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    I will keep you in mind for vice prez spot when the game is released

    No this is not a motor cycle gang, this is just a gang that will involve many different gangsters no matter what vehicle they choose to have

    This will be a gang/family of loyal members who are down for the EAST SIDERS. We will have connections to a wide range of players with different roles within the game such as corporations, businesses and other criminals etc. West siders are to be attacked on site or have their locations and names reported to the Sergeant Of Arms! Our colors will be whatever you want to wear to allow for a wider range of EAST SIDERS to join. All members will be expected to pay club fees to ensure that the club is well funded in criminal expeditions and other club related costs. The more wealth the club has the more wealth its members will have. ATTIRE Patched leather jackets, patched leather vests and prospect denim vests will be designed in-game and distributed according to rank. Patched members and prospects will be expected to wear their respective patches or vests at all times in public except when on missions that require members to not attract attention to the club. RANKS PRESIDENT The president is the leader of the chapter. He is the clubs figurehead and will be the spokesman when dealing with the police and other gang presidents. The president is the chairman at club meetings and represents the chapter at national meetings. The president can also order hits, heists, drug production, payments and all other main objectives and the ordering of member punishment but decisions will in most cases be decided by the patched ranking members and higher as a collective decision via teamspeak or some other form of team communication. VICE PRESIDENT The vice president is second in charge and fills in when the president is away. It’s his job to make sure that matters passed at club meetings are carried out satisfactorily and will be responsible for punishment of members who fail to comply with orders such as ordering them to pay a fine to the treasurer or de-patching etc TREASURER The treasurer is the chapters’ money-man and he’s in charge of collecting club fees and paying the bills. The treasurer is responsible for collecting any debts owed to the syndicate and usually gets the job of checking out business opportunities prior to any decisions being made. The treasurer will be the person who handles the proceeds of a gangs illegal activity. He will also be the person who dishes out funds in key areas of the chapters activities such as supplying funds to the Sergeant Of Arms and funding transport such as club vehicles etc. NOTE: he will be subject to heavy punishment and maybe even death if misuse of funds is discovered! SERGEANT OF ARMS The sergeant at arms is the gangs “ENFORCER”. He enforces club procedures and maintains order at club meetings. The sergeant is in charge of security at gang events and headquarters and he is responsible for “back ups” (attacks on rivals). The sergeant looks after the gangs’ firearms and other weapons and will also receive funds from the treasury to buy weapons and ammunition that will be dispersed to members when they need them, he will be expected to amass a decent stockpile of ammunition and firearms for the club. PATCHED MEMBERS Patched members are members of the club who have earned the right to wear the syndicates leathers, after a suitable period spent “prospecting”. They take part in the running of the club and attend the chapter meetings. They are expected to follow the instructions of the president, vice president and the sergeant of arms. PROSPECTS A prospect is a “prospective” member of the club who is yet to earn his patch. Prospects are expected to do what they are told and follow the orders of patched members but may be assigned to a specific patched member. They must be prepared to engage in illegal activities to prove their loyalty to the gang. Prospects have no voting rights and do not attend meetings unless invited in. Prospects will be expected to wear their denim prospect vest at all times. Failure to follow instructions will most likely end with violence however once you leave this stage behind and become patched it will all be worth it! Prospects can be given weapons, ammunition and vehicles by patched members. NOTE: This is a basic draft and is subject to changes.
  5. Oil Tycoon

    Yeah, it would be really cool if the oil concept were added to the list of corporations within the game. It makes sense that vehicles and other motorized machinery should have to run off petrol which would also create career options to work in a petrol station pumping gas or an oil refinery etc It leaves me with the question of how you would be able to run machinery early in the game though as i would expect that owning an oil corp would cost millions if not billions to buy in turn leaving a server void of all petrol since nobody would have advanced far enough to actually own an oil corp in the early stages of the game.