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Posts posted by MariusG69

  1. On 12/13/2018 at 12:44 AM, Jolly_Jess said:

    I know a lot of people are nervous to sing, which is why I sing too.  I try to coax people into having a good time because some people want to participate, but are just shy and need a little push.  My philosophy whenever people tell me they can't sing, "Everyone can sing, not everyone can sing well.  As long as you're having fun it doesn't matter."


    If you don't dare to put yourself out there in a roleplaying game, then you have nothing there to do as the result is just boring rp. 

  2. 5 hours ago, UhnotherGamer said:

    People are nervous, a lot of the time when I go in and watch people they are super quiet, then they end up leaving the stage.


    You're a character, behind a fake name in a game. Nobody cares if you're shit, it's just funny. 

  3. 5 hours ago, y4my4m said:

    They didn't even bother changing the .exe's name from Unreal's basic template "Shooter Game" lmfao

    Anyway, it's stuck at "loading" after the char creation


    ARK: Survival Evolved haven't either haha

  4. 16 minutes ago, LuciousTimes said:

    😂, I understand that the name may be misunderstood until my information is read. I’m sure that he fell in that boat of misunderstanding. No matter though, it is true it’ll (the Island) be under a US Government. Honestly, I’m happy that it is. After all, I am a proud Texan.


    If you are a supporter of the republic, then why in the world would you call yourself a "royal family". As I said, I would be happy to support an absolute monarchy as I think it would introduce an interesting militarization of the state. But to call yourself "royal" and be a supporter of the republic is a disgrace. Royal is a foreign word in republics. I would  also love worshipping a true king.

  5. 1 minute ago, dagtag said:

    2 release dates, delays happen so this is not "false information" as they didn't know they wouldn't make the deadline at first... @Matumbo on the other hand passed of 2022 as an actual release year which he cant do because there is no info regarding that year...


    As I stated earlier, there was no doubt behind the release dates the developers posted. There was no: "we're hoping to have it ready before...," it was direct: "the release date is". And if you've been here since late December 2014, then you'd know there's been waaay more than 2. Probably 10 all together (also counting other products such as website,  live tracker feed, etc).

  6. Just now, dagtag said:

    doesn't make sense... they havent been handing out false information as far as I know


    They have officially handed out at least 5  release dates so far. There have been no "maybe" or any doubt behind these release dates when they were announced. But they weren't correct, so what is the difference between @Matumbodoing it? His release date, objectively, seems more accurate anyway.

  7. 14 hours ago, Genesai said:

    How does the troll not get I'm trolling him back?


    I think you forgot what trolling was for a sec there. The "cheif" guy is trolling and you're taking it too seriously bro. Just a prank mate. And the fact that you pride yourself in having an 11k worth steam account...

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  8. I'm honestly not sure what to think. I feel like they went for a more kind of graphics that it's obvious it has been "modelled" without really looking any realistic.


    And the movement is kind of "stiff," so I'm wondering how they will be able to do the car mechanics. You can't drive a stiff car.