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About TheShadowLeaf

  • Birthday August 3

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  1. Presidential Building

    It would be awesome to have one main building (like the white house/houses of parliament) where the president (if any) and his politician aids* will be. There could be high level security with regular patrols and air support. There could be a way to attack this and gain some sort of reward. * No pun intended
  2. Body Guards?

    A free police escort around the map would be cool. Even a helicopter with a sniper on the side would be cool to stop assassinations.
  3. Hitman

    Do you think this would be a good career to take (if it's allowed) So someone could pay you x amount of money to kidnap/kill the requested target
  4. Hotel/Motel Career

    That would be fun, Instead of purchasing a house you could rent a room or even rent an apartment or a house for some cash
  5. An Orginal Suggestion System :)

    Those are all good suggestions and I hope they get implemented!
  6. Banking system

    That would be excellent.
  7. Are you SURE there's no grinding aspect?..

    Sure thing farmer duck! ahaha
  8. Rare Items

    That would be amazing, I would store them in my home
  9. Banking system

    There should be a proper baking system where you can Put some money into the bank you can get interest on your earnings. You should be able to store cash at home in a Safe etc but you can put some in the bank
  10. Are you SURE there's no grinding aspect?..

    I just wanna grind and become the richest in the land
  11. Hello!

    Hey my name is TheShadowLeaf and I am exited to be apart of the amazing adventure! Happy new year to all and good luck creating this game