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Everything posted by MariusG69

  1. The U.S conspire to commit genocide against non-Aryan or non-Fascist individuals, and therefor it is justified to beat up any Trump supporter that doesn't agree with them or march the street breaking and vandalizing private and state-owned property. Makes sense!
  2. Anything "ANTIFA" related is just cancerous. Also, how come these "anti-fascist" movements claim to oppose fascism when they deploy fascist tactics themselves. Biggest hypocrites ever.
  3. 505 days? Pffft. 1k+ days here.
  4. Blacklisting Companys

    If you'd know anything of how business work, you would realize that you would make no profit if you bought products from your competitor and sold it. That would be like Wallmart buying stuff from Target only to resell it, it makes no sense.
  5. Hello dere

    That is very much appreciated I did some quick math, and with the current money raised, you have taken 2$/h each if you are a team of 5 in 2 years, which is NOT a lot. So I understand you need to do other things as well. But it's soooooooooooooooo slow.
  6. Hello dere

    At this speed, my calculations are saying that a playable beta will be in 2025.
  7. Hello dere

    But the progress bar has moved 26% in 1 full year. I have no clue how you guys will have a playable beta early 2017 which is in about 3 months.
  8. Is this even true...

    The ETA on a playable beta was early 2017, we are soon in early 2017, and they've done 20% progress on 1 frekin module in an entire year. I paid good money, and this is taking too long over promised time
  9. Please Block Russians!

    I somewhat agree.
  10. Donaldson & Guns - We Supply the Protection

    I would like to apply as Head of Security.