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Everything posted by EvolGrinZ

  1. Weapon Permits

    I think it would be a cool idea to have weapon permits in the game. In order to buy a weapon you need to have a permit. Maybe even put limits on civilian permits, for instance civilians are only allowed to buy semi-automatic weapons. Players with a criminal record will be denied for a weapon permit, leaving them to find other ways to purchase weapons what opens up a whole new job opportunity, illegal weapon dealer.
  2. PvP Rules / Passive mode

    I quit once that CEO DLC hit, since you have to play in public to do that and you can't be on passive.
  3. PvP Rules / Passive mode

    Because no matter how many people keep saying this is RP game, there will be trolls with the main purpose of destroying the fun for someone else. It's what put me off from GTA-Online, just minding my own business and then just get blown up or shot, resulting in me just never leaving passive mode. I love the idea of the game and would like to play as an EMT or firefighter, but it would destroy the RP if I had to arm myself to the teeth as those, just to protect myself from said trolls who just want to kill people.