir to lead a unit of officers. I just need you to be willing. Any questions?

    3. LuciousTimes


      PM me please, I can only send 5 messages a day and I've reached that already!