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About bukkityt

  • Birthday November 11

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    Hi! No, in the Town Square module, you can not earn money just walking around and seeing everything like the apartments.
  2. what happen to dev blog this month?

    do not worry there will always be a dev blog
  3. Hi! In advance, this should not be hate speech. When the Town Square gameplay was announced, most people were very happy about it but when it was presented most of them were not happy at all, yes I understand that most of it was not perfect but you just have to be happy with what you see, that's me also noticed the gameplay trailer with the drug production and I do not want to understand somehow why people just always have to chop on it this and that is wrong. Guys it's a fucking alpha since you're just happy with what you see and you're done, give your critique and that's it. As I said it should not be hate speech and also people who feel addressed it is not meant to be bad but I just wanted to write something about it. (And sorry for the bad english was written with google translator: D) ~ BukkitYT
  4. https://twitter.com/HairyGrenade/status/1000079662113050624
  5. Double keybinds?

    Hi! my question is: Is it possible to assign buttons for actions such as speech twice? For example, to speak, you have to press a mouse button but when you connect a steering wheel, you always have to press a mouse button to speak. So a mouse button and a button on the steering wheel to speak. Will that work? (sorry for bad english was written with google translator)
  6. Car Spawning

    Hi! Cars should despawnen after 30 minutes but that would disturb the roleplay massively why an idea for the car Spawning: could not you just set a limit? would be more advantageous than despawning.
  7. Kolmplettes Spiel

    Hi! soweit ich weiß sollte es Anfang 2019 rauskommen aber so sicher bin ich mir da auch nicht und das hier ist ein englisches Forum also das nächste mal Englisch benutzen. Ich hoffe das ich helfen könnte!
  8. Its a Steam download.
  9. Yes you can marry but if two men or women I can not know that. It would be more realistic if they could .
  10. Duel Wielding

    Yes restaurants should be in the game.
  11. you need the Founder Package to play Town Square